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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1851-1855
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1851

Soon, the plane took off from Tokyo Airport. An hour later, we landed at Osaka Airport on time. When the

plane landed, according to the usual practice, let first-class guests get off the plane first. Xion didn’t have

any luggage and was sitting in a row outside, so as soon as the plane stopped, she immediately got up

and walked directly to the door.

As soon as the cabin door opened, Xion stepped out.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the plane arranged by the Banks Familyy will take off in half an

hour, so she needs to go to the business jet terminal and go through the security check again. To reach

the hangar of the private jet.

The duty process of private jets is different from that of ordinary civil aviation, and ordinary terminals only

serve ordinary civil aviation passengers.

As long as the customized passengers take private jets or business jets, they all go through the security

check and boarding at the business jet terminal.

When Charlie Wade walked out of the hatch carrying the suitcase, Xion was no longer in the long reach.

Charlie Wade couldn’t help but smiled and thought to himself: “I want to go back so anxiously? The more

anxious you want to go back, the less I don’t want you to go back.”

Thinking of this, he himself walked slowly to the business jet terminal while taking out his mobile phone

and asked Cameron Isaac: “Isaac, how are things arranged to explain you?”

Cameron Isaac smiled and said, “Master, don’t worry, I have everything ready.”

Charlie Wade snorted and said, “You pay attention to the situation, I will be here soon.”

“Good master!”

When Charlie Wade arrived at the business jet terminal and passed the security check smoothly,

Cameron Isaac had been waiting in the terminal for a long time.

Seeing Charlie Wade, he immediately stepped forward and whispered to him: “Master, everyone else

has already boarded the plane.

The woman in black clothes you mentioned on WeChat, I just saw her. After passing the security check, I

made a shuttle bus and went to Hangar No. 12. The plane parked there is the one you found out!”

After speaking, he said again: “Oh, yes, our plane is parked in Hangar 13 next to them, and the

departure time we requested is just behind them, and their plane will be in front of us in a moment. One.”

“Okay!” Charlie Wade laughed and said, “Go, go to the hangar first, and wait for a good show!”

Later, Charlie Wade and Cameron Isaac boarded a VIP shuttle bus and went to Hangar 13 together.

The shuttle bus drove all the way into the hangar, and the Gulfstream airliner that arrived was already

waiting here.

When the plane sent Charlie Wade and the others to Japan, they first flew to Tokyo, and then flew

directly to Osaka to wait. During this time, they never left Osaka.

Seeing Charlie Wade’s arrival, Don Albertt, Liam and others hurriedly got off the plane before Charlie

Wade arrived, and respectfully guarded outside the cabin door.

After Charlie Wade got out of the car, everyone called Master Wade, and then bowed deeply together.

Charlie Wade waved at them and said, “Don’t engage in these etiquettes, board the plane quickly, I’m

still waiting for a good show!”

After all, he has already taken the lead in boarding the plane. Seeing this, other people hurriedly


After everyone boarded the plane, the flight attendant immediately closed the door, and then asked

Cameron Isaac for instructions: “Mr. Wade, can the plane be launched?”

Cameron Isaac glanced at Charlie Wade, and when he saw Charlie Wade nodding, he immediately said

to the flight attendant: “Let’s launch it now!”

Subsequently, the aircraft was slowly pushed out of the hangar by ground vehicles.

The captain reported the situation to the tower and requested takeoff arrangements by the way. The

tower responded to the instructions and informed the captain that there was a private jet going to

Highland Falls in front of them and asked the captain to queue behind him to go to the runway.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1852

So the captain immediately picked up the communicator and made a cabin announcement: “Mr. Wade,

we have obtained the queuing permission from the tower. The tower puts us in line behind the China

Shipping plane in Hangar No. 12. Now compare the planes waiting to take off at Osaka Airport. Many, it

takes about forty minutes to take off.”

As soon as Charlie Wade heard that the plane he was flying was behind the plane of Banks’ family, he

immediately said to Cameron Isaac, “Go, go to the cockpit!”

Cameron Isaac quickly followed Charlie Wade and squeezed into the somewhat narrow cockpit together.

As soon as Cameron Isaac came in, he asked the captain, “Where is the plane from China Shipping?”

The captain pointed to the plane that had just been pushed out from the hangar and was turning in place,

and said, “Isaac, that’s the one.”

Cameron Isaac nodded and saw that the plane turned toward the runway after turning in place, so he

quickly said to the captain, “Quickly follow him!”

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The captain immediately increased the engine thrust, and the plane followed the Banks’ plane and taxied

forward unhurriedly.

Seeing the plane with its wings trembling constantly in front, Charlie Wade’s face was full of smiles.


At this moment, in the Airbus A320 sent by the Banks Familyy, more than fifty top masters of the Banks

Familyy were sitting neatly.

A middle-aged man, looking at Xion sitting in the front unsmilingly, stepped forward and smiled and said:

“Miss Xion, this operation is really successful under your command. Let’s destroy the Matsumoto family.

None of them died, and we will be successfully withdrawn this time. As long as our planes fly together,

the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department will never find us in this lifetime!” As soon as the others heard

this, they hurriedly agreed: “Yes, Miss Xion, you have a good leadership this time.

After you go back, Mr. Banks will definitely promote you. Don’t forget us at that time!” Xion said

indifferently: “I, like you, are both subordinates of the Banks Familyy. As long as you do things well, the

Patriarch will definitely not treat you badly.” After that, Xion said again: “After going back this time, I will

definitely report the truth to the Patriarch and ask for your credit. Please rest assured!” When everyone

heard this, they all smiled and apologized.

Although everyone is a master of martial arts, in the final analysis, they have completely entered the

dunya, and they have worked for the Banks Familyy for money. When Xion said that she wanted to ask

for credit for everyone, everyone naturally knew, which meant that the Banks Familyy would definitely

reward everyone with a generous amount of cash. As a result, everyone clapped happily, cheering and

whistling endlessly. At this time, Xion’s phone vibrated.

She picked up her mobile phone, saw that Zayne was calling, hurriedly connected the phone, and said

respectfully: “Patriarch!” Zayne’s voice came: “Xion, how is your side? Is it about to take off? There are

no accidents and twists in the middle, right?” Xion hurriedly said, “Master, our plane is already in line for

take-off, and it is expected to take off in half an hour at most!”

“Very good!” Zayne said with a smile: “This time, you did a very beautiful job! When you return to

Eastcliff, you will definitely be rewarded!” Xion said piously: “Patriarch, it is Xion’s blessing to share

worries for you and the Banks Familyy…” Zayne laughed and said, “If you leave, I am really lucky to

have you as a strong general! Don’t you always want to go back to your hometown to take a look, after

this time you go back, I will give you a good vacation and go back to your hometown to take a rest Rest,

you can rest until the Lantern Festival and then come back!”

Xion said gratefully: “Thank you Patriarch! I really want to go back and take a look. It would be great if I

can rest!” Zayne said, “You did so beautifully this time, and you will definitely have a good rest when you

go back!” When Xion was about to say thank you, a large number of helicopters roared from all

directions outside. Outside the window, you could see many armored personnel carriers roaring,

surrounding the planes. In the sky, the helicopter shouted with a high-power speaker: “Listen to the

people below, we are the Japanese Self-Defense Force! You are now surrounded!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1853

At this moment, more than fifty Banks Familyy masters in the plane looked shocked! The plane is about

to take off, and everyone will be able to retreat, leave Japan, and return home to receive awards. Xion

had even received repeated compliments from Zayne on the phone. Who could have predicted that at

this moment, things suddenly changed dramatically!

More than a dozen helicopters of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, more than 30 ground-wheeled

armored vehicles, and the planes that surrounded Xion and others! The Japanese Self-Defense Force is

actually the Japanese army. Only after Japan was defeated that year, according to regulations, the

defeated country could not have an army, so it made some changes in the form of the Self-Defense

Force. Although it is called the Self-Defense Force, the equipment and training standards of the entire

Self-Defense Force are completely in accordance with the regular army.

The masters of the Banks Familyy are certainly very strong, but no matter how strong they are, they are

just martial arts masters. Their little punches and kicks, in front of the guns and guns of the regular army,

are almost like children playing house. What’s more, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces dispatched this

time are all specially trained anti-terrorist special forces, and the number is large, and the total number of

air and ground forces is at least 600 or 700!

These six to seven hundred people are almost the top presence in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces!

In addition, their equipment is very sophisticated, and they have set up a net in advance, so the Banks

Familyy masters are simply inevitable! Xion, who had not been in the old well, couldn’t help panicking

now. She blurted out and asked the people around: “What’s the matter?! How did the Japanese Self-

Defense Force find us?! Who leaked the wind?!” Everyone was full of horror, and they didn’t know who

had leaked the news. However, they know that everyone is over this time!

Originally, the movement they made in Tokyo this time was so surprising that the Tokyo Metropolitan

Police Department and even the entire Japanese government hated them to their bones, so they would

trace their whereabouts at all costs. Tokyo and many surrounding cities have implemented exit controls

in order to catch them early. Now that they are in the hands of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, you

don’t have to think about it, this is a big trouble!

At this time, Zayne’s phone has not hung up. Hearing the movement on the phone, he immediately

blurted out and asked: “Xion, what’s the matter?!” Xion said with a trembling voice: “Patriarch…our plane

is surrounded by the Japanese Self-Defense Force…” “What?!” Zayne felt dizzy when he heard this! He

secretly said in his heart: “It’s over! This is over! The Banks Familyy has sent nearly a hundred people to

Japan this time.

Except for some support and auxiliary personnel, the real core masters are all on that plane!” “It can be

said that the more than fifty people on that plane represent at least 80% of the combat effectiveness of

the Banks Familyy!” “Especially Xion, this is a general who can be one hundred!” “If these people fall into

the hands of the Japanese government, according to Japanese law, the principal offender should be

properly sentenced to death, and the accessory should also be imprisoned for life…”

Thinking of this, Zayne almost ran away, and he tremblingly asked, “Ruo Li, what is going on?! Did you

leak the wind, or did a traitor appear inside?!” Xion also said nervously, “Going home, I don’t know this

now…” At this time, the broadcast outside the plane continued: “This is the Japanese Self-Defense

Force. You are restricted to immediately turn off the aircraft engine and open the door for investigation.

Otherwise, we will resort to aggressive attacks!”

The captain and deputy captain in the cockpit panicked first. They can all see the gunship above the

front, and the large-caliber cannon in front of the helicopter has been aimed at them. In front of this kind

of military weapon, the civil aviation airliner has absolutely no power to parry. If the engine is not turned

off, the cannon on the helicopter can instantly turn the aircraft into a hornet’s nest. So they didn’t care

about asking Xion for instructions, and immediately turned off the aircraft engine.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1854

At this time, the outside broadcast continued: “This is the Japanese Self-Defense Force. You are

restricted to open all hatches immediately! Otherwise, our special forces will attack!”

The captain ran out of the cockpit at this time and said nervously: “The other party asked us to open the

hatch. If we don’t open it, we will attack!”

There was also chaos in the cabin.

These so-called super masters were completely panicked at this moment. Some people stood up in a

panic, like a headless fly, pacing back and forth in the cabin, as if looking for a way to escape.

More than fifty people, like more than fifty cockroaches locked in a glass bottle, were so frightened that

there was nothing to add! Xion also panicked. However, she knew very well in her heart that once the

hatch was opened, it was tantamount to surrendering!

The massacre of the Matsumoto family angered the whole of Japan. If she takes everyone to surrender,

the Japanese government will not let them go, and will punish them with the harshest means possible…

However, if you don’t surrender, the end will probably be even worse!

Because special forces all over the world basically adopt the same approach when fighting terrorism.

They will use directional bombs to blow open the doors and windows of the cabin, and then throw flash

bombs and tear gas into the cabin.

Flash bombs will release extremely strong light instantly, blinding people’s eyes in a short period of time.

Once they lose their vision, they can only be slaughtered.

And tear gas is a double blow.

It not only makes people cough and loses combat effectiveness, but also makes people’s eyes irritated

and secretes a lot of tears, further destroying the opponent’s vision.

The flash bombs and tear gas came in turns so many times, before the special forces rushed in, the

people inside might not be able to hold it, climb out and surrender…

In despair, Xion asked Zayne on the other end of the phone, “Patriarch…you…what do you think we

should do…”

“How to do……”

Zayne whispered feebly, all the distressed are bleeding! The elite of the Banks Familyy’s core are going

to be wiped out! The blow and influence this brought to the Banks Familyy was too great! Moreover, in

the next few years, it is impossible for the Banks Familyy to re-assemble such a team! Even if it can, it

will have to pay a huge cost!

The cost of attracting a top master is sometimes higher than attracting a hundred ordinary people! With

so many top players, the cost behind them is also astronomical.

What is even more depressing is that if these fifty people fall into the hands of the Japanese government,

whether they are sentenced to death or life imprisonment, the Banks Familyy will have to pay their

relatives a lot of living allowances all the year round!

This is also the core method used by the Banks Familyy to win over these masters. The reason why they

worked for the Banks Familyy was because the Banks Familyy promised their high salaries, and they

also promised that in the event of an accident, the Banks Familyy would pay their family members a

monthly subsidy of more than one million Dollar.

It was this kind of money spent at any cost that allowed the Banks Familyy to gather such a large

number of top experts. But now, once these fifty-odd people are captured by the Japanese government,

their families will immediately become the oil bottle of the Banks Familyy! Moreover, the Banks Familyy

must not kick these oil bottles away, otherwise, no one will be devoted to the Banks Familyy in the future!

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So, this time I really have to lose to grandma’s house!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1855

At the time when the two sides were deadlocked, the head of Japan’s homeland security department had

already flown to Osaka Airport by special plane.

With him, there was the Director of the Tokyo Warning Agency.

Originally, they were under tremendous pressure and carried out a carpet investigation in Tokyo. They

tried their best to catch a group of murderers, so that they could give the people an explanation and the

high-level officials.

But what I didn’t expect was that these murderers were more cunning than the foxes, and left no useful

clues at all.

When they originally wanted to continue to expand their search range, they suddenly received a

message from a mysterious man saying that the murderer had arrived in Osaka and would return to

China by plane from Osaka. This shocked the people of the Department of Homeland Security!

If this group of people is really allowed to run away, this sensational massacre that caused a sensation

across the country may not be broken for a lifetime.

At that time, the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department and the Homeland Security Department will

be completely thrown into the face, and even be scolded by thousands of people.

Therefore, the Homeland Security Department immediately made a decision to directly take over the

case from the Metropolitan Police Department, and then notify the Self-Defense Forces in Osaka to take

over and prevent the plane from taking off at all costs.

The Japanese Self-Defense Force has tens of thousands of troops stationed in Osaka. Upon receiving

instructions from the Homeland Security Bureau, they immediately dispatched the most powerful special

forces to Osaka Airport.

Moreover, the Homeland Security Department even made an emergency plan to prepare a fighter


If the special forces fail to stop the private jet and allow it to take off, the Japanese Self-Defense Force’s

f35 fighter jet will immediately take off, trying to force it to return to Osaka Airport and land before it

leaves Japan’s airspace.

At this time, the special plane of the Department of Homeland Security just stopped, the person in

charge immediately picked up the phone and asked: “How is the situation on the scene now? Is the other

party’s plane under control?!”

On the phone, the voice of the operational commander came immediately: “Now the opponent’s aircraft

is surrounded by our square-wheeled armored vehicles, and there is no possibility of breaking through,

but the opponent has not yet been captured, we are already preparing for a storm!”

“Okay!” The head of the Department of Homeland Security gritted his teeth and said, “Give them one

more minute. If they don’t surrender obediently, immediately carry out a live ammunition attack!

This time we must kill these cruel desperadoes in one fell swoop and give it to all of Japan. The people

will explain!”

Following his order, four boarding vehicles with boarding ladders slowly drove towards Banks’ plane from

both sides.

Four combat squads with live ammunition have assembled under the plane. Once the boarding car is

aimed at the cabin door, they will quickly rush up, blow up the cabin door, and use flash bombs and tear

gas to conduct the first round of attack.

Their firearms have also been inspected. The all-American assault rifles have very powerful firepower.

Once the fire is exchanged, these Banks Familyy’s subordinates have no power to parry.

At this time, Xion, through the window, saw the boarding car approaching, she was already extremely

nervous, but she still didn’t think about what to do.

Someone around me panicked and proposed: “Let’s open the hatch and surrender honestly. If they

attack by force, the bullet will not be long-sighted!”

“Surrender?!” Someone immediately scolded angrily: “Damn! I killed four of the Matsumoto family alone.

Isn’t surrendering to death? He will definitely be sentenced to death by then!”

“The death penalty does not matter!” Another person blurted out: “The execution cycle of the death

penalty in Japan is very long. Do you know the Shinrikyo who committed terrorist attacks at Tokyo

subway stations before?

Their leader Shoko Asahara used sand in 1995. Lin Duqi attacked the Tokyo subway and shocked the

world, but he was not executed until 2018, and it has been delayed for more than 20 years! Even if we

are sentenced to death, we can at least live in prison for more than ten or twenty years. It’s better than

being shot to death right now, right?”

“Yes!” Someone stood up, clenched a fist and said, “With our strength, even if we go to prison, we can

definitely become a hegemon in the prison.

No one wants to bully us. Then we can live even in prison. Very comfortable, why don’t you think about it


The conversation between these people immediately convinced most people. If you can live, no one is

willing to give up the hope of survival. Even living in prison is much better than dying on the spot.

So everyone looked at Xion and blurted out: “Miss Xion, let’s surrender!”