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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

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Chapter 0415

| knew Guardians were powerful. Every werewolf hears about the Guardians at a young age. There is a reason

Alphas covet them. But, knowing they are powerful and actually seeing the results of that power are very


Watching Grace take down nearly 1000 hunters all at once was mind boggling. Knowing that she has that much

power and the ability to pull that kind of power from Cara and Angel makeswonder if it's hard for Grace to

house that inside her. Does it just lay dormant until it's needed, or

does it fester needing an outlet?

Those are thoughts for another day. Right now, my mate needs me. “How do you feel, baby?”

“Like I've been hit by a truck.”

“Let's get you back to the cabin.”

“But there are people here who need us. What about our pack members? Are all of them safe? Were any

injured?” Grace asks. Of course, she puts the pack ahead of herself.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I'm about to tell her Ill handle it after | have her safely in bed, when Carlos and Amber come

jogging up after checking on our pack mates.

“Luna. Are you alright?” Amber asks.

“Yes, do you know anything about our pack members?”

“We do have a few injured. None were killed, thankfully. That's not the case with all the packs. Several packs

have lost their Betas, and shave lost their Alphas.” Carlos answers.

He looks around, running his hands through his hair. “We had the intel, but we didn’t know what it meant. All we

knew was that they were planning something big.” He turns back looking at me.

This is big.”

“Yes, itis.”

“Were any of the elders injured?” Liam asks.

“No, they were protected by the others. It will take tfor the packs to settle after this. The ones. that lost their

Alphas will have to establish a new hierarchy or be absorbed into other packs.”

| stand, picking Grace up in the process, holding her bridal style in my arms. “I'm going to take

Grace to the cabin then I'll be back to help clean up.”

“Ell, | need to help.”

“Grace, you, Cara and Angel just saved our lives. Now you need to rest, and we can clean this up. We have a

long night ahead of us, and a long drive htomorrow. You rest and get your

strength back, baby.”

It seems Liam and Rik have the sidea, but they, at least, have the babies to encourage their mates to go

rest. | don't like leaving Grace alone, but after she assuresshe’ll shower and get in bed, | head back to the


It’s a long night of cleaning up. The elder who told us the hunters looked like they were put through a

woodchipper wasn't far off the mark. If | hadn't seen it, I'm not sure | would have believed it. We burn the

remains, making sure that there is nothing that the humans can recover. We don’t want the human police to

csniffing around our packs.

The elders are in charge of coming up with a scenato explain the explosions and fires in the state park. Liam,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Rik and | make a point to talk to the packs that lost someone, but most importantly, those that lost their Alphas.

Those packs will be feeling lost without their leader. Shave younger sons or brothers of the Alpha that can

step in and take over, but a couple will be in turmoil while the pack fights to re-create a hierarchy. They are also

at risk of being attacked by neighboring Alphas trying to take over their packs. Both Grace's father and Alpha

Christopher survived the attack. | make a mental note to let Grace know.

When we finish, I quickly shower and slide into bed with my mate, getting a couple hours of sleep before we

leave to head back home.

In the morning, the elders call an Alpha meeting before we leave. They want us to report anything we hear about

the hunters. Their move on us during the tournament is unprecedented. They have becaggressive in their

attack on us. | bring up the recent attack on our neighboring sprites. Rik agrees to talk to King Ailduin and see if

he has heard of any other attacks on the fae. Liam tells the group that we will ask any other supernaturals that

cto swear fealty to the Guardians if they are having issues with the hunters.

We also discuss the rumors that swerewolves have been taken-captive. Several Alphas indicate that they

feel that their pack members have been captured, but they haven't been able to lind where they are being held.

A video call is scheduled for two weeks from today to discuss any further information that can be gained.


Chapter 0416