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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 239
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"Mommy!" Abigail's voice pulled her back to reality.

Dorothy immediately hung up the video call, then hastily rolled up the car window.

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As she watched Kevin walk past her car while talking on the phone, her heart raced. It almost felt like her heart was about to jump out of her mouth.

In reality, she should be starting the car and driving away from the scene, but her eyes uncontrollably followed Kevin's figure.

Who was she trying to see? That person? The moment the thought crossed her mind, Dorothy felt like she had abruptly woken up.

She withdrew her gaze, lowered her eyelashes, and started the car engine.

Some dreams, once shattered, should be left behind.

After driving away from the construction site, Dorothy headed back to the office. As soon as she entered the parking lot, she saw Austin from a distance, looking utterly exasperated while he was on the phone with someone.

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Strictly speaking, Austin wasn't her boss. At East Star Enterprises, Dorothy's position as Project Director was more or less on par with his role as General Manager. However, this development project was so vast that it required an experienced hand to guide it. Austin knew the ins and outs, and he was the board's preferred choice. So Dorothy did not compete with him for the leadership role.

After all, if the project was successful, everyone would share the profit. Plus, as the junior, it was appropriate to yield.

Austin also noticed her arrival. He waved his hand, then hung up the call and walked towards her.

"I've checked it out. It's just as you suspected; one of the designers contacted George privately. She asked for a cut once the deal was done." Austin was seething as he spoke. "Can you imagine how much trouble she's caused?! We were on the verge of losing our investors!" Dorothy chuckled. "Well, at least we found out in time to prevent further losses." "But what about George? Have you sorted it out?" The blueprints had been leaked to George.

"Not yet, but we're close." Dorothy paused, then continued, "Later, have the employee who leaked the blueprints come see me.

Since she's earned George's trust, we need to take advantage of that." Austin raised an eyebrow. "Use her? She should be fired!" "Right now, resolving the relocation issue is more important. We can deal with her once we've secured the land.” "Alright, then I'll leave this matter to you. | appreciate your efforts, Ms. Sanchez. Sorry to make you personally involved." Dorothy waved it off. "It's no problem.” After exchanging a few pleasantries, Austin turned to leave, but Dorothy called him back.

"Austin, isn't our investor for this resort project W&C Investments Inc.?" "Yes, it is." Austin seemed puzzled by her question. "Didn't you read the tender document?" She did, which was why she was confused to see Kevin at the construction site. Surely he couldn't have left the Lopez Corporation? "W&C Investments Inc. must be doing pretty well to afford such a huge investment.” Austin waved it off dismissively. "Pfft! If it weren't for the Lopez Corporation acquiring W&C Investments Inc., where would they have gotten the millions to invest?" Dorothy was taken aback. "W&C Investments Inc. is now part of the Lopez Corporation?" "You didn’t know? In the investment banking world, who can grow without having connections with the Lopez Corporation?" After saying that, Austin smacked his lips. "I really admire the president of the Lopez Corporation. You have to admit that he's young, handsome, and capable.The last time | saw your daughter, | thought she looked a bit like Mr. Lopez."