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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1954
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In the end, Seth lugged the paper bag filled with medicine upstairs from the coffee table.

The medicines bought by the Ellis Family’s princess couldn’t be any less effective.

By the next day, the bruising had faded significantly, turning a pale yellow. He skipped

breakfast to avoid another lecture from Patty at the dining table. But at the school gates,

Seth almost ran into Cicely at the exact same spot as yesterday.

Cicely handed him an insulated lunch box. “I figured you wouldn’t have the patience to sit

through Patty’s nagging. And even if you’ve already eaten, make sure you finish all of


Every expression of concern from her was delivered with an attitude that made it hard to


“Cicely, mind your own business,” Seth replied, his gaze subtly shifting away from the

faint mark still visible on her wrist. She was delicate, that was for sure.

Cicely looked up, with a light yet vibrant smile on her face. “Do you think I’m not doing as

well as everyone else?”d2

Seth didn’t respond, but Cicely took his wrist, pushing the lunch box into his hands. “Make

sure you eat it all,” she insisted.

She didn’t linger, knowing Seth was a man of few words. Despite her desire to stick

around him, she decided against it. She wasn’t interested in being the center of attention

at the school entrance.

Clutching the insulated box, Seth watched her climb into her car. At sixteen, Cicely was

already tall and slender, with a radiant complexion and soft, perfect skin. She had

certainly grown up a lot since he first met her.

For the past couple of days, she had been unusually well-behaved. He had expected her to

make a fuss about him tutoring Danielle, but she hadn’t said a word. Seth frowned slightly

and walked into the school with the lunch box in hand.

After school, Danielle rushed to her appointment, and as soon as she got into the car, she

noticed Cicely leaving with Joel, getting into Cicely’s personal ride.

Danielle’s face twitched with a hint of sarcasm, but as the car pulled away, she turned her

attention back to her own matters. Arriving at the university campus, Danielle headed

straight for the library, where Seth was already seated at his usual spot, immersed in a


“Seth, is your arm feeling better?” she asked timidly.

“Yeah,” was his curt reply, not even looking up from his reading.

Danielle had never known how to get along with Seth. He was too aloof and distant, and

his lack of words could be seen as perfunctory every time. And that was when he bothered

to humor her at all; more often than not, he couldn’t be bothered.

She bit her lip and silently took out her homework, working on it quietly. She would do

what she could, and leave the rest for Seth to explain later. That was their unspoken

agreement, minimizing their interaction.

She didn’t expect much patience from him. Since she had fallen behind yesterday, today’s

workload was heavier, and their interaction, albeit strictly academic, was slightly more


As the tutoring session came to an end, Seth stood up and handed the lunch box to

Danielle. “Take this back with you.”

She looked puzzled. “What is this?”

Seth didn’t reply, just turned to return his book.

Danielle picked up the lunch box, her expression souring. There was no doubt it was from

the Ellis household. As for who gave it to Seth, she had a pretty good guess.

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Back at the Ellis residence, Cicely arrived home later than Danielle. After studying,

Danielle had hoped to invite Seth for dinner, but unsurprisingly, he had declined.

As she sat in the dining room, Cicely walked in. Creighton asked if she had eaten, and

Cicely confirmed she had dinner with friends at a restaurant.

Cicely set down her backpack and went to pour herself a glass of water. She noticed

Danielle dining alone, with a plate of pasta and several side dishes spread out on the


What a fancy life.

Danielle hadn’t finished her pasta before setting down her fork. “Seth asked me to bring

the lunch box back. When did you give him lunch?”

Cicely paused in her drinking, leaned back against the fridge, and offered a barbed smile.

“Is that any of your business?”

Danielle’s face darkened. “I just don’t want you to be an unnecessary bother to Seth.”

Cicely let out a mocking laugh. “He ate all the food I sent, so it doesn’t seem to bother

him. Don’t play games and stir up trouble. If you’re trying to be a manipulative little bitch,

pick the right person.”

Danielle abruptly stood up. “Cicely, don’t push it!”

The smile faded from Cicely’s face. “Danielle, don’t push your luck. You’ve repeatedly

ignored my warnings. I’m letting it go for Seth’s sake, for the sake of the Ellis family. My

concession is not an invitation for you to disrespect me like you’re doing now. Did he send

you with the box to tell me I’m a bother? Is being called a manipulative little bitch too

harsh to hear?”

She took a sip of water and slammed the glass down on the table. “Why don’t we go

straight to his place and clear this up with him?”

Danielle paled and bit her lip harder.

Seeing her reaction, Cicely sneered. “If you’re going to play the part, at least take the

criticism gracefully. I’ve seen plenty like you. If you want to up your game, you might learn

a thing or two from the Summers’ second daughter. She knows more tricks than you could

dream of.”

In the Ellis family, Danielle had learned to be the perfect rich girl.

Manners, poise, cultural refinements… none of these lessons prepared her for a wild card

like Cicely. She couldn’t handle Cicely’s unconventional ways, and some things she just

couldn’t bring herself to say.

Deep down, she despised Cicely. Even though Cicely was still the well-known princess of

the Ellis family, Danielle had never thought Cicely worthy of the title of high society lady.

Danielle believed time would prove everything.

“Don’t get too full of yourself, Cicely. If you don’t change your ways, not just Seth, no man

will put up with your nonsense.”

With a light chuckle, Cicely playfully said, “Sounds like you’re really concerned about me.

If I stayed this way, shouldn’t you be over the moon?”

Creighton had hurried over at the sound of their spat. Cicely smoothed her hair and shot

her a cold, mocking glance, “You think you’re the type to offer me redemption? Aren’t you

just waiting for me to fall flat on my face?”

Danielle’s lips turned white as she clenched her fists on the dining table.

Yes. She was right! The worse Cicely’s life was, the happier Danielle would be.

“Dad, do you want some water?” Cicely linked her arm through Creighton’s and headed

out of the kitchen.

Creighton was at his wit’s end with their interactions. If Cicely didn’t bring it up, he saw no

point in mentioning it either. Their arguments, though heated, never escalated beyond

words. He believed they both knew their limits.

“I heard you were studying in the coffee shop again today. How’s that going? Maybe we

should invite someone to tutor you at home tomorrow.”

Cicely shook her head, “He lives out of the way.”

Danielle emerged from the dining room and heard their conversation, promptly heading


The next day, Cicely was waiting for Seth at the university gates once more. She said

nothing at first, just stared at Seth’s face. Once she noticed his bruises had faded, a

teasing smile spread across her lips.

“I don’t know why you fought, but it can’t happen again. I like every part of you, and

anyone who hurts what I like, or fails to protect it, is going to have to answer to me,” she

said playfully.

Seth looked at her quietly. “I belong to myself. Now and always, you have no right to talk

like that.”

He hated feeling like a possession. It seemed like his desires never really mattered to her.

Cicely pouted, “I’d love to be yours. I like you so much as to protect you, to be with no one

but you, to never see you wronged, and to own you completely, but it seems I’ll never

hear such words from you.”

She shrugged, her regret barely hidden, and sighed, “Too bad I just had to fall for you.

There might be regrets along the way, but if I end up with you, nothing else matters.”

She spoke these words with a smile, her voice sweet and her smile radiant. “But you

should ease up a bit too. I’m with the looks, the figure, and the family background. I’m not

after your status, power, or money – just your face and body. It’s time you let your guard


Seth’s eyes narrowed, with a hint of sarcasm on his face. “Your affection is quite pure.”

Cicely nodded, “How else? I’d love to have a darker sort of affection for you. You just have

to make a move. Or should I just pine after you?”

Laughter rippled around them, and Seth scanned the crowd with a look as fierce as the

one from the fight the day before. The onlookers quickly dispersed.

From that day on, the fact that the Ellis family princess was openly pursuing Seth became

widely known in P City and beyond. And with that, many women who had their eyes on

Seth backed off.

No one wanted to compete with the notoriously spoiled Cicely.

Before school let out, Danielle heard about Cicely’s shameless declarations of love for

Seth at the university. Many called her shameless, and these words must have reached

Cicely’s ears. Yet, after school, Danielle witnessed Cicely leaving with Joel, another

student, and realized just how shameless someone could be.

Watching Cicely leave with Joel as if no one else mattered, Danielle’s lips twisted into a

sarcastic smile.

That day ended earlier than the last, and Danielle once again invited Seth to dinner. Only

this time, she suggested the Ellis estate.

Naturally, Seth declined.

Danielle didn’t insist, only expressing her disappointment, “If you don’t want to come,

then maybe some other time. Uncle Creighton has been dining alone these past few days,

and I really should join him. I can’t keep avoiding it.”

As she spoke, her disdain for Cicely was evident. “Cicely seems to have suddenly decided

to study hard, always out late for lessons. And she always comes home after having

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dinner outside.”

Seth’s brow furrowed. “They can have tutors at home,” he pointed out.

“She didn’t hire a tutor,” Danielle replied. “It’s her class president, the young son of the

Davis family. He’s a good student. Uncle Ceighton wanted to invite him over, but Cicely

said it wasn’t convenient.”

Seth’s gaze darkened. The young son of the Davis family sounded familiar.

“If you’re sure you won’t come, then I’ll be off,” Danielle said and left.

“Mm,” Seth responded, but he said nothing more.

As Danielle drove away, glimpsing Seth’s receding figure in the rearview mirror, she slowly

looked away. The woman who had just confessed to him was now studying and dining with

another man. Regardless of the reason, a man’s pride and deep-rooted male ego would

never let him get involved with such a woman again.

When Cicely returned to the Ellis estate, Danielle had already finished dinner with

Creighton. Hearing from Creighton that Danielle had cut her tutoring short to dine with

him, Cicely couldn’t believe it. Could Danielle really sacrifice her time with Seth just to

have dinner with her father?

Rain of roses doesn’t fall from the sky, and the same could be said about sudden bouts of

conscience in this lifetime.

“What’s your game, Danielle?” Cicely asked bluntly, her patience wearing thin.

“Is it that everything I do must have an ulterior motive in your eyes?” Danielle retorted,

her tone laced with a hint of exasperation.

“You really think you’re some kind of saint in my book?” Cicely scoffed.

Danielle pursed her lips, a defensive edge to her voice. “Think what you will. If you’re so

set on mistrusting me, let’s just say I acted on a whim.”

“A whim?” Cicely snorted with disbelief. “That’s even less convincing than saying nothing

at all.”

Knowing that pushing Danielle would lead nowhere, Cicely said coldly, “Just don’t let me

find out you’re up to something. If you’re planning to stab me in the back…”

She paused, a weary frustration in her voice. “I feel like I’ve said this to you over and over.

I won’t bother repeating myself. Just wait and see the outcome.”Books Chapters Are Daily

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Before heading upstairs, Cicely turned to Creighton. “I’ll be having dinner at home

tomorrow. Please tell the kitchen to prepare an extra portion. A classmate of mine will be

joining us.”

Creighton nodded but then queried, “I thought it wasn’t on their way?”

“If it’s out of the way, they can stay the night. It’s only for one more day, anyway,” Cicely

replied with an air of defiance, slightly irked.

Danielle’s reminder that Cicely had neglected her father did indeed strike a sour note with


The next afternoon, Cicely did bring Joel home. With exams on the horizon, and tomorrow

no longer an option for last-minute studies, she had to cram tonight with Joel’s help.

Joel, with his impressive height and good looks, stood out even among P City’s elite. His

courteous demeanor and sharp intellect made him the epitome of the boy next door that

parents love to compare their kids to.

Creighton took an immediate liking to him.

Cicely borrowed the study from Creighton and went upstairs with Joel. It wasn’t long

before Danielle, who was supposed to be out for a tutoring session, came back home, with

Seth in tow.

Creighton’s face creased with a frown at that sight.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!