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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2746
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Chapter 2746

Regina gazed at the familiar yet pessimistic Ablett spread out on the ragged park bench like, and her heart


Before life had dealt its cruel hand, he might have been a dashing young man, full of vim and vigor. Now, he was

down-and-out, and you couldn't even guess his age.

“It's okay, | know you doubt my ability,” she said, “But I'm like a bull in a china shop - | won't stop until | get

results. First things first, I'm going to dig into that developer. | might not be around here much from tomorrow on;

I've got to hit the books, maybe even head straight to the developer's headquarters.”

Regina’s serious tone took Ablett by surprise.

“So... are you really going to investigate them? Be careful. They're not the kind to play


His words were all over the place, but his concern was clear. The state he was in was testament enough to the

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company’s ruthless tactics.

Regina offered him a comforting smile, “Don’t worry, I've got stricks up my sleeve even if | look like an easy


Even without her saying so, Ablett could tell there was something about her that didn’t scream ‘average


“Good,” was all he could muster, a single word heavy with all his trust.

Maybe he shouldn't have put his faith in a journalist he barely knew, but he was out of options. Life was a

gamble, and he was ready to roll the dice once more.

“Still, you might want to lay low. The place you are staying is so conspicuous. Eve Harris Group doesn’t come

looking, the locals won't like you bumming around he not great for the neighborhood's vibe.” After a moment of

thought, Regina offered


But Ablett looked down, embarrassed, “Even if wanted to stop wandering, | can’t. I'v no family left, no job. I'm at

the end of my rope”

He laughed bitterly, and his face was fraught with a self-mockery for his dire straits.

Regina couldn't stand to see him out in the cold with nothing but a tattered coat for warmth.

“If you're up for it, | could set you up with a job. I'm not sure what your skills or education are like, but at least

it’s a start. Are you willing to give it a shot?”

She extended her hand, knowing all too well he might not last out here much longer without help.



Chapter 2746

He'd better settle himself and buck up before he had a chance to find himself a way out.

Ablett’s eyes went wide, surprised that this ‘girl with sbackground’ actually had something up her sleeve.

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“So, are you sure that arranging this forwon't cause you any trouble? Won't people


Now it was Regina's turn to be surprised, “What's there to talk about? I'm just offering you a little gig, it's a piece

of cake. Con, let’s get out of here. Thank God you said yes, or I'll wait until the end comes.”

Ablett was silent. He looked at the drunk shivering endlessly on the ground, and began to doubt Regina's self-

description as a ‘little girl.”

“I've got nothing to lose. If you're sure, then I'm with you,” he finally said.

Regina sprang to her feet. She was energized by the smooth turn of events and clapped her hands together as if

dusting off invisible dirt, “Great, let's pack up and get out of here, pronto!”

The next morning, when Nolan's men cto snoop around, they found that the bench, which had been Ablett’s

home, was empty.

They exchanged puzzled glances, unsure whether to chalk this up as a problem solved or a new mystery. With no

other option, they reported back to Nolan.

“What? He's gone?”