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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 624
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“Sir, would you mind sharing the story with us in more detail?” Vivienne inquired.

The old man nodded, “Of course. That year left a deep impression on us. Elliot was the beacon of hope for our entire family. Even our distant relatives had high hopes for him. After all, for a low-incfamily like ours, having a kid in high school was already a big deal.

Elliot's grades, though, were average at best. He was not exactly a standout student and didn’t have many friends. He was a bit of a loner.

But ever since the kidnapping, it was as if he had beca different person. He was much more outgoing. Even got scolded byfor dating a girl from school. Truth be told, | thought the boy who cback was a lot better off. A young man shouldn't be so withdrawn.” Vivienne exchanged a glance with Percival.

Most people would be crushed by such traumatic memories and not emerge more cheerful and sociable.

How could this Elliot have possibly transformed so positively? The father continued, “Elliot didn’t let us down, though. He got into Elite University, and after graduating, he went abroad for further studies.” At the mention of going abroad, the silent mother let out a stifled sob, tears streaming down her face.

Vivienne silently passed her a tissue, “Did something happen?” The man sighed, his expression growing somber. “We were originally against the idea of him going abroad, but Elliot was determined. He worked his way through, not needing a dfrom us. Reluctantly, his mother and | agreed. But once he left, he never returned.” The woman began to cry louder. “If | had known I'd never see my boy again, | would have never let him go abroad for his studies!” [x] “What happened to Elliot overseas?” Percival asked.

The man wiped away tears. “Elliot did well in school and work, consistently earning scholarships. But he rarely contacted us; communication was difficult back then, and we couldn't go abroad. Thankfully, he sent photos home, so at least | could see his face from tto time.

After Elliot graduated and got a job at the university, we knew he wouldn't cback. We thought about moving abroad to be with him since he was settled. But then... there was a shooting at his school. Many students and teachers died, and Elliot was among them!” The woman, overcwith grief, buried her face in her hands. “My poor son... | didn't even get to see him one last time. How could he have left before us?” Vivienne could only offer her condolences for the woman's loss.

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Perhaps she did not realize that her son had died the day he was kidnapped.

The child they raised was the enemy in their midst! Once the woman had calmed down, Percival asked, “Would it be too much to ask to see sphotos of Elliot? Especially the ones he sent from abroad.” “Sure, there aren't many, especially after the kidnapping, and even fewer from his years abroad, less than ten in total, but they're all here,” the father said as he handed over the photo album to Percival.

Percival flipped through the album, noticing pictures of Elliot in graduation robes, on casual outings, and working at a diner.

These photos painted a picture of a simple life, mostly spent on campus.

“What did Elliot study abroad?” Vivienne inquired.

“Medicine. He wouldn’t have gone overseas otherwise,” the father replied.

Percival’s hands paused as he turned the pages, a complex look in his eyes.

Noticing the change, Vivienne leaned in and was equally surprised.

There, in the corner of one of Elliot's photos, was Flynn! The truth of the matter was becoming apparent.

This person named Elliot was indeed the elusive F-Poison, who had used the art of disguise to hide in Elliot's home, taking his place and living on before using his tabroad to continue his sinister deeds.

During his studies, he had met Flynn and passed on his despicable skills.

Percival closed the album and said, “Thank you. We've got what we need. Someone will be by shortly to take you to the airport.” “It’s no trouble at all. We haven't had anyone to talk to about Elliot for a long time. Thank you for remembering our son,” the father said, bowing to Vivienne and Percival, his eyes glistening with tears.

Percival and Vivienne offered a comforting smile before departing.

Copies of the photos were quickly delivered to Percival.

As he looked at Flynn's face on the printout, Percival’s fingertips tensed slightly.

Thomas, noticing Percival’s expression, asked, “Do you wantto go and ask Flynn?” “No need. Even if we asked him, he wouldn't say anything. We'd be better off figuring out how F-Poison managed to impersonate a high school student!” Vivienne’s expression darkened. “F-Poison would have been middle-aged by then. It's hard to believe he could pass for a high school student, let alone blend in and eventually study abroad.” Vivienne had a hunch that the secrets F-Poison carried were tied to the final virus experiment GTO was researching.

Her phone rang; it was Karen. “Cto the hospital. Your undercover girl has woken up.” Quincy! Since being critically injured in the ambush on Noah, Quincy had been in a coma at the hospital.

Karen had treated her, managing to save her life.

And now, she had finally awoken.

Vivienne and Percival rushed to the hospital where Quincy's brother, Caspian, had been anxiously waiting.

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Seeing his sister awake, his eyes reddened with emotion.

Quincy should now be called by her real name, Barnaby.

She had completely severed ties with GTO, and the code nQuincy no longer represented her.

Lying on the hospital bed, her usually vibrant face now pallid and drawn, Barnaby had taken on an almost girl- next-door appearance.

“Deputy Director,” Caspian greeted Percival as he walked in, automatically offering a salute out of habit.

Percival waved a dismissive hand. “From now on, just callMr. Ellington, or you can just callPercival like Thomas does.”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates...

“Yes, Percival, Madam, Ex-Captain,” Caspian said, turning towards Percival and Vivienne, as well as Karen, and gave a deep bow. “Thank you for saving my sister.” “There's no need for formalities, Caspian. Barnaby has been a great help to us,” Vivienne said as she took a seat.

Seeing Barnaby’s pale state, though Vivienne found it a bit cruel, she still decided to spill the beans. “Barnaby, we found a chip embedded in you and Noah. It seems to be the cause of your injury.” The chip had integrated so seamlessly with Barnaby’s body that it would have gone unnoticed if not for her present condition.

Vivienne had been pondering over what means GTO used to control their people, never suspecting the existence of such chips.

But clearly, Barnaby was unaware, as were probably all the members of GTO.

“So, has the chip been removed?” Barnaby inquired.

Vivienne shook her head. “That's what | need to discuss with you. The chip needs to be extracted while you're conscious, and we can’t even use anesthesia. If we don’t remove it now, F-Poison might trigger again, and at that point, not even the best doctors in the world would be able to save you!”