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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1352
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Chapter 1352

Now Arabella finally understood why Calvin and Arlen were hell-bent on seeing her grandpa six feet under.

It was all about the uneven split from years back.

But was there a chance that Grandpa's father saw him as more capable and fit for the job? To prevent a family feud, maybe he

gave the others a slice of the pie but reserved the position for Grandpa.

And later, how did Calvin and Arlen manage to hold key positions within the company? Was Grandpa just being soft-hearted, or did

he genuinely trust them enough to break protocol and let them in?

"Pick it up," Teresa demanded, pointing at the contract and pen on the floor, her gaze icy as she stared down Eunice. "lI don't have

the patience to play games with you!"

“I'd rather go down fighting than let any of you get one over on me!"

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“What, you think your minions are going to cto your rescue? Our guys have surrounded the whole estate. If all goes as

planned, even your father-in-law is in our grasp."

"You!" Rage flashed in Eunice's eyes. She wanted Teresa gone.

"But rest assured, in the spirit of farnily, we'll spare his life. He's had his glory days, and it's about the got a taste of ours.

Especially now that his beloved eldest son is gone. Next up, he'll really get to savor the full spectrum of life. | can almost picture his


Eunice lunged at Teresa, but a barrage of switchblades flew her way.

Teresa, shaken, scrambled to her husband's side.

If Arabella hadn't pulled Eunice back in time, she would have been hit by every single blade.

"You wretch!" Teresa was terrified, her teeth clenched in anger. “Bard was too busy working to discipline you, so today | will teach

you a lesson."

“No need to trouble yourself, Teresa"

Suddenly, a man's vaice cut through the crowd. All the bodyguards turned, and the elders were stunned to see Bard had arrived!

He was decked out in a suit, looking as calm and collected as ever.

"She's my woman. I'll handle her."

Bard's words froze everyone in their tracks, especially Teresa, who couldn't believe her eyes.

Bard wasn't dead?

He was still alive?

"Bard??" The elders were in utter disbelief.

Eunice and Arabella just slightly curled their lips, not surprised, as if they had expected this moment.

Bard pushed a wheelchair forward, and sitting in it was none other than Darren!

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Arabella’s grandfather was not only awake but looked furious.

"Darren??" Calvin couldn't believe what he was seeing. "You're awake."

"Calvin, were you hoping I'd never wake up?"

The icy question made Calvin's legs turn to jelly. He hurriedly responded, "No, no, Darren, you've got it all wrong."

“You lot are quite something. I've barely been out for a few days, and you've already started tormenting my daughter-in-law!"

Darren's voice was strong and indignant, with an air of authority.

"Dad!" Eunice rushed to her father-in-law, squatting by the wheelchair, her voice filled with grievance. "I'm so glad you're awake. If

you hadn't come, they would have devoured me!"

It was the first tArabella had seen her aunt act so coquettishly. It turned out that she had many facets, an interesting character


As Darren heard his daughter-inaw's complaints, his anger intensified as he addressed his siblings, "What are you all doing? By

seniority and age, which of you isn't older than Eunice? A bunch of you ganging up ona defenseless woman, I'm ashamed of you!"

Defenseless? Arabella couldn't help but smirk at the irony of that description.