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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1436
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Chapter 1436

"Ms. Serena."

“What in the world happened to my room?" Serena asked, her eyes scanning the chaos, "Did we get burgled? Are the other rooms

trashed too? Was | attacked in my sleep fast night? Why am | covered in bruises? And why is everyone acting like I'm ssort of


The maid recounted the previous night's events in painstaking detail.

Serena was incredulous. "And why is my hand so swollen and painful?"

"That would be because you attempted to karate chop a dining table last night," the maid explained, a nervous edge to her voice.

"Ms. Bella said you might have a slight fracture. Luckily, it didn't displace, so you don't need to be realigned. Just a cast for a

couple of weeks should do."

Karate chopping a table? A fracture?

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The disbelief on Serena's face deepened as the maid continued to spill the beans about her antics upon returning home: jogging in

place, knocking over vases, tumbling down the stairs, and continuously passing gas.

But karate chopping a table and ending up with a fracture? What on earth were those about?

Only under relentless questioning did the maid finally stammer out the fult account.

Serena felt as if she'd been struck by lightning. She couldn't believe that she had, in front of Romeo and Martin, embraced a tree

and smothered it with kisses, attempted a pole dance, and the table-chopping.

Not to mention the mortifying things she'd blurted out.

And it didn't end there. She had even tried to take a shit on Arabella's balcony in front of several servants!

She was beyond embarrassed.

"Because you were causing such a scene last night without any antidote, Eunice had no choice but to tie you to the bed."

Saying that, Thurn glanced at the missing tie on Serena's wrist. Clearly, Serena had snapped it during the night.

“Eunice tiedto the bed? Then how cI'm standing here?" Serena looked down at her wrists, noting the layered marks. It

seemed she had been restrained with scord but had broken free.

Thurn went on to tell Serena how Serena had tried to kiss her grandfather, hurled insults at her grandmother and Eunice as if they

were Arabella, and explained the servants’ fear.

“Last night, you insisted on feeding Zola with a slipper, claiming it was a pastry you'd made. You said not eating it was an insult to


"You tried to pull out Iria's hair, convinced she was wearing a wig and determined to expose her 'baldness."

“You also claimed yourself the farm owner, ordering everyone to crawl on the ground like animals. You said the ‘sheep’ should eat

the ‘grass; which turned out to be clothes from your wardrobe, and the ‘cattle’ should drink ‘water"

from your toilet"

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"You even slapped Thurn, saying she was a homewrecker, and knocked out sof her teeth."

Serena couldn't believe that last night's drug was so strong that it caused her to do so many humiliating things!

No wonder the servants looked at her like she was a ghost. Thank goodness, Liz had filled her in, or she'd still be clueless about the

extent of her absurd behavior.

"UL didn't do anything to you last night, did 1?" Serena feigned concern.

"You were relatively kind to me, Serena. You just madeplay a horse, carrying you around the room." the maid hesitated,

"though you did whip my back with a leather belt for half an hour. It still hurts a bit"

Serena winced in empathy. She could never have imagined the bizarre things she'd gotten up to the night before.

"I'll give you all a bonus later, to apologize. I'm really sorry. | got carried away after drinking last night."

After drinking the lemonade, which she realized had been drugged, she had foolishly tried to cover it up by purposely drinking a

shot of whiskey in front of her family.