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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1451
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Chapter 1451

The crowd was in an uproar, their accusations flying like daggers at Arabella.

“You know, when a big mess like this pops up, the least the Ar-BI-Clear Group could do is apologize’ one woman huffed, her voice

dripping with disdain.

“We must've been silly to buy your products!"

"Not even a hint of sorry, not a flicker of remorse when you saw our faces looking like a bad pizza’ another chimed in, her arms

folded across her chest.

"Looks tolike it's not just your products that are rotten. Ar-Bl-Clear's got sserious internal issues!"

“We want compensation!"

"A public apology, all over social media!"

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“Ar-Bl-Clear Group, get out of Dawnstar!"

Through the chaos, Arabella stood her ground, allowing their cries to wash over her. Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed the

hand of a woman with curly hair.

“What do you think you're doing?" the curly-haired woman snapped back, yanking her hand away. “Are you gonna hitin front of

all these cameras and reporters?"

"You claim you bought our skin-lightening cream on December 15th and only realized there was a problem after a month. But the

inflammation on your face has been there for over six months."

"What are you implying?" the woman faltered, then quickly retorted, "And you can tell how long just by looking? What are you,

skind of clairvoyant?

Anyway, we're here for a payout from the Ar-Bl-Clear Group, and we want that press conference apology to consumers! Or else, |

swear, I'll end it right here!"

In a shocking move, the woman pulled a small knife from her clothing and pressed it to her own throat.

"My face is ruined and the doctors say it's hopeless. | don't even want to live anymore!"

Just then, a car approached, its arrival turning every head in the direction of the familiar license plate.

"Is that Romeo's ride?"

“Romeo's here?"

“What's he doing at the Ar-BI-Clear Group? Is it just a coincidence or?"

The reporters didn't wait for an answer. They dashed toward him immediately.

The car cto a halt, and out stepped Romeo, tall and imposing, commanding the space around him with an aura of authority.

“Mr. McMillian, are you just passing by, or are you privy to sinsider info?"

“Have you heard about today's fiasco? Sconsumers got facial burns from the Ar-Bl-Clear Group's skincare. What's your take on


“The Ar-Bl-Clear Group is a well-known brand in Dawnstar. Do you think they would disregard consumer safety for profit?"

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Romeo, surrounded by a barrage of questions from over twenty media outlets, spoke with confidence.

"I've been using the Ar-Bl-Clear Group's men’s skincare and have had no issues."

The crowd was taken aback. No one expected the business tycoon to indulge in skincare, let alone cto Ar-Bl-Clear's defense,

especially since the two companies had never crossed paths before.

“I'll stand by the Ar-BI-Clear Group's products with my personal guarantee. If there is an issue, | will personally compensate each

affected individual a million dollars. In cash."

The flash from the cameras intensified, and a glimmer of hope flickered in the eyes of the disfigured.

“However Romeo continued, his voice cutting through the noise, "if anyone is found spreading false allegations, trying to tarnish

the Ar-BI-Clear Group's reputation, and Ar-Bl-Clear chooses not to pursue, | will seek justice on their behalf. Anyone found guilty will

owe a million dollars. Each".

The hopeful glint in the victims’ eyes dimmed, replaced by a wave of panic.

"I've already reported this to the police on behalf of the Ar-Bl-Clear Group. All your receipts, surveillance screenshots, and test

results will serve as evidence in court.”