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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1669
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The stepsister Katherine sat on the couch, her eyes brimming with tears, looking every bit the picture of pitiable distress.

Carol remained unmoved, her voice chilly as she spoke, "It's her own fault for plagiarizing QY's designs. She made her bed; now

she has to lie in it."

"It was just a coincidence!" Maureen insisted, trying to downplay the situation, "There's no need to call it plagiarism. That sounds

so ugly."

"If you don't like it, then don't copy in the first place."

Katherine, standing off to the side, seemed to shrink under the weight of the accusation, as if the similarity to QY's designs was a

mere accident, not a deliberate act.

"Seventeen designs with a similarity of up to 90 percent, and you call that a coincidence? If it was merely a coincidence, would

they sue you?"

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Carol didn't want to waste her targuing. She had plans to deliver the hand-knitted scarves she was going to make to her aunt

before the holidays. But as she tried to make her way upstairs, her stepmother Maureen blocked her path.

"Honey, aren't you going to say anything? Even if Katherine lost her inspiration for a moment and went a little too far in

‘referencing’ QY's designs, resulting in them calling it plagiarism, their demand for a 3 million-dollar settlement is outrageous, and

they won't budge on the amount. They also want us to publicly apologize on social media. Isn't that just stomping on the Brooks

family's pride?"

With that, Maureen turned her angry gaze to Carol, her voice tinged with frustration, "If only she would say the word, her influential

friends would let this slide. No money spent, no public embarrassment, but she just won't help! What kind of daughter wants to see

her parents humiliated?"

Carol looked back at her coldly, "Your true colors are showing, and it's not a pretty sight. You may have no shame, but | do."

"Listen to her, honey! Listen to how she talks to me! I'm the elder, and she has no respect! | bet she's in cahoots with them, trying

to swindle your money and then funnel it into her own pocket. Why else would she refuse to help us with this simple favor?"

As Maureen glared at Carol, her loathing was palpable. She desired to lash out, shred and toss the insolent girl to the trash.

Rudolf was caught between a rock and a hard place, trying to appease his wife, "You went too far with Katherine at the mall last

time, talking about how Carol’s mom has been dead for ages and criticizing her for 'wasting money on flowers for the dead,' and

then you destroyed her bouquet. Of course, she's upset. | saw the surveillance video; you and Katherine were out of line!"

"But she insultedtoo! She said she only has two moms, her birth mom and her foster one. She asked what did | think | was,

and she said | had no right to lecture her in this house," Maureen's voice trailed off, her grievance apparent.

"Given your position, it's indeed inappropriate.”

"What are you saying? | married you; you're her dad, so naturally | am her mom!"

What could be inappropriate about that?

"Do you want to join my mom in her grave? Is that it?"

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Carol's retort left Maureen fuming, "Listen to what she said, honey!" If her husband wasn't there, she would have torn this

ungrateful brat's mouth right off!

"Dad, I've worked hard to build my business and never made 3 million. Now, not only do | have to compensate them, effectively

nullifying years of hard work, but I'm expected to apologize publicly. It's not just my reputation on the line; people know I'm your

daughter. There are many eyes on us. Who will dare to partner with our family after this. Dad, I'm thinking of you, of our family."

"Look at your daughters, one thinking of you and the other pushing you into the fire."

"The one pushing Dad into the fire is you. If you hadn't plagiarized, there'd be no need for compensation or apologies, no need for

this melotic display. I'm done here. You all can carry on with your performance."

With that, Carol turned and headed upstairs, unwilling to engage with them any further.

"Honey, look at her! She has no regard for this family. She's grown wild and heartless out there in the world!" Maureen was livid,

vowing to herself that the next ther husband wasn't home, she would deal with that wretched girl behind closed doors.