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The Remorseful Brothers

Chapter 350
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Chapter 0350 SHARON I looked through the opaque glass as I swirled my drin it. All the while, Anastasia's words rang in my head.

I scoffed and muttered to myself. "How pathetic." Aiden had not even tried to calmdown and seek my permission before thinking of getting involved in all the process she laid out. As usual, he had cto a decision on a matter that involved him without seeking what I thought and didn't.

"How pathetic that I was in love with such a man.” It never really botheredmuch but this one hurt. My heart felt like it was breaking in two for the umpteenth tand this tI might never be able to patch it back up again.

And then I realized that ever since Aiden and I got married, it had always felt like I needed to fight over my love every damn step of the way throughout the marriage. I had always needed to do so much to make him see me.

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It always felt like she was a cloud that was always over our heads, waiting for the perfect tto pour its downpour on us.

I guess this was the perfect tand all that was happening was the downpour.

Aiden has a child! I didn't even know what to think of it. If it was with someone else I might have managed to be cool with it but he has a child for the swoman I didn't like around him. The sone that nearly ended ounion. The sone I could swear with my life that he was still crazy about.

And now she was hacke O +25 BONUS together to save the one they already had.

I snorted. Life was one big fat joke, wasn't it? At this point, honestly I wished I was an evil person with no heart. I could find a way to stop the sibling making thing but I couldn't. I couldn't ever let an innocent child die on my account.

e was just a child and had no hand in her parents' sin.

But it's just so hard though. It's so hard to remain in a marriage with the knowledge that the woman that might still have a hold over my husband's heart was going to carry his child again, a second time.

With a long heavy sigh, I reached for a bottle of alcohol at the stthat a hand shot out from over my head and grabbed it. I looked up, blinking away the drunkenness from my eyes when I saw a very familiar face. I recognized it instantly.

"Hey!" I slurred as I let go of the bottle and let him take it. "I know you," I chuckled at the confusion that swirled in his unsteady gaze.

"Finally, the one in the sshoes as mine!" Even after Aiden and I got married, I low-key kept tabs on Anastasia and months ago, my private investigator informedthat she got married to the sman I had suspected was her husband. That day, I may have been the happiest woman on earth, even happier than the bride. Who knew she would still somehow stumble back into my and Aiden's life? The man took an unsteady step back with a frown. "Do I know you, ma'am?" His words tumbled upon each other but he still managed to remain polite.

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"Oh, you don't but I do," I giggled. "Here, come, sit with me.".I tapped the space besidebut instead he plonked in the seat across from me.

"I'm Sharon, n's wife." His half lit eyes sharpened and becmore focused. "Ah, I guess you've heard,"

"I have." Then it was as if a switch was turned on inI started to talk non stop. "You know, even when I didn't know Anastasia had neven been very sure of my relationship with Aiden, I was not certain what we had. Aiden was always there, I mean I could see him and all not that he was invisible," I giggled. "He was there withbut he still felt faraway. You know when you attend a class or a meeting only to be in attendance?"

Dennis laughed and slurred, "Yeah." Then he took a gulp of the alcohol directly from the bottle You're in the of from the boxtie class or meeting only in form, your soul and being and mind is miles away." I pointed one of the empty bottles in his direction, "You get it. That's how it always feels with him."

"I feel that way about Ana too sometimes," he said, brushingam finger over his nose, and it almost looked like he was pouting or... sulking. Yes, sulking was more appropriate.

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