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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 1599
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Chapter 1599 A Long Trip

Since Ian didn’t need breakfast, Aurora cooked herself a bowl of noodles. She was hungry as she hadn’t eaten

much the night before. After preparing her noodles, she returned to her room to grab her phone, and only then did

she see the message Cindy had sent her.

Through the text, Cindy explained that she had a conversation with Ian the night before and that they had cleared

things up. Cindy added that she had to go home for a while and that she would need Aurora’s help in caring for Ian.

In an instant, Aurora knitted her brows. She claims that they have resolved their issues, but I don’t think that’s

really the case. Aurora tried to give Cindy another call, but it wouldn’t go through. Frustrated, Aurora scratched the

back of her head as she muttered to herself, “Forget it! They always make me worry!”

Aurora had a handful of her own problems to deal with. She was already troubled by how the public was pointing

fingers and jabbing at her weak spots. After finishing her noodles, Aurora went to the living room and turned the TV

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on before resting on the couch and gazing up at the ceiling.

The TV volume was turned up, and the characters in the show were laughing. Aurora didn’t know what the show

was about—she wasn’t in the mood to watch anything. Instead, she recalled a blurry scene of how things had been

when she first gave birth to Ian. She thought that her child would provide her with everything that she needed, yet

that didn’t happen at all.

She didn’t manage to keep anything in the end, and she even ruined her own child’s life. If Ian had grown up in a

healthy family, perhaps he wouldn’t have arrived at such a point in his life.

Cindy ended up purchasing tickets to return to her hometown. Since her relationship with Ian was still tense, she

would have to stay in a hotel, and she couldn’t bear to do that to her bank account. However, Cindy didn’t tell her

family anything. She simply booked her tickets, and then packed her luggage before she headed home.

It was rather tiring to travel home by train, but it was much cheaper. Cindy didn’t have a lot of luggage and she

wasn’t in a rush, so she took her time on the way there. She traveled for two full days, and she only turned her

phone on when there was an actual need for it.

However, every time she turned her phone on, she realized that Aurora was the only one texting her. It seems like

Ian is finally starting to understand things from different perspectives. That’s good, Cindy thought. She felt a weight

being lifted off her chest. She had accidentally developed inappropriate desires, but after all that occurred in the

recent days, she was lucky that all of it had ended before it even started.

Cindy had to change trains midway to her hometown, but she spent the night in the station’s waiting area instead of

getting a hotel room. She couldn’t seem to fall asleep throughout her two days of traveling. If anything, she felt

more awake as time went on. Even though she had nothing to do, she didn’t feel sleepy when she lay down on her


Furthermore, Cindy hadn’t paid any attention to the online happenings in the past two days. She knew that

someone else would handle it, so she didn’t need to bother herself with it. However, she couldn’t stop herself from

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wondering what Ian was up to when she couldn’t sleep. She also wondered if he would be equally gentle and sweet

once he got a new assistant.

Some things weren’t meant to be contemplated, for thinking about them only caused more problems. When Cindy

finally arrived at her hometown, she handed her papers to the officer before renting a car and heading home.

Cindy lived in a village that wasn’t too old-fashioned—the area had been more developed over the years. She

dragged her roller luggage and strolled in the direction of her house. She bumped into a number of people she

knew, but she didn’t greet any of them. She wasn’t close to many of them since she spent her earlier years

studying overseas. Once she got to her house, she realized that the front door was locked. She found a key under a

piece of tile at the front porch, so she let herself in. The house was empty, but she could guess where her mother

had gone.

Cindy returned to her room and placed her luggage down before sitting by the edge of her bed. Despite her long

trip, she didn’t feel drained at all. She felt as if her whole being was numb instead. She checked the time to see that

it was lunchtime, but she figured that her mother wouldn’t return home so soon. Cindy got up to cook herself some

noodles in the kitchen, and she ate her lunch before she went back to her room to lie down.