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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1018
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1018

The voice belonged to Kaleb and the old man managed to block Damian’s critical blow just in time.


“Would you look at that! He must’ve endlessly trained himself to launch such a perfected punch!” said Gerald as he

continued observing the fight from the side-lines.

Gerald had arrived at that conclusion since Damian’s skills weren’t all that different from all the other people he

had previously killed. However, Damian was different from them since his execution of each of those skills was

extremely powerful!

If Gerald had to guess, Damian had probably become a champion much earlier than Kaleb. After all, a champion’s

inner strength naturally grew stronger the longer they had that title. In a way, it was just like wine. The longer it was

left underground, the more exquisite the taste.

While both Kalen and Damian were akin to exquisite wine, Gerald knew that Kaleb wouldn’t be able to take Damian


After all, Gerald’s keen eyes had registered that though Kaleb was definitely more experienced in fighting, Damian’s

inner strength was much greater than the old man’s.

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By the time fifty rounds of non-stop battling had taken place, Kaleb was already stumbling slightly as he held a hand

against his injured chest. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to take much more.

Meanwhile, Haven herself had been hiding within the woods near Benril Lake as she continued watching the fight

that had been taking place for quite a while now.

She soon got the shock of her life when she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder, followed by a familiar voice

saying, “So here you are, Haven! What are you doing here?”

Covering her mouth as she turned around to see who had said that, she immediately replied, “…Sis? Quintin? What

are both of you doing here?”

“We came over because we were worried about you! What are you even looking at…?” asked Xareni.

“Shh! Quieter! Look there! While I can’t really see too clearly from here, isn’t that dad and Gerald over there?”

whispered Haven excitedly.

“Would you just quit it already with that Gerald person? Can’t you see that a fight’s going on now? Listen, dad told

me earlier that our family has an enemy that goes by the name of Damian Wake. Since dad is here, one of the two

fighting men must be Damian! Thank god we caught up to you in time! Otherwise, you could’ve ruined all his

plans!” replied Xareni, shocked to find out that they were currently standing so close to their family’s enemy.

Upon hearing that, all three of them exchanged glances before continuing to witness the fight. They didn’t dare to

leave for fear that they may get caught in the process, consequently ruining their father’s plans.

“Master Theo doesn’t look like he can take much more, Mr. Crawford! You have to help him!” said Zander as he

pointed at Damian.

Gerald simply took in a deep breath before resting his arms against his back.

“…M-Mr. Crawford? You can’t possibly be thinking about retreating now, right…? I’m betting my entire family’s life

here tonight!” stuttered Zander who was getting increasingly nervous after noticing that Gerald didn’t look like he

was going to make a move any time soon.

“C-could there be any other conditions that we could fulfill for you? Whatever they are, I’ll definitely do my best to

get them done!” begged Zander.

“…I heard that the Lovewell ancestors used to be caretakers for beasts… Your family owns a manuscript called the

Book of Beasts, correct?” asked Gerald.

Zander was momentarily stunned the second he heard that.

After looking briefly at Kaleb’s condition, Zander smiled at Gerald before saying, “Mr. Crawford, though my

ancestors may have used that skill, it has unfortunately been lost to time. I mean just look at us, we clearly aren’t

utilizing that skill anymore!”

Not hearing what he wanted to, Gerald simply slipped his hands into his pocket, refusing to move an inch.

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Watching as Kaleb got thrown to the ground, Zander’s nervousness was now peaking.

Zander had initially thought that Gerald could easily be bought over by money and the Lovewell’s high status. In

fact, he had even assumed that Gerald would continue helping his family in the future since Kaleb was their ally.

Now, however, he realized just how wrong he had been.

To think that Gerald had only been motivated to help them since he had something that he wanted from their

family! Now that he thought about it, Gerald must’ve only stayed for so long since Kaleb had told him about the

Lovewell’s ancestral history sometime before!

Regardless, it was true that the Book of Beasts was in his family’s hands.

By using it, the ancestors of the Lovewell family could understand the language of beasts! In fact, that was how the

Lovewells started their family business. While the manuscript was passed down generation after generation, in the

late nineties, the Lovewells finally abandoned the skill. After all, being able to understand beasts wasn’t exactly as

useful to them as it was for their ancestors. Regardless, the Book of Beasts was still a treasure from their ancestors

so the Lovewells had always kept it safe with them.

It currently resided in the Lovewell Manor and though it wasn’t really in use, Zander was well aware of how precious

the ancient manuscript was. He also now knew that Gerald had been waiting patiently this entire time to force him

to hand the book over.

“…Fine! I’ll give you the book as a token of appreciation if you zsave my family!”