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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1266
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1266

“L-let him go…!” shouted the three kidnapped—and frightened—Smiths before Tiara could land another blow on

the now bloodied Gerald. Rita, in particular, was shouting even louder than Mila’s parents.

“…Hah! Trash like him isn’t worth my energy to kill! With that in mind… Hey, Chester! That’s your beloved brother,

right? Go ahead and kill that brat who doesn’t know what’s best for himself! Worry not about the magnificent lord,

for I’ll take full responsibility for everything that’s happened here!” ordered Tiara.

It was evident by this point that the Smiths’ pleas for mercy did little to impress Tiara. Instead, they seemed to

further enrage her!

Regardless, the way Tiara had ordered her grandson almost made it seem like she was just talking to some random

member of the Holy Witchcraft instead of her actual grandson… On second thought, ‘dog’ would be a better term

to describe Chester’s relationship with Tiara now. A very obedient and vicious dog… He barely had any

resemblance to the old woman’s grandson anymore!

Whatever the case was, upon hearing the command, the resurrected Chester instantly glowered with rage as he

slowly began walking toward Gerald!

The second he stood before the injured youth, Chester barely had any hesitation when he punched Gerald hard on

the face! The punch itself made Gerald feel like he had just run into a glass door while running, and Gerald found

himself instantly growing dizzy.

So even Chester’s inner strength had been amplified… What a powerful transformation process…!

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“Atta boy! Good job!” said Tiara with a sinister laugh as the corners of her mouth curled into a malicious smile.

“Heh. How does it feel, Gerald? To have the person you regarded as your younger brother beat you up like this…

How does it feel to know that even a dog like Chester is more than enough to kill you?!”

Pausing for a brief moment to grin evilly, Tiara then returned to her indifferent expression before tossing a dagger

over to Chester’s feet.

Momentarily looking at her grandson—who was still overflowing with murderous intent—Tiara then turned to look

back at Gerald before saying, “Whatever the case is, since you’re going to die here anyway, I may as well have

Chester deal the finishing blow! I hope you enjoy the experience of being killed by your very own brother! Chester!

This here is the elder brother you love so much to the point of betraying me! I command you to dice him up with

that dagger!”

Upon hearing the command, Chester’s eyes grew frigid as he picked the dagger up before viciously slashing at

Gerald’s arm! Gerald himself could feel his arm growing slightly numb as the scent of fresh blood filled the air.

“Atta boy, Chester! Now chop off one of his arms!”

Unlike the first time, however, Chester seemed to hesitate the second he heard the following order. Though the

dagger was still in his hand, he was simply frozen in that position. It was almost as though there was some magical

force preventing him from doing the deed!

Staring straight into Gerald’s eyes, a voice seemed to emanate from within him, screaming, ‘No! Don’t do it!’

Seeing that, Tiara then shouted, “What the hell are you doing, Chester? Snap out of that daze and slice his arm off


“Y-Yes, master…!” replied Chester as his entire body began trembling uncontrollably!

Taking in a deep breath, Chester then slowly began raising the dagger…

With Chester holding on so tightly to Gerald’s neck with his other hand, the bloodied youth couldn’t even attempt to

dodge it even if he wanted to. Chester’s current strength was simply far too immense for Gerald to even begin

resisting! With that in mind, there was no way Gerald was going to be able to have his arm intact once Chester did

the deed!

Even though he was aware of that, all Gerald could do was watch as the dagger—whose tip was facing downward—

got slowly raised to an optimal point… Before it rapidly began descending!

As Gerald’s heart beat frantically, he thought about how he had only been a step away from achieving the baptism

of heaven. It was supposed to happen tonight too!

To think that he was going to be ended by Tiara before he could even manage to deal with Queena or find the

woman in white…

Gerald knew that Chester wasn’t to blame since he was nothing more than a puppet to Tiara now, incapable of

disobeying her orders… Whatever the case was, Gerald continued focusing on the rapidly descending dagger as his

mind braced for the hellish pain to come once his arm got sliced off.

That moment itself felt like an eternity as all sorts of memories began flooding his mind. It was almost as though his

mind was no longer bound by any forms of restriction.

Gerald recalled a saying that moments before a person died, their life would quite literally flash before their very

eyes within tenths of a second. Perhaps he was experiencing that right now…

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Amidst the plethora of memories, Gerald suddenly saw a very clear figure before him…

It was Mila.

‘I wonder if Mila’s dead or still alive at this point… If she’s still among the living, how is she doing in life…? Is her life

good? Miserable…? Is she being loved and doted on…? Or perhaps she’s being tortured and abused…?’

‘The pledge of the holy water is happening soon too… Dad, mom, Jessica, grandpa, and Lyra… Could tonight truly

be my final night…? Am I going to die from pain and blood loss after all my limbs are torn from my body…?’


‘…No. I… I can’t allow this to just happen! I have to continue living! I have to continue searching for her till the day I

can finally see Mila with my very own eyes again…!’

Following that thought, Gerald’s body moved on instinct extremely rapidly! He hadn’t even been paying attention to

where Chester’s arm or the dagger was, yet Gerald somehow managed to firmly grab hold of Chester’s wrist!

With his arm now restrained and the dagger unmoving in his hand, Chester’s eyes grew even more vicious as he

attempted to continue trying to attack Gerald!

At that moment, Gerald—who was still bleeding profusely from his wounds—suddenly clenched his teeth before

shouting, “Have you already forgotten that you wished to atone for your sins, Chester?! Don’t let Tiara continue

using you to commit more crimes!”

Hearing that, Chester seemed to become momentarily stunned.

It was then when the jade pendant Gerald had on him—that had been dyed red due to all his blood—suddenly

began glowing strangely… Before anyone could react, a golden light suddenly shone out of it!