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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1708
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1708

It was around then when Meilani returned to the scene together with Nori and the others.

Upon realizing that Gerald’s master had killed off the three elderly assailants, Meilani was instantly shocked. To think

that he was this powerful…

Having such a strong master, it now made sense why Gerald was able to be as strong as he currently was!

Quickly snapping out of it and returning her attention to Gerald, Meilani then rushed over to the injured youth while

calling out, “Gerald…!”

Call as she might, Gerald was already unconscious…

With the three old men dealt with, Sumeru then sheathed his sword before heading over to Gerald’s side and

inspecting his wounds.

“…His inner breathing structure is in a mess… I need to treat him immediately!” declared Sumeru after checking

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for Gerald’s pulse through the youth’s wrist.

Following that, he lifted Gerald in his arms and ran—under Meilani’s guidance—all the way to Gerald’s room.

After placing the unconscious Gerald on his bed, Sumeru then yelled, “All of you, get out! Don’t bother me as I cure

his wounds!”

Though Meilani wanted to stay, in the end, she quickly gave up trying to protest.

As Meilani closed the door behind her and leaned against it—planning to wait there till Gerald’s master was done

curing him—, she watched as her father rushed toward her.

“What on earth happened, Meilani?” asked Yeurquin Zorn in an anxious tone.

“Three powerful people suddenly attacked us, declaring that they wanted to kill Gerald!

While he’s terribly injured, he’s thankfully still alive!” explained Meilani while looking at her father.

“What? How preposterous! To think that someone would dare hurt our family’s benefactor, and within our

residence no less! I must get to the bottom of this!” growled Yeurquin.

While he was greatly angered, the priority now was still to ensure that Gerald’s injuries were successfully cured.

Meilani was even more anxious about that than he was, and she truly hoped that Gerald would turn out fine in the


“…Speaking of which, where is Gerald? And what’s his condition?” asked Yeurquin as he looked at his daughter.

“…Well… Gerald’s master is currently treating his injuries…” mumbled Meilani before dragging her father a little

further from the door.

Raising a slight brow, Yeurquin couldn’t help but ask, “…What’s wrong, Meilani? Why so secretive?”

“W-well, you see, Gerald’s master is extremely powerful! From how clean the cuts were on the corpses, it’s evident

that he killed all three of those mighty assailants with a single slash!” whispered Meilani as she looked at her father

in her bewilderment.

“…And? Is that why you’re being so secretive? My child, you, of all people, should know how strong Gerald is. With

that in mind, his master must definitely be stronger than him!” replied Yeurquin in a calm tone.

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Yeurquin had caught a glimpse of Sumeru earlier—as the dean was rushing to bring Gerald to his room—, and even

from that moment, he could already tell that Sumeru was an extraordinary person.

Now that he realized that Sumeru was Gerald’s master, Yeurquin was able to confirm that assumption. To him,

Sumeru was the kind of person who wouldn’t take action if others could do so. After all, a single move from Sumeru

would certainly amaze the world…

His train of thought was cut short when he heard Meilani ask, “Say, do you think Gerald’s master would take me as

his disciple as well, dad…?”

Raising a brow, Yeurquin then retorted, “As if he’d do that, Meilani! You can’t just ask him to be your master!

Besides, he already has Gerald as his disciple. What makes you so sure he’ll even want another?”

Hearing that, Meilani instantly zipped her mouth. While she already knew that being Sumeru’s disciple was near-

impossible, a girl could dream…

At that moment, both of them heard a door creaking open… Turning to face the sound, they watched as Sumeru

walked out from Gerald’s room…