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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1799
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Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1799

“Copy that!” replied both of them.

Since they were going into the adventure mostly blind, all three of them had no idea what troubles to even expect.

With that in mind, all they could do was prepare different tactics and equipment in hopes that it would allow them

to be ready enough to deal with the situations they eventually came across.

Still, with Gerald there, Juno and Rey undoubtedly felt much more assured. After all, the duo knew that Gerald

would never let anything happen to them.

Regardless, all three of them turned in early that night. After all, they were embarking on a new adventure the next

day, so they needed to be well-rested and be in good shape.

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At eight the next morning, the trio took one more look at Gerald’s map—that Old Flint had given them—before

getting into their car and driving for Sunset Village…

From their starting point, it would take approximately two days before they would arrive there. With that in mind,

they would have to spend two whole days on the road…

While Gerald speedily drove along the highway, Juno—who was seated at the shotgun seat—passed the time by

reading a book entitled, ‘Yin and Yang Theory’, that she had borrowed from Rey’s house.

It was a while later when Juno closed the book for a moment… And it was also then when she realized something.

“…Say, the book doesn’t specify who the author is!” muttered Juno.

“Yeah, I realized that too. I wonder if they just forgot to add the author’s name in while publishing it…” replied Rey

who had evidently realized that much earlier on, though he didn’t particularly find it noteworthy.

“Forgot? Such books have to undergo strict examination! Without the author’s name, the book couldn’t have been

published in the first place! At least not legally!” replied Juno.

“Well, there’s also the case of the book’s author being a special person. With that in mind, the author could’ve

easily bypassed the need of having their name written on the cover to be published!” said Gerald, putting his two

cents in.

“…When you put it that way, it does make quite a bit of sense!” replied Juno in agreement.

“Still… If the author truly is that special, then doesn’t that make the book very special as well? Why would they still

choose to publish it then?” said Rey in a confused tone.

“A valid question. Still, a published book with a mysterious author… I wonder if the book holds any secrets in it…”

muttered Juno.

“…Speaking of which, did the book mention anything about the token of Demonic Blood? From the Demonic Blood

Clan?” asked Gerald.

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Hearing that, Juno began flipping through the pages… and after a while, she realized that there were mentions of

the token!

“There are… Apparently, the token of Demonic Blood is a divine artifact of the Demonic Blood Clan. It can be used

to rule all ghosts and spirits!” replied Juno.

Upon hearing that, Gerald nodded slightly. As it turned out, what Old Flint had told him was true.

“…Say… Are we heading to Sunset Village for the token of Demonic Blood…?” asked Rey who appeared to have

caught onto something.

Juno turned to look at Gerald as well when she heard that.

“We are, actually. We’re going to the most feminine place to look for the Demonic Blood Clan’s territory. With any

luck, we’ll finally be able to obtain the token of Demonic Blood!” replied Gerald without the slightest hesitation.

Since all three of them were in this together, Gerald found little reason to hide such crucial information.