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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 4920
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Austin and chaotic sky-devouring beast stayed near the Ninth Floor, waiting.

They had been there for a day when a dozen governing gods finally emerged from the Ninth Floor, talking with one another. Most

of them looked disgruntled.

"Austin is too cunning!"

"We set up a trap on the Ninth Floor and prepared everything perfectly. | can't believe he managed to get away!"

"Lord Bartholomew sent us out to inquire about the whereabouts of that bastard. But since he has already escaped, | think he's far

away by now."

"I agree. It will be very difficult to find out where he's hidden himself."

"Yes, even when Austin was still in the Ninth Floor, we couldn't catch him. Now he could be anywhere."

One of the governing gods stopped to glare at the others. "You're talking nonsense! Get a grip. Lord Bartholomew has been angry

these days, and you all know what that means. Several senior leaders have been punished for strivial matters. The elders who

were responsible for guarding Austin's friends have all been locked up in the prison."

He heaved a sigh and then continued, “Finding Austin won't be easy, but we have no choice but to do as Lord Bartholomew said."

Another governing god nodded. "Yes, if Lord Bartholomew had heard what you were saying about the difficulty of catching Austin,

he would be very angry."

The others sighed and one of the gods said, "It's true. We must be more careful about the things we say. Lord Bartholomew is so

powerful that he may easily hear us at any time, and then all of us will be punished."

Still muttering among themselves, wearing grave expressions, the dozen governing gods walked away.

Once they had left their space sea, one of the governing gods took out a space ship. He and his companions entered, and the ship

left immediately.

Austin knew they must follow the ship in secret.

He took out the TShip, then he and the chaotic sky-devouring beast went inside.

The TShip quickly chased after the space ship of the governing gods.

Both ships traveled at an astonishing speed, but the speed of the TShip was at least a hundred times faster.

Therefore, within moments the TShip had outpaced its quarry. Austin positioned the ship in front of the ship of the governing

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gods, blocking its path.

Smiling slightly, Austin waved his hand to activate the world of mind power.

Immediately, an irresistible force sucked the space ship of the governing gods into the world of mind power. The governing gods

were stunned to suddenly find themselves in a strange place.

All of them were only level four or five governing gods. 'It would be so easy to kill them," Austin thought coldly.

He appeared at the highest point of world of mind power.

The governing gods noticed a presence above them, and began shouting at him. "Bastard! Who are you? What is this place?" one

of them demanded.

They were still looking around, unsure how they had ended up in this place, but certain that the person watching them had

something to do with it.

"Why have you brought us to this strange world?" another governing god asked angrily.

"What the hell do you want?"

They were uncertain of how powerful this stranger really was, but indignant at being brought to a completely unfamiliar world.

One of the governing gods shouted, "You bastard! We are from TChamber Sect, and you'll be sorry you provoked us!"

"Yes, the consequences will be very serious!" another god bellowed.

Soon everyone was yelling threats and insults at Austin.

Austin laughed coldly. "I'm right here, and you don't even recognize me! What makes any of you think you stand a chance against

me?" he said with a sneer.

He found it amusing that none of the governing gods recognized him.

They knew he was mocking them, and beceven more furious.

"What are you talking about?" "Who do you think you are?"

Austin laughed again. Suddenly, one of the governing gods stopped shouting, a stunned look on his face.

He finally recognized the voice and realized who was responsible for bringing them here.

"You!" he spluttered. "You're Austin, aren't you?"

The other governing gods were shocked.

"What? Are you serious?"

"It's true! It's Austin!"

They becagitated, and muttered low warnings to each other. They realized that while Austin's presence saved them the

trouble of finding him for Bartholomew, his ability to bring them to this world also showed that he was more powerful than they

had first thought.

"You're right; it's me. And now you're dead," Austin said calmly.

He had lost the patience to listen to them any longer.

He immediately activated the mind power in his world, launching an overwhelming attack against the governing gods.

In the world of mind power, it was impossible for the governing gods to resist Austin's attack.

His mind power flooded into their bodies, shattering not only their internal organs, but even their spiritual souls.

All the governing gods screamed in pain.

Within seconds, they had been killed. They'd had only a moment to realize the true scope of Austin's terrifying ability before they


Austin waved his hand and put away their corpses.

He had cup with a way to use these corpses. He would dump them in the pile at the entrance to the Ninth Floor, and let

Bartholomew see the result of provoking him.

"Well, let's go back now," he said to the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

The two of them re-entered the TShip and flew back to the Ninth Floor.

Once again, they hid near the Ninth Floor, waiting for another group of people to emerge.

This time, they didn't wait too long. After around twelve hours, a group of governing gods cout of the entrance to the Ninth


Like the previous group—who were now all dead, their corpses in Austin's possession—these governing gods talked among

themselves about how they would accomplish Bartholomew's orders. They had been instructed to travel to the Absolute Space Sea

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to track down Austin by any means possible.

Bartholomew was furious about Austin's escape, and determined to catch him no matter the cost.

After all, he had spent so much effort and tformulating a plan to catch Austin, yet he had escaped easily. The absolute failure

of Bartholomew's plan was humiliating. He vowed to make Austin pay.

He decided he would send a large number of governing gods to the Absolute Space Sea to find Austin. By now, half of the

governing gods from the Ninth Floor had received the order.

Indeed, Bartholomew even sent out a few gods of chaos to join the hunt for Austin. He also contacted the other eight leaders of the

TChamber Sect and asked them for help in finding Austin.

He intended to exhaust every available resource in order to catch Austin and punish him.

He would have been shocked to know that Austin was right there, also busy plotting what to do about the latest group of governing

gods to leave the Ninth Floor. "Let's go!" Austin muttered to the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

The two of them quietly followed behind the governing gods. Like the first group, these were all level four or level five governing


And like the first group, Austin had no difficulty dealing with them.

He killed them quickly and easily, then put their corpses away.

The governing gods were like lambs to the slaughter.

For the next few days, Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast repeated this routine. They hid near the Ninth Floor, followed

after emerging groups of governing gods, killed them, and then returned to wait for the next batch. In this manner, they killed

hundreds upon hundreds of governing gods.

As soon as they walked out of the Ninth Floor, they were doomed.

Apart from governing gods, Austin also killed many divine gods and genuine divine gods.

Thousands of such gods died at Austin's hands over the span of just a few days.

Austin had no compunction about brutally killing anyone who had been sent to hunt him down.

These days, every being from the Ninth Floor had a single goal—to find Austin.

What Bartholomew didn't know was that he had already lost thousands of divine gods and genuine divine gods, along with

hundreds of governing gods.

They were his main force, and their deaths were a great blow against him.