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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 689
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Chapter 688 Quinn probably did not expect Theo to pour out his feelings to her. She opened her mouth but did not know what to say.

She knew I was listening upstairs. She looked up and let out a self-deprecating smile at me.

I turned around and went back to my room. I lay on the bed, unable to calm myself down for a very long time.

This whole tI thought that Theo did not loveat all, but this was not the case.

He loved me.

I was sure of it this time.

When Theo cin, I was staring at the ceiling daydreaming. My mind was a mess.

Perhaps it was because I did not know how to face him that I subconsciously closed my eyes.

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He could tell from my breathing if I was actually asleep. He stood beside my bed and looked atwhile smiling helplessly. "You can't sleep?" I opened my eyes. "Maybe it's been too long since I've been back here. I'm not used to it yet." The implication of those words was that I felt unfamiliar with this place.

Theo smiled slightly and climbed into bed, stroking my cheeks softly. "I'll keep you company, then. I'm sure you don't findunfamiliar." There was a glow in his eyes, and it was soul-stirring to look at.

I did not want to say anything else and closed my eyes.

It was now September and the air-conditioner needed to be switched on at night. At midnight, I felt cold and after moving around, I found that Theo's body was the warmest, so I nestled in his arms.

"The air-conditioner is probably broken." Theo's voice was soft and melodious, a pleasure to listen to. "Why don't you sleep first? I'll ask someone to fix it." I held him tightly. "Don't go." Theo froze.

"It's cold." "Okay, I won't go." Theo patted my back with a smile." Sleep." I slowly closed my eyes. No one other than Theo could offer such warmth.

No one knew what the future held, so we might as well just live in the present.

When I woke up the next morning, the sunlight danced through the window of the bedroom and formed mottled spots. After getting used to the bright light, I started searching for Theo.

He walked out of the bathroom, and when he saw that I was awake, he asked with a smile, "Did you sleep well?" I nodded. "I slept pretty well." He walked over and kissed my cheeks. "I'm going out in a while. Want to calong?" "Where are you going?" I asked curiously.

"I'm going to check on the progress of the shooting." Theo pickedup from the bed. "And of course, I'm taking you out for a walk since it's such a nice day." I nodded, sort of agreeing.

We went downstairs to have breakfast. Theo then broughtto the largest recording stuin Salt City. Magnificient was not only involved in the entertainment industry but also in the beauty industry. Logically speaking, there was a group of artists endorsing Magnificient's products, so they had no reason to approach entertainment companies that were under Grant Corporation. However, they still did.

Theo was not worried about it and accepted it gladly.

Normally, Theo, as Grant Corporation's president, did not need to concern himself with partnerships of such level, let alone chere personally to oversee things.

I gave him a sideways glance. Sure enough, he was here to takearound.

In the large studio, the staff members were bustling about. Before entering the studio, Theo received a phone call.

When the person on the other end of the phone was done speaking, Theo frowned, showing signs of anger. "You didn't do early preparations?" "Mr. Grant, he wants to talk to you personally." I could hear the trembling voice on the other end of the call. Theo sneered. "Sure." After hanging up the phone, he looked at me. I smiled before he could say anything. "Go ahead.

I can walk around by myself. I'd be treated like a monkey if you followed me.” We were at Grant Corporation's studio, and all the staff members here knew who their boss was. If they saw him with a woman, it was bound to cause a stir.

Theo summoned Keith and told him to followbefore leaving.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Keith followed behind me. I walked a few steps and looked back at him, looking a little awkward. "I can walk around on my own. You can go and do your work." He shook his head. "Mr. Grant toldto follow you." Why was he still so inflexible? I thought he had becmuch more adaptable than before.

Keith followingwas not much different than if Theo were to follow me. Both attracted equally as much attention.

Fortunately, I bumped into someone familiar. At least I did not have to escape from this place straight away. "Heidi." I waved and greeted her.

She looked even more competent than she was three years ago. Even when she was just standing there without speaking, I could detect a sense of prestige within her that would cause others to be in awe of her.

When Heidi saw me, she looked more surprised than I expected. Without waiting forto walk over, she ran over and hugged me. "Where have you been all these years?" Her voice was a little shaky. I smiled slightly and patted her back. "I'm back, aren't I?"

Heidi let go ofwith a blaming look in her eyes." You suddenly disappeared without a trace and M without a trace was worried sick about you. I asked many people but no one knew where you went. If Mr. Grant hadn't toldthat you were fine, I would have called the police." When I left three years ago, I changed my contact number. Zenon was also a county that was slightly far away from here, so if no one had told her, she would not have the means to findat all.

When she saw Keith standing behind me, she was stunned. "Mr. Grant brought you here?" I nodded. "I cout for a walk. Perfect timing, maybe you can walk with me?" Having said that, I looked at Keith. "Keith, can I get Heidi to takearound?" After what I said, there was no way Keith could say n o. He nodded and said, "I won't bother you, then. You can contactanytyou need anything, Mrs.

Grant." When he walked farther away, I held Heidi's hand." Thank God you're here or people would start watchinglike I'm skind of monkey."

She nodded and said with a smile, "Keith is a popular figure beside Mr. Grant. I'm sure you attracted people's attention when they saw him following behind you so obsequiously. Come, I'll take you around." She then continued, "You can followwith ease. I'm just an insignificant director. No one will be curious about you." I smiled. "Great." I followed Heidi into the studio. Along the way, she askedhow I was in the last three years and I succinctly explained it to her.

At this moment, a staff member cover and anxiously said, "Heidi, Serena's agent just called and said that Serena's ill she can't cfor the shoot later. What should we do?" "Everyone woke up early to cto the stuto prepare everything and she said she isn't coming? Is this a joke?" "Exactly." All of a sudden, several staff members started complaining.

Heidi ground her teeth. "We've been preparing for this shoot for a week and she said she wouldn't come?" "Miss Heidi, I've already contacted her agent. Why don't you speak to her?" A young lady handed Heidi the phone.