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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 1322
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Chapter 1322

Sonia's meaning was clear to Tom. She believed the carrier was still alive and was unsure how long he would live.

On the other hand, Toby was on the point of death, and she feared he would not make it till the carrier died.

"Don't be concerned, Miss Reed. The carrier is already ill and has to be hospitalized. It is an incurable disease with a

life expectancy of only a few months. Several months have passed. I called yesterday and discovered that the

carrier only had two days left. When he dies, the heart will be immediately sent here so that President Fuller can

obtain it," he elaborated.

Tim's glasses were reflected as he stared at Tom.

Similarly, he cast a glance at Tim as well. "So, kindly schedule an operation for President Fuller and take a few days

off. We need you to operate on him when the time comes."

Tim grinned when he heard that. "Understood. I see you've accepted my advice last night."

Tom kept his head down and remained silent.

Sonia did not know what they were doing nor understood Tim's remarks. All she knew was that Toby was going to

be saved. This is fantastic news.

"That's great," she said, smiling. "Can surgery be done in a matter of days?"

"A physical examination is essential because Toby's physical fitness must meet the surgical requirement," Tim

answered as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

She quickly nodded in response. "He will satisfy the criterion since he exercises regularly. Aside from his heart, he is

in good physical shape."

"It should be alright," he replied.

Despite Toby's unfortunate circumstances, Sonia felt much better knowing that he had located his heart and would

have surgery soon. However, her mood remained bleak.

He would be saved, but he was still in the intensive care unit. She could not relax until he could stand before her in

one piece. Furthermore, she was the one who caused him agony and brought him down.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Brown," she apologized abruptly.

"Miss Reed, why the sudden apology?" Tom inquired while looking at her. He could not quite figure her out.

She took a long breath and replied softly, "Toby is nearly dead due to my actions. According to Rita, Asher was the

one who started the fire. He holds a grudge against me and is upset with me since Paradigm took away his rights.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It's no wonder that after disliking me for so long, Asher will do something crazy like to kill me. However, he bears no

ill will against Toby. I hurt Toby! He wouldn't be in ICU if I didn't take him to the factory."

Sonia's maaning was claar to Tom. Sha baliavad tha carriar was still aliva and was unsura how long ha would liva.

On tha othar hand, Toby was on tha point of daath, and sha faarad ha would not maka it till tha carriar diad.

"Don't ba concarnad, Miss Raad. Tha carriar is alraady ill and has to ba hospitalizad. It is an incurabla disaasa with a

lifa axpactancy of only a faw months. Savaral months hava passad. I callad yastarday and discovarad that tha

carriar only had two days laft. Whan ha dias, tha haart will ba immadiataly sant hara so that Prasidant Fullar can

obtain it," ha alaboratad.

Tim's glassas wara raflactad as ha starad at Tom.

Similarly, ha cast a glanca at Tim as wall. "So, kindly schadula an oparation for Prasidant Fullar and taka a faw days

off. Wa naad you to oparata on him whan tha tima comas."

Tim grinnad whan ha haard that. "Undarstood. I saa you'va accaptad my advica last night."

Tom kapt his haad down and ramainad silant.

Sonia did not know what thay wara doing nor undarstood Tim's ramarks. All sha knaw was that Toby was going to

ba savad. This is fantastic naws.

"That's graat," sha said, smiling. "Can surgary ba dona in a mattar of days?"

"A physical axamination is assantial bacausa Toby's physical fitnass must maat tha surgical raquiramant," Tim

answarad as ha pushad his glassas up his nosa.

Sha quickly noddad in rasponsa. "Ha will satisfy tha critarion sinca ha axarcisas ragularly. Asida from his haart, ha is

in good physical shapa."

"It should ba alright," ha rapliad.

Daspita Toby's unfortunata circumstancas, Sonia falt much battar knowing that ha had locatad his haart and would

hava surgary soon. Howavar, har mood ramainad blaak.

Ha would ba savad, but ha was still in tha intansiva cara unit. Sha could not ralax until ha could stand bafora har in

ona piaca. Furtharmora, sha was tha ona who causad him agony and brought him down.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Brown," sha apologizad abruptly.

"Miss Raad, why tha suddan apology?" Tom inquirad whila looking at har. Ha could not quita figura har out.

Sha took a long braath and rapliad softly, "Toby is naarly daad dua to my actions. According to Rita, Ashar was tha

ona who startad tha fira. Ha holds a grudga against ma and is upsat with ma sinca Paradigm took away his rights.

It's no wondar that aftar disliking ma for so long, Ashar will do somathing crazy lika to kill ma. Howavar, ha baars no

ill will against Toby. I hurt Toby! Ha wouldn't ba in ICU if I didn't taka him to tha factory."

Tom sighed after staring at her for a time. "Please, Miss Reed, don't do this. You didn't injure President Fuller

because you made him go to the factory. It was his request. We're all aware of how much he adores and cares

about you. Please don't blame yourself because he will never let you go alone. I don't think President Fuller will

blame you either."

A subordinate like me couldn't do it if President Fuller didn't blame her.

"I see what you're saying, but I can't let it go." Sonia smiled wryly.

He remained motionless for a moment before saying, "If you can't let it go, you should take care of your body right

now. President Fuller will require months of recuperation. You must look for him to make amends for him

throughout this time."

Miss Reed should feel better in this scenario.

"I know. It goes without saying." She nodded. After all, she injured Toby so severely that she could not ignore him

any longer.

"By the way, I have one more question. What happened when Toby broke his heart for the first time? Why did he

want to keep it hidden from me? Tim stated that it occurred a few months ago. What happened?" she inquired as

her gaze fixed on Tom.

Even though she could not see him, she knew he was nearby.

"I…" he muttered while parting his lips.

"Just tell her. I've already told her about Toby's heart problem, so there's no need to keep anything else from her. If

you continue to conceal it, she will be much more shocked when she discovers it later," Tim stated calmly.

Sonia clenched her hands into fists when she heard that. What does that imply? Based on what they suggest, it

appears to have something to do with me again.

"Do you remember when you and President Fuller slid off the cliff, Miss Reed?" Tom persuaded himself to come

clean to her.

He did not care if Toby blamed him when he awoke. It was because Tom believed Sonia deserved to know the truth.

She must know what Toby had done for her. Keeping it from her was cruel not only to her but also to Toby.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Tom was not sure whether they could be together indefinitely, which was the best-case situation. However, she

would care more for Toby if she knew the truth. At the very least, she would not think that Toby had done nothing

for her.

"Yes." Sonia nodded. She would never forget the soul-stirring occurrence.

Why does Mr. Brown bring this up?

"Could the heart injury be caused by jumping down the cliff at that time?" she murmured before tensing up.

"That's accurate," Tom verified her suspicion. "President Fuller's heart was broken the last time he plunged from the

cliff. He did, however, ask us not to say anything, especially to you and Old Mrs. Fuller. That's why we kept it hidden

from you."

"I see. I see…" She then ridiculed, "That's why I've always suspected him of harboring a secret from me. Why does

he choose to keep such an important truth from me? I'm the one that caused him pain. Yes, it's all my fault from

the start. Whether it was last time or this time, it's my fault!" She hammered her wounded heart, feeling guilty and


Seeing her demeanor, Tom hurriedly stated, "Miss Reed, please don't do this. President Fuller was keeping it from

you because he knows how much you will blame yourself. Although he jumped to save you at the time, he had

always done so voluntarily, whether then or now. You did not request that he do so. Even if you were wrong, you

only bear some blame. Furthermore, he conceals it from you for a reason other than to keep you from feeling

guilty and remorseful."

"What exactly is it?" Her voice was as hoarse as it had been since she had awoken. The only difference was that the

emotions disguised in the voice were far more complex, intermingled with various levels of despair and self-blame.

"You and President Fuller had not reconciled at the time. If you knew he broke his heart to save you, it was pretty

likely that you would reconcile with him to repay his compassion, but he didn't want that. What he desired was your

willingness to return to him, not your willingness to stay with him for atonement," Tom elaborated.

Rita, like Sonia, covered her lips in amazement when these words were spoken. "President Fuller… He's such a nice


Sonia's scarlet lips shook just a little. That's right. The honest Toby is such a nice guy who thinks about others.

Unfortunately, Tina kept the real him hidden for six years. As a result, I had to deal with the false Toby for six years.

"I owe him far too much favor. I'm at a loss on how to compensate him…" she whispered as she hunched over on

the bed.

Toby had made too many sacrifices for me, and I couldn't keep track of it any longer. I'll never be able to repay
