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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 402
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Chapter 402 Another Set of Documents

Tom pointed at the detention center’s doors behind him. “Taylor agreed to our plan, but she doesn’t need

us to do anything for now. She claimed that she has her ways to make Mr. and Mrs. Gray believe that

she’s the real Rina.”

Toby narrowed his eyes upon hearing this. “She has her ways, huh? What’s her plan?”

“I’m not sure about this. I asked her about it, but she wouldn’t tell me anything.” Tom shook his head.

“Well, forget it. What matters is that she agreed to our plan. The outcome will be the same, after all.”

Toby pressed his lips together as he spoke in a calm voice. Ultimately, his intention was to ensure that

Taylor would be firmly recognized as Rina. If Taylor could do it on her own, then he wouldn’t need to

meddle with anything

“Come on. Let’s go back to Fuller Residence for now.” Toby pinched the area between his brows as he

spoke in a rather strained voice.

“Aren’t you going back to the hospital?” Tom stared at his boss.

Toby shot him a disinterested glance. “Why should I go back when Sonia has already been discharged?”

The corner of Tom’s lips twitched when he heard Toby. “I got it. I’ll call the hospital and tell them to

proceed with your discharge.”

Toby turned around and opened the car door to let himself in. He was being honest when he said that he

didn’t want to go back to the hospital because Sonia wasn’t there, but that was only one of the reasons.

Apart from that, he also didn’t have any desire to spend another night in the hospital since scabs had

formed on the wounds on his back. As long as he didn’t rub against or scratch his wounds, he knew that

the wounds wouldn’t bleed anymore. If that were the case, Toby saw no need to remain in the hospital.

Once Tom got into the driver’s seat, he started the car and drove away from the detention center.

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The next day, Titus got ready to leave the house and head to his office. He had just stepped out of the

villa when he saw another folder file in the mailbox beside the main entrance. Titus slowed his footsteps

as his expression darkened. There was a copy of Rina’s and my DNA test results in a folder file

yesterday. What will it be today? Could it be related to Rina as well?

Titus walked over and tucked his briefcase under his arm before he pulled the new documents out of the

mailbox. However, he had used too much strength, so the envelope was torn apart by the sharp edges of

the mailbox. The papers inside fell onto the ground, and Titus lowered his head to read the words on a

piece of paper. ‘Taylor’s Personal Information’, it wrote.

Who is Taylor? Titus frowned as he thought of how the name sounded rather familiar to him. Soon

enough, he realized why it sounded so familiar. Taylor is Rina’s old name! This has got something to do

with Rina again. What is the sender trying to do? Judging by the fake DNA report that was sent over

yesterday, it’s clear that the sender has bad intentions. This sender has got something against Rina.

Titus was furious after he checked the CCTV cameras the day before because he couldn’t find footage of

the person leaving the documents in his mailbox. Titus narrowed his eyes as he bent over to pick up the

documents from the ground. When he glanced through the papers, he realized that all of the papers

documented Rina’s growth from when she was a child. There were a lot of details in it, and many of the

details were things that Rina had never told them about

Titus came to a point where he wasn’t even sure if the information in the documents were real. Well,

regardless of the validity of these documents, I’m sure the person who sent them is doing it with bad

intentions. Rina just entered the Gray Family and she barely steps out of the house or tries to get to

know people within our circle, so it’s unlikely she has made enemies with anyone. The only enemy she

has is Sonia since she beat Sonia up. So, Sonia probably sent these documents over.

“Hmph! What a cunning and manipulative woman!” Titus crumpled up the documents in his hands.

He was certain that this was Sonia’s way of getting revenge. She’s trying to ruin the relationships in our

family by making us think that Rina isn’t our biological child. She wants others to laugh at me for taking in

a child who isn’t related to me. Well, it’s a shame that I’m not going to fall for her tricks!

Titus sneered as he pressed all the documents into a large, crumpled ball to throw it away. However,

when he moved to crumple up the file folder, he could feel that there was something else inside. He

knitted his brows in suspicion before he reached his hand in to retrieve whatever it was. It’s a


Titus glanced at the picture of two—it was Rina with another middle-aged man. The background of the

man’s photo differed from the background of Rina’s photo, so it was clear that the picture was a collage

of two different images. Well, none of that matters. What matters is how Rina looks so similar to this man

in the picture. Who is this middle-aged guy?

Titus couldn’t recognize the man in the picture, but he was extremely concerned about who the man was

because the man simply looked too similar to Rina! They practically looked like father and daughter!

Wait… Father and daughter?! Titus’s expression darkened as he seemed to realize something, and he

tightened his grip on the picture.

Someone probably put these two pictures together. This person is clearly telling me to compare Rina and

this middle-aged man’s looks. If Sonia was the one who sent these things to me, then her intentions are

pretty clear—she’s trying to tell me that this guy is Rina’s father. Titus wouldn’t believe it if someone told

him that Rina wasn’t related to the middle-aged man in the photo because both of them simply looked

too alike. They looked so similar to the point where Titus was starting to question whether his DNA test

results were fake.

At that thought, Titus collected the documents and photos before he walked back into the house. Julia

was putting a face mask on when she saw Titus come in. “Didn’t you go out already, honey? Why did you

come back?” she asked puzzledly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Titus didn’t explain much and simply tossed the crumpled-up papers to her. “Take a look at this.”

“What is it?” Julia pulled the papers apart with a confused expression. She wasn’t an idiot—she quickly

understood the situation after she read the contents of the paper. She was so shocked that she leapt to

her feet, and her face mask fell to the ground.

“Honey, I…” Julia’s hands were shaking as she held onto the documents. “I can’t believe this is true,” she


“My plan is to run another DNA test with Rina to check if she’s actually our daughter,” Titus uttered in a

gloomy tone. Julia eyed him timidly. “What if the results show that Rina isn’t our daughter?”

Titus clenched his fists tightly. “If she’s not the real Rina, I’ll never let her go! How dare she pretend to be

my daughter? I will show her the price that she has to pay!” Titus was born with necrospermia, and he

never had hopes of having a child since he was aware of his condition. So, when his daughter arrived, it

felt like a miracle to him. When he found out that his wife was pregnant, he had been so happy that he

nearly lost his mind. He had spent days praying in church, asking for God to bless his child with health

and vitality. Indeed, his child was born healthy and well, but Henry stole his precious baby away from him

when the baby was only one-month old.

Titus had spent the past 20 years accepting the fact that his only child was gone. However, he had

recently found out that his child wasn’t dead and had even returned to reunite with him. He was so happy

that he cried for a long while after that. Yet, someone seemed to be hinting that Rina wasn’t actually his

daughter, but an impostor. Titus was furious just thinking about it.

My only daughter is the most important thing to me in the world. If this girl who claims to be Rina isn’t my

actual daughter, then I’ll make sure to show her what hell looks like! No one can impersonate my one

and only daughter. No one has the right to do that!

“Come. Let’s go to the police station. I’d like to talk to the police and get Rina to come out for a while so

that we can do a DNA test. I’d like to have the test in a few hospitals, just to ensure that she’s not lying to

us.” Titus spoke as he dragged Julia out of the house and away from home.