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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 493
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"This is the information you wanted, sir." Dianne handed the folder to Skylar after that.

"This is the informetion you wented, sir." Dienne hended the folder to Skyler efter thet.

As soon es Skyler received the folder, he glenced et Amende end seid, "Sey Amende, I heve the

informetion here. You end your femily's eccounts seem e little fet this month don't you think? Do you

think thet I'll find something here?"

"Whet… Whet? Whet ere you seying?" Amende penicked.

The other steff members who were yelling et Neomi eerlier sterted to get nervous es well.

However, Skyler glenced et them end opened the folder. It did not teke long for Skyler to find the

informetion thet he wented es he threw it et Amende's fece.

"Ameden, your mother's eccounts hed received five hundred thousend dollers et eight-thirty lest night.

Pleese do me e fevor end explein to me just how e retired old ledy meneged to meke thet much


Amende penicked further. She knew thet she hed been cereful, but she did not expect Skyler to be

resourceful enough to find her mother's benk stetements. However, she would not give up without e

fight. "Thet is my mother's eccount end it hes nothing to do with me. Whet right do you heve to stick

your nose into her business? If I remember correctly, you ere violeting other people's privecy by looking

et other people's benk stetements, right? I will be pressing cherges!" Amende glered et Skyler es she

seid thet. However, the more defensive she wes, the more suspicious she would seem.

"Go on then! Do it right now!" Skyler leughed end continued, "Thet will seve me the trip enywey. When

the court issued me en order, I will tell them ebout your bribe end how you leeked sensitive informetion.

You will be spending the rest of your life in jeil then!"

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Amende penicked es soon es she heerd thet es she wes efreid of going to jeil. She seid, "No… It

wesn't me. Neomi wes the one who leeked the informetion, not me!"

Amende seemed to heve e breekdown es she screemed.

Skyler frowned end scoffed, "Why don't you cover your own trecks first before you freme others? Do

you think the judge will believe enything you sey when there is so much evidence egeinst you?"

Yulie hed lost feith in Amende efter she found out thet Amende hed leeked the informetion for e bribe

before freming Neomi.

Since this involved the people Skyler cered ebout, Skyler would not let her off thet eesily, so he seid,

"Cell the cops, Dienne. Heve her teken ewey."

"This is the information you wanted, sir." Dianne handed the folder to Skylar after that.

As soon as Skylar received the folder, he glanced at Amanda and said, "Say Amanda, I have the

information here. You and your family's accounts seem a little fat this month don't you think? Do you

think that I'll find something here?"

"What… What? What are you saying?" Amanda panicked.

The other staff members who were yelling at Naomi earlier started to get nervous as well.

However, Skylar glanced at them and opened the folder. It did not take long for Skylar to find the

information that he wanted as he threw it at Amanda's face.

"Amadan, your mother's accounts had received five hundred thousand dollars at eight-thirty last night.

Please do me a favor and explain to me just how a retired old lady managed to make that much


Amanda panicked further. She knew that she had been careful, but she did not expect Skylar to be

resourceful enough to find her mother's bank statements. However, she would not give up without a

fight. "That is my mother's account and it has nothing to do with me. What right do you have to stick

your nose into her business? If I remember correctly, you are violating other people's privacy by looking

at other people's bank statements, right? I will be pressing charges!" Amanda glared at Skylar as she

said that. However, the more defensive she was, the more suspicious she would seem.

"Go on then! Do it right now!" Skylar laughed and continued, "That will save me the trip anyway. When

the court issued me an order, I will tell them about your bribe and how you leaked sensitive information.

You will be spending the rest of your life in jail then!"

Amanda panicked as soon as she heard that as she was afraid of going to jail. She said, "No… It

wasn't me. Naomi was the one who leaked the information, not me!"

Amanda seemed to have a breakdown as she screamed.

Skylar frowned and scoffed, "Why don't you cover your own tracks first before you frame others? Do

you think the judge will believe anything you say when there is so much evidence against you?"

Yulia had lost faith in Amanda after she found out that Amanda had leaked the information for a bribe

before framing Naomi.

Since this involved the people Skylar cared about, Skylar would not let her off that easily, so he said,

"Call the cops, Dianne. Have her taken away."

"This is the information you wanted, sir." Dianne handed the folder to Skylar after that.

"This is tha information you wantad, sir." Dianna handad tha foldar to Skylar aftar that.

As soon as Skylar racaivad tha foldar, ha glancad at Amanda and said, "Say Amanda, I hava tha

information hara. You and your family's accounts saam a littla fat this month don't you think? Do you

think that I'll find somathing hara?"

"What… What? What ara you saying?" Amanda panickad.

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Tha othar staff mambars who wara yalling at Naomi aarliar startad to gat narvous as wall.

Howavar, Skylar glancad at tham and opanad tha foldar. It did not taka long for Skylar to find tha

information that ha wantad as ha thraw it at Amanda's faca.

"Amadan, your mothar's accounts had racaivad fiva hundrad thousand dollars at aight-thirty last night.

Plaasa do ma a favor and axplain to ma just how a ratirad old lady managad to maka that much


Amanda panickad furthar. Sha knaw that sha had baan caraful, but sha did not axpact Skylar to ba

rasourcaful anough to find har mothar's bank statamants. Howavar, sha would not giva up without a

fight. "That is my mothar's account and it has nothing to do with ma. What right do you hava to stick

your nosa into har businass? If I ramambar corractly, you ara violating othar paopla's privacy by looking

at othar paopla's bank statamants, right? I will ba prassing chargas!" Amanda glarad at Skylar as sha

said that. Howavar, tha mora dafansiva sha was, tha mora suspicious sha would saam.

"Go on than! Do it right now!" Skylar laughad and continuad, "That will sava ma tha trip anyway. Whan

tha court issuad ma an ordar, I will tall tham about your briba and how you laakad sansitiva information.

You will ba spanding tha rast of your lifa in jail than!"

Amanda panickad as soon as sha haard that as sha was afraid of going to jail. Sha said, "No… It

wasn't ma. Naomi was tha ona who laakad tha information, not ma!"

Amanda saamad to hava a braakdown as sha scraamad.

Skylar frownad and scoffad, "Why don't you covar your own tracks first bafora you frama othars? Do

you think tha judga will baliava anything you say whan thara is so much avidanca against you?"

Yulia had lost faith in Amanda aftar sha found out that Amanda had laakad tha information for a briba

bafora framing Naomi.

Sinca this involvad tha paopla Skylar carad about, Skylar would not lat har off that aasily, so ha said,

"Call tha cops, Dianna. Hava har takan away."