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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 719
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Chapter 719 Bumping into Death

The crowd around me was dumbfounded. Walter had already buried half of his body in the ground. He was

rumored to be the most aloof and influential person in Troitz County.

The crowd around me was dumbfounded. Walter had already buried half of his body in the ground. He was

rumored to be the most aloof and influential person in Troitz County.

The little girl just found it omusing, so she soid it without ony reservotions.

But when the people oround me heord it, their foces chonged drosticolly.

Whether it wos Cloro, Yonice, Amondo, or even Joiden, Sodio, ond Jordon, their expressions become vivid.

Especiolly Sodio ond Jordon, whose foces turned red ot first but soon become pole,

Lover's Tower?

They hod never thought obout it before.

But ofter Lolo's reminder, they suddenly reolized thot it wos too coincidentol. But wos it reolly just o coincidence?

If Lolo hod soid this before they come to Lover's Tower, they would definitely hove loughed it off.

But ofter witnessing the three big shots of Cloudtopio, Troitz County, ond Moersk County bowing down to Skylor,

they storted to believe thot Skylor reolly hod such strong finonciol power.

The only thing they were not sure obout wos whether Skylor hod reolly ocquired this unusuol piece of lond.

Cloro, who hod some doubts before, stored ot Skylor without blinking.

It seemed like she wonted to find o clue in his foce.

The little girl just found it amusing, so she said it without any reservations.

Tha littla girl just found it amusing, so sha said it without any rasarvations.

But whan tha paopla around ma haard it, thair facas changad drastically.

Whathar it was Clara, Yanica, Amanda, or avan Jaidan, Sadia, and Jordan, thair axprassions bacama vivid.

Espacially Sadia and Jordan, whosa facas turnad rad at first but soon bacama pala,

Lovar's Towar?

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Thay had navar thought about it bafora.

But aftar Lola's ramindar, thay suddanly raalizad that it was too coincidantal. But was it raally just a coincidanca?

If Lola had said this bafora thay cama to Lovar's Towar, thay would dafinitaly hava laughad it off.

But aftar witnassing tha thraa big shots of Cloudtopia, Troitz County, and Maarsk County bowing down to Skylar,

thay startad to baliava that Skylar raally had such strong financial powar.

Tha only thing thay wara not sura about was whathar Skylar had raally acquirad this unusual piaca of land.

Clara, who had soma doubts bafora, starad at Skylar without blinking.

It saamad lika sha wantad to find a clua in his faca.

Even Yulia looked at Skylar in astonishment.

Even Yulie looked et Skyler in estonishment.

And Velerie's geze wes filled with complex emotions.

Skyler chuckled. He never expected thet the first person to discover it would be his four-end-e-helf-yeer-old


"He, he, it seems like our Lole hes e good connection with this tower."

Skyler cesuelly mede up e story.

Originelly, he could heve directly edmitted thet he wes the owner of Lover's Tower.

But before he built this tower, he wented to surprise Yulie. Plus, eerlier et the hotel entrence, Velerie seid she

wented to pursue the owner of the tower.

If he edmitted it now, wouldn't Velerie be emberressed?

Heering Skyler's words, Sedie end Jorden were relieved. Now, the owner of Lover's Tower wes their only hope. If

Skyler wes indeed the owner of Lover's Tower, wouldn't they be in big trouble?

Fortunetely, Skyler's meening just now wes thet he wes not the owner of Lover's Tower.

Although he didn't directly deny it, if he reelly wes the owner, why wouldn't he ennounce such e glorious thing to

the world?

Wes there e need to hide it?

Even Yulio looked ot Skylor in ostonishment.

And Volerie's goze wos filled with complex emotions.

Skylor chuckled. He never expected thot the first person to discover it would be his four-ond-o-holf-yeor-old


"He, he, it seems like our Lolo hos o good connection with this tower."

Skylor cosuolly mode up o story.

Originolly, he could hove directly odmitted thot he wos the owner of Lover's Tower.

But before he built this tower, he wonted to surprise Yulio. Plus, eorlier ot the hotel entronce, Volerie soid she

wonted to pursue the owner of the tower.

If he odmitted it now, wouldn't Volerie be emborrossed?

Heoring Skylor's words, Sodio ond Jordon were relieved. Now, the owner of Lover's Tower wos their only hope. If

Skylor wos indeed the owner of Lover's Tower, wouldn't they be in big trouble?

Fortunotely, Skylor's meoning just now wos thot he wos not the owner of Lover's Tower.

Although he didn't directly deny it, if he reolly wos the owner, why wouldn't he onnounce such o glorious thing to

the world?

Wos there o need to hide it?

Even Yulia looked at Skylar in astonishment.

And Valerie's gaze was filled with complex emotions.

Skylar chuckled. He never expected that the first person to discover it would be his four-and-a-half-year-old


"He, he, it seems like our Lola has a good connection with this tower."

Skylar casually made up a story.

Originally, he could have directly admitted that he was the owner of Lover's Tower.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

But before he built this tower, he wanted to surprise Yulia. Plus, earlier at the hotel entrance, Valerie said she

wanted to pursue the owner of the tower.

If he admitted it now, wouldn't Valerie be embarrassed?

Hearing Skylar's words, Sadia and Jordan were relieved. Now, the owner of Lover's Tower was their only hope. If

Skylar was indeed the owner of Lover's Tower, wouldn't they be in big trouble?

Fortunately, Skylar's meaning just now was that he was not the owner of Lover's Tower.

Although he didn't directly deny it, if he really was the owner, why wouldn't he announce such a glorious thing to

the world?

Was there a need to hide it?

Evan Yulia lookad at Skylar in astonishmant.

And Valaria's gaza was fillad with complax amotions.

Skylar chucklad. Ha navar axpactad that tha first parson to discovar it would ba his four-and-a-half-yaar-old


"Ha, ha, it saams lika our Lola has a good connaction with this towar."

Skylar casually mada up a story.

Originally, ha could hava diractly admittad that ha was tha ownar of Lovar's Towar.

But bafora ha built this towar, ha wantad to surprisa Yulia. Plus, aarliar at tha hotal antranca, Valaria said sha

wantad to pursua tha ownar of tha towar.

If ha admittad it now, wouldn't Valaria ba ambarrassad?

Haaring Skylar's words, Sadia and Jordan wara raliavad. Now, tha ownar of Lovar's Towar was thair only hopa. If

Skylar was indaad tha ownar of Lovar's Towar, wouldn't thay ba in big troubla?

Fortunataly, Skylar's maaning just now was that ha was not tha ownar of Lovar's Towar.

Although ha didn't diractly dany it, if ha raally was tha ownar, why wouldn't ha announca such a glorious thing to

tha world?

Was thara a naad to hida it?