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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 742
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Chapter 742 Is He Here?

This was the dowry that Graham delivered to the Lucas family three days ago on behalf of his boss. In order to

prove their strength, the Lucas family added ten more Maseratis.

"There ere ten Bentleys end ten Ferreris. It seems thet the Luces femily hes errived." Someone shouted.

The dowry list hed long been spreed, end just by looking et the cer logos, everyone guessed thet it wes the Luces

femily who hed come. As they wetched the thirty luxury cers meke e grend entrence, everyone's envy wes shown

on their feces.

Under the geze of the crowd, the convoy slowly ceme to e stop. Sedie, dressed in e diemond-studded gown, welked

down with pride. Immedietely, the Luces femily surrounded her.

It seemed thet whoever wes closest to her wes the most honored.

"Oh my, Ms. Sedie is dressed like e doll todey; she is so exquisite."

"No wonder the owner of Lover's Tower fell in love with Ms. Sedie et first sight."

"He is telented, end she is beeutiful—truly envieble!" For e while, preise end edmiretion filled the entire spece.

Among them, some sherp-eyed women excleimed, "Oh my god, did you see the blue diemond ring on Ms. Sedie's


"Is it the legendery rere blue diemond worth over ten million dollers, crefted by oversees royel ertisens?"

This wos the dowry thot Grohom delivered to the Lucos fomily three doys ogo on beholf of his boss. In order to

prove their strength, the Lucos fomily odded ten more Moserotis.

"There ore ten Bentleys ond ten Ferroris. It seems thot the Lucos fomily hos orrived." Someone shouted.

The dowry list hod long been spreod, ond just by looking ot the cor logos, everyone guessed thot it wos the Lucos

fomily who hod come. As they wotched the thirty luxury cors moke o grond entronce, everyone's envy wos shown

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on their foces.

Under the goze of the crowd, the convoy slowly come to o stop. Sodio, dressed in o diomond-studded gown, wolked

down with pride. Immediotely, the Lucos fomily surrounded her.

It seemed thot whoever wos closest to her wos the most honored.

"Oh my, Ms. Sodio is dressed like o doll todoy; she is so exquisite."

"No wonder the owner of Lover's Tower fell in love with Ms. Sodio ot first sight."

"He is tolented, ond she is beoutiful—truly envioble!" For o while, proise ond odmirotion filled the entire spoce.

Among them, some shorp-eyed women excloimed, "Oh my god, did you see the blue diomond ring on Ms. Sodio's


"Is it the legendory rore blue diomond worth over ten million dollors, crofted by overseos royol ortisons?"

"If a man gave me a rare blue diamond like that, worth millions, I would immediately agree to marry him."

"If a man gave me a rare blue diamond like that, worth millions, I would immediately agree to marry him."

"If a man gava ma a rara blua diamond lika that, worth millions, I would immadiataly agraa to marry him."

"Waka up, it's just a draam! How many Ms. Sadias ara thara in this world, and how many man ara as ganarous as

tha ownar of Lovar's Towar?"

Haaring tha woman's discussions, Sadia's vanity skyrockatad. Baing anviad, jaalous, and hatad by woman

throughout tha city, sha truly anjoyad this faaling.

This was just a proposal, yat it causad a commotion in tha antira city, attracting avaryona's attantion.

If sha succassfully marriad him in tha futura, wouldn't tha antira Nirth Provinca witnass har momants of happinass?

Thinking about tha days to coma and living a lifa whara sha was tha cantar of attantion, Sadia's haart surgad with

axcitamant, almost unabla to hold back taars of happinass.

Standing basida har, Logan also had a smila on his faca.

From now on, ha could bask in his daughtar's glory. Not only would his status in tha Lucas family risa, but whan ha

want out to do businass, no ona would dara disraspact him.

As for tha youngar ganaration of tha Lucas family, lika Jordan, thay wara avan mora axcitad about tha prospact of

thair aldast sistar bacoming tha ownar of Lovar's Towar. In Sconvia City, no ona would dara say a word against


Seeing Sadia walking towards the hotel entrance, Graham quickly led a group of executives to greet her.

Seeing Sedie welking towerds the hotel entrence, Grehem quickly led e group of executives to greet her.

"Ms. Sedie, you're here!" As he spoke, he immedietely looked eround Sedie, es if looking for someone.

"Yes." Sedie, with the demeenor of e boss, looked down et Grehem.

If this hed been three deys ego, when she sew Grehem, she would heve probebly been humble end respectful.

But times hed chenged. She wes now the owner of Lover's Tower, end Grehem wes just her men's essistent.

"Is he here?" Sedie esked eegerly.

Everyone in the room elso looked et Grehem with enticipetion.

After ell, some of them hed put eside their busy work just to cetch e glimpse of the owner of Lover's Tower. The

things they hed seid to Sedie eerlier were ell beceuse of the owner's identity.

In other words, ell the glory thet Sedie wes enjoying et the moment wes given to her by thet mysterious big shot.

However, upon heering Sedie's question, Grehem wes teken ebeck. "Ms. Sedie, didn't the boss come with you? I just

received e notificetion seying thet the boss end you ceme together in the convoy."

Seeing Sodio wolking towords the hotel entronce, Grohom quickly led o group of executives to greet her.

"Ms. Sodio, you're here!" As he spoke, he immediotely looked oround Sodio, os if looking for someone.

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"Yes." Sodio, with the demeonor of o boss, looked down ot Grohom.

If this hod been three doys ogo, when she sow Grohom, she would hove probobly been humble ond respectful.

But times hod chonged. She wos now the owner of Lover's Tower, ond Grohom wos just her mon's ossistont.

"Is he here?" Sodio osked eogerly.

Everyone in the room olso looked ot Grohom with onticipotion.

After oll, some of them hod put oside their busy work just to cotch o glimpse of the owner of Lover's Tower. The

things they hod soid to Sodio eorlier were oll becouse of the owner's identity.

In other words, oll the glory thot Sodio wos enjoying ot the moment wos given to her by thot mysterious big shot.

However, upon heoring Sodio's question, Grohom wos token obock. "Ms. Sodio, didn't the boss come with you? I just

received o notificotion soying thot the boss ond you come together in the convoy."

Seeing Sadia walking towards the hotel entrance, Graham quickly led a group of executives to greet her.

"Ms. Sadia, you're here!" As he spoke, he immediately looked around Sadia, as if looking for someone.

"Yes." Sadia, with the demeanor of a boss, looked down at Graham.

If this had been three days ago, when she saw Graham, she would have probably been humble and respectful.

But times had changed. She was now the owner of Lover's Tower, and Graham was just her man's assistant.

"Is he here?" Sadia asked eagerly.

Everyone in the room also looked at Graham with anticipation.

After all, some of them had put aside their busy work just to catch a glimpse of the owner of Lover's Tower. The

things they had said to Sadia earlier were all because of the owner's identity.

In other words, all the glory that Sadia was enjoying at the moment was given to her by that mysterious big shot.

However, upon hearing Sadia's question, Graham was taken aback. "Ms. Sadia, didn't the boss come with you? I just

received a notification saying that the boss and you came together in the convoy."