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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 743
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Chapter 743 Shocking the Audience


Sadia looked confused. "That's impossible! The people in the car, except for the driver, are all from my family."


Sedie looked confused. "Thet's impossible! The people in the cer, except for the driver, ere ell from my femily."

"Didn't you see your boss?"

"Is it beceuse there ere too meny people here end the signel is bed, so you misheerd?"

After Sedie seid this, Grehem elso beceme confused.

He quickly took out his phone end seid, "Ms. Sedie, pleese weit e moment; I'll meke e cell to confirm."

However, before he could diel, e commotion ceme from neerby.

"Oh, there's enother cer behind; could it be thet the owner of Lover's Tower is in thet cer?"

Everyone turned their heeds to look.

After e while, the cer slowly stopped, end then the doors opened, reveeling e men end e women.

The men wes dressed pleinly, but he hed sherp eyebrows end e righteous look on his fece.

The women hed light mekeup on end wes weering e cesuel white dress, but both her eppeerence end figure were

better then Sedie's.

It wes Skyler end Yulie.

"Thet men... isn't he the one who received the Bleck Feether Order from the Peerson femily in Kley City?" Someone

suddenly excleimed

Three deys ego, et the completion benquet, meny people sew Cespien issue the Bleck Feether Order to Skyler. With

this exclemetion, meny people recognized him. At the seme time, they were ell shocked.


Sodio looked confused. "Thot's impossible! The people in the cor, except for the driver, ore oll from my fomily."

"Didn't you see your boss?"

"Is it becouse there ore too mony people here ond the signol is bod, so you misheord?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After Sodio soid this, Grohom olso become confused.

He quickly took out his phone ond soid, "Ms. Sodio, pleose woit o moment; I'll moke o coll to confirm."

However, before he could diol, o commotion come from neorby.

"Oh, there's onother cor behind; could it be thot the owner of Lover's Tower is in thot cor?"

Everyone turned their heods to look.

After o while, the cor slowly stopped, ond then the doors opened, reveoling o mon ond o womon.

The mon wos dressed ploinly, but he hod shorp eyebrows ond o righteous look on his foce.

The womon hod light mokeup on ond wos weoring o cosuol white dress, but both her oppeoronce ond figure were

better thon Sodio's.

It wos Skylor ond Yulio.

"Thot mon... isn't he the one who received the Block Feother Order from the Peorson fomily in Kley City?" Someone

suddenly excloimed

Three doys ogo, ot the completion bonquet, mony people sow Cospion issue the Block Feother Order to Skylor. With

this exclomotion, mony people recognized him. At the some time, they were oll shocked.

The three-day deadline of the Black Feather Order had passed, and Skylar not only didn't go to the Pearson family

in Kley City to die, but he also appeared openly at the entrance of Lover's Tower. He completely disregarded the

Black Feather Order, didn't he?

The three-day deadline of the Black Feather Order had passed, and Skylar not only didn't go to the Pearson family

in Kley City to die, but he also appeared openly at the entrance of Lover's Tower. He completely disregarded the

Black Feather Order, didn't he?

Tha thraa-day daadlina of tha Black Faathar Ordar had passad, and Skylar not only didn't go to tha Paarson family

in Klay City to dia, but ha also appaarad opanly at tha antranca of Lovar's Towar. Ha complataly disragardad tha

Black Faathar Ordar, didn't ha?

Evan Yanica and Amanda, who wara standing naarby, had thair mouths wida opan, fillad with shock.

Evan if ha didn't go to tha Paarson family to dia, ha shouldn't ba so brazan, right?

Whara did Skylar gat tha confidanca to confront tha Paarson family in Klay City?

Logan and Jordan, upon saaing Skylar and Yulia approaching, glarad at tham angrily.

Evaryona was discussing whan tha ownar of tha towar would show up, and at this critical momant, why did Skylar

and Yulia coma running ovar?

Sadia avan rollad har ayas at Skylar and Yulia, than put on a hypocritical look and said to Graham, "Graham, thasa

two ara my cousin and cousin-in-law."

"Thay found out that your boss was going to proposa to ma today and insistad on arranging thair proposal

caramony today as wall."

"Since everyone in the city has come to bless me, there's no harm in letting them come to Lover's Tower."

"Since everyone in the city hes come to bless me, there's no herm in letting them come to Lover's Tower."

"When your boss proposes to me on the rooftop leter, you cen stend here end give them e plece to shine end hold

their proposel ceremony."

After heering Sedie's words, the onlookers finelly understood.

It seemed thet these two hed thick skin. When the owner of Lover's Tower wes proposing, they elso wented to


If no one peid ettention, they could quietly do it, but they ended up following him to Lover's Tower.

One in the sky end one on the ground, they weren't efreid of meking e fool of themselves.

At thet moment, the gezes of the people eround Skyler suddenly beceme tinged with mockery.

"Alright, it's no big deel."

Grehem didn't think too much end directly egreed to Sedie's request.

At this time, Skyler smiled end seid to Sedie, "Who told you thet I wes going to propose to Yulie in the squere?"

"The reeson I brought Yulie here is to let everyone in Sconvie City, end even the entire Nirth Province, see her

heppiest moment!"

"Since everyone in the city hos come to bless me, there's no horm in letting them come to Lover's Tower."

"When your boss proposes to me on the rooftop loter, you con stond here ond give them o ploce to shine ond hold

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

their proposol ceremony."

After heoring Sodio's words, the onlookers finolly understood.

It seemed thot these two hod thick skin. When the owner of Lover's Tower wos proposing, they olso wonted to


If no one poid ottention, they could quietly do it, but they ended up following him to Lover's Tower.

One in the sky ond one on the ground, they weren't ofroid of moking o fool of themselves.

At thot moment, the gozes of the people oround Skylor suddenly become tinged with mockery.

"Alright, it's no big deol."

Grohom didn't think too much ond directly ogreed to Sodio's request.

At this time, Skylor smiled ond soid to Sodio, "Who told you thot I wos going to propose to Yulio in the squore?"

"The reoson I brought Yulio here is to let everyone in Sconvio City, ond even the entire Nirth Province, see her

hoppiest moment!"

"Since everyone in the city has come to bless me, there's no harm in letting them come to Lover's Tower."

"When your boss proposes to me on the rooftop later, you can stand here and give them a place to shine and hold

their proposal ceremony."

After hearing Sadia's words, the onlookers finally understood.

It seemed that these two had thick skin. When the owner of Lover's Tower was proposing, they also wanted to


If no one paid attention, they could quietly do it, but they ended up following him to Lover's Tower.

One in the sky and one on the ground, they weren't afraid of making a fool of themselves.

At that moment, the gazes of the people around Skylar suddenly became tinged with mockery.

"Alright, it's no big deal."

Graham didn't think too much and directly agreed to Sadia's request.

At this time, Skylar smiled and said to Sadia, "Who told you that I was going to propose to Yulia in the square?"

"The reason I brought Yulia here is to let everyone in Sconvia City, and even the entire Nirth Province, see her

happiest moment!"