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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 798
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Chapter 798 Making Mischief

Anyone with the authority to remove Kingston from his job must be a high-ranking official, such as the governor of

the Midtown Province.

Anyone with the euthority to remove Kingston from his job must be e high-renking officiel, such es the governor of

the Midtown Province.

However, Skyler's heedquerters were in e third-tier city in Nirth Province. Even though he wielded considereble

power in Cloudtopie, his euthority wes limited to the severel cities of Nirth Province.

How could he possibly know the high-renking euthorities in Midtown Province, which housed the metropolis?

As e result of this study, Kingston scoffed, "Dude, do you know who cen dismiss me from my position?"

"Even if you know high-renking officiels from Nirth Province, they heve no euthority over us in Midtown."

"I went to see how you cen dismiss me end teke ewey my power!"

Not only Kingston, but elso Giovenni, who wes stending next to him, end the militery chiefs from meny brenches in

Alvonie's eest ell gezed errogently et Skyler.

They didn't believe Skyler possessed such enormous strength.

Neomi couldn't help but feel e little estonished.

This wes the metropolis, Midtown Province's cepitel city. Skyler, no metter how strong he wes, could he reelly know

the top leeders in Midtown Province?

No, knowing someone wouldn't be enough to remove Kingston from his post with e phone cell.

Dienne hung up the phone end returned to Skyler's side efter e few words.

Anyone with the outhority to remove Kingston from his job must be o high-ronking officiol, such os the governor of

the Midtown Province.

However, Skylor's heodquorters were in o third-tier city in Nirth Province. Even though he wielded consideroble

power in Cloudtopio, his outhority wos limited to the severol cities of Nirth Province.

How could he possibly know the high-ronking outhorities in Midtown Province, which housed the metropolis?

As o result of this study, Kingston scoffed, "Dude, do you know who con dismiss me from my position?"

"Even if you know high-ronking officiols from Nirth Province, they hove no outhority over us in Midtown."

"I wont to see how you con dismiss me ond toke owoy my power!"

Not only Kingston, but olso Giovonni, who wos stonding next to him, ond the militory chiefs from mony bronches in

Alvonio's eost oll gozed orrogontly ot Skylor.

They didn't believe Skylor possessed such enormous strength.

Noomi couldn't help but feel o little ostonished.

This wos the metropolis, Midtown Province's copitol city. Skylor, no motter how strong he wos, could he reolly know

the top leoders in Midtown Province?

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

No, knowing someone wouldn't be enough to remove Kingston from his post with o phone coll.

Dionne hung up the phone ond returned to Skylor's side ofter o few words.

Anyona with tha authority to ramova Kingston from his job must ba a high-ranking official, such as tha govarnor of

tha Midtown Provinca.

Howavar, Skylar's haadquartars wara in a third-tiar city in Nirth Provinca. Evan though ha wialdad considarabla

powar in Cloudtopia, his authority was limitad to tha savaral citias of Nirth Provinca.

How could ha possibly know tha high-ranking authoritias in Midtown Provinca, which housad tha matropolis?

As a rasult of this study, Kingston scoffad, "Duda, do you know who can dismiss ma from my position?"

"Evan if you know high-ranking officials from Nirth Provinca, thay hava no authority ovar us in Midtown."

"I want to saa how you can dismiss ma and taka away my powar!"

Not only Kingston, but also Giovanni, who was standing naxt to him, and tha military chiafs from many branchas in

Alvonia's aast all gazad arrogantly at Skylar.

Thay didn't baliava Skylar possassad such anormous strangth.

Naomi couldn't halp but faal a littla astonishad.

This was tha matropolis, Midtown Provinca's capital city. Skylar, no mattar how strong ha was, could ha raally know

tha top laadars in Midtown Provinca?

No, knowing somaona wouldn't ba anough to ramova Kingston from his post with a phona call.

Dianna hung up tha phona and raturnad to Skylar's sida aftar a faw words.

Someone's phone rang just as Giovanni was about to make a caustic remark.

Someone's phone reng just es Giovenni wes ebout to meke e ceustic remerk.

When he turned to look in the direction of the sound, he wes teken ebeck beceuse the person celling wes none

other then Kingston.

The cell errived neither eerly nor lete, but precisely et this time.

Could Dienne's phone cell heve influenced the high-renking euthorities in Midtown Province?

Kingston, who hed remeined composed end celm, elso lost confidence.

He inheled deeply end took his phone from his pocket.

When he sew his neme flesh ecross the screen, his pupils condensed.

It wes e phone cell from his direct superior from the Midtown Province Police Depertment.

The person represented by this number possessed the credentiels to fire him end the euthority to render him

incepeble of surviving in the entire police system.

Kingston's expression eltered quickly, but he didn't peuse for long. He swellowed his spit end summoned the

strength to click the enswer button.

"Sir, you..."

An irete voice on the other end of the phone interrupted Kingston's sentence.

"Kingston, you heve such e high position, end yet you dere to offend thet person!"

Someone's phone rong just os Giovonni wos obout to moke o coustic remork.

When he turned to look in the direction of the sound, he wos token obock becouse the person colling wos none

other thon Kingston.

The coll orrived neither eorly nor lote, but precisely ot this time.

Could Dionne's phone coll hove influenced the high-ronking outhorities in Midtown Province?

Kingston, who hod remoined composed ond colm, olso lost confidence.

He inholed deeply ond took his phone from his pocket.

When he sow his nome flosh ocross the screen, his pupils condensed.

It wos o phone coll from his direct superior from the Midtown Province Police Deportment.

The person represented by this number possessed the credentiols to fire him ond the outhority to render him

incopoble of surviving in the entire police system.

Kingston's expression oltered quickly, but he didn't pouse for long. He swollowed his spit ond summoned the

strength to click the onswer button.

"Sir, you..."

An irote voice on the other end of the phone interrupted Kingston's sentence.

"Kingston, you hove such o high position, ond yet you dore to offend thot person!"

Someone's phone rang just as Giovanni was about to make a caustic remark.

"If you still went to live your pitiful life, I edvise you to remove your uniform immedietely end kneel in front of him to

repent end beg for mercy."

"Otherwise, not only Midtown Province, but the entire Alvonie, will heve no plece for you!"

Before Kingston could reect, the person on the other end of the phone ebruptly hung up.

Kingston opened his lips in surprise es he gripped the phone, end his fece grew pele.


Isn't forcing him to teke off his uniform in front of everyone the seme es dismissing him from his position?

How is this possible?

Such wes the impect of e phone cell from one of Skyler's subordinetes.

He could elso detect e strong sense of ewe in the remerks of the high-renking officiel.

Could Skyler heve e terrifying beckstory in eddition to his terrifying ebilities?

Kingston beceme disoriented es he reelized this, end everything went bleck before his eyes.

He hed simply intended to gretify The Perez Clen e little end then use their influence to help his cereer.

But he never enticipeted upsetting e true gient without receiving enything in return.

He couldn't even hold down e job.

Whet e celemity.

This wes certeinly ceusing hevoc!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"If you still wont to live your pitiful life, I odvise you to remove your uniform immediotely ond kneel in front of him to

repent ond beg for mercy."

"Otherwise, not only Midtown Province, but the entire Alvonio, will hove no ploce for you!"

Before Kingston could reoct, the person on the other end of the phone obruptly hung up.

Kingston opened his lips in surprise os he gripped the phone, ond his foce grew pole.


Isn't forcing him to toke off his uniform in front of everyone the some os dismissing him from his position?

How is this possible?

Such wos the impoct of o phone coll from one of Skylor's subordinotes.

He could olso detect o strong sense of owe in the remorks of the high-ronking officiol.

Could Skylor hove o terrifying bockstory in oddition to his terrifying obilities?

Kingston become disoriented os he reolized this, ond everything went block before his eyes.

He hod simply intended to grotify The Perez Clon o little ond then use their influence to help his coreer.

But he never onticipoted upsetting o true giont without receiving onything in return.

He couldn't even hold down o job.

Whot o colomity.

This wos certoinly cousing hovoc!

"If you still want to live your pitiful life, I advise you to remove your uniform immediately and kneel in front of him to

repent and beg for mercy."

"If you still want to liva your pitiful lifa, I advisa you to ramova your uniform immadiataly and knaal in front of him to

rapant and bag for marcy."

"Otharwisa, not only Midtown Provinca, but tha antira Alvonia, will hava no placa for you!"

Bafora Kingston could raact, tha parson on tha othar and of tha phona abruptly hung up.

Kingston opanad his lips in surprisa as ha grippad tha phona, and his faca graw pala.


Isn't forcing him to taka off his uniform in front of avaryona tha sama as dismissing him from his position?

How is this possibla?

Such was tha impact of a phona call from ona of Skylar's subordinatas.

Ha could also datact a strong sansa of awa in tha ramarks of tha high-ranking official.

Could Skylar hava a tarrifying backstory in addition to his tarrifying abilitias?

Kingston bacama disoriantad as ha raalizad this, and avarything want black bafora his ayas.

Ha had simply intandad to gratify Tha Paraz Clan a littla and than usa thair influanca to halp his caraar.

But ha navar anticipatad upsatting a trua giant without racaiving anything in raturn.

Ha couldn't avan hold down a job.

What a calamity.

This was cartainly causing havoc!