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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 1100
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Chapter 1100 Let Bianca Forget Her Past

"I'll go and attend to these," Wanda said helplessly and glanced at the patient inside the ward.

The nurse had administered a tranquilizer shot to Bianca. Bianca lay there like a wooden puppet while the nurse

dressed her wounds.

Luke nodded and went inside.

"Where is she hurt?” He asked the nurse.

The nurse answered Luke's question while dressing Bianca's injuries with a bandage. "Most of the wounds are on

the wrists. I've already cleaned them, and she's fine now."

Luke felt a dull ache in his heart when he saw the layers of bandages on her wrists.

"Right, Mr. Crawford, Dr. Osmond asks you to go to her office," the nurse relayed the information from Bianca's


"Alright, I'll go over now." Luke left the ward and went to Dr. Osmond's office.

"You're here, Mr. Crawford," Dr. Osmond said as soon as she saw him come in.

Luke sat down opposite her. They had been discussing Bianca's condition like that for some time now.

"The nurse said that you were looking for me," he said.

"Yes, I want to see you because of what happened earlier today." Dr. Osmond placed a lot of attention on Bianca's

case, not only because of Bianca's elevated status but also because her circumstances were rather unique.

"I watched the security feed, and everything was normal until your wife saw the painting. She became emotionally

disturbed and had self-harm tendencies. I think that she hasn't calmed down enough yet. In my opinion, you

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shouldn't rush her into remembering her past. After all, her biggest obstacle to recovery is her psychological

trauma. We should tend to her trauma first before letting her recollect her past," Dr. Osmond said.

It was normal for a patient's family members to be impatient. Wanda did not do much, and no one had expected

Bianca to react so violently.

"Her trauma is because of her experiences, right?" Luke asked.

"That should be the case." Dr. Osmond nodded. Bianca did not want to talk to anyone. The doctor had used many

methods and could only conclude that Bianca was very afraid of certain things.

For example, she was afraid of men. The doctor had also just found out that she was afraid of certain things in her


"Do you have any way to make her forget what happened in the past nine months?" Luke asked.

"Well..." Dr. Osmond hesitated.

"Yes or no?" Luke asked. His tone of voice turned cold.

Luke's imposing demeanor managed to make Dr. Osmond lower her head, even though she was a psychologist.

"There is a way, but it's practically very difficult," she said.

"Continue." Luke was listening.

"We can suppress a patient's deepest fears by using hypnosis. The memories would not be triggered unless the

patient is faced with another major traumatic incident.

Many case studies have shown that hypnosis helps in helping a patient overcome their fears. However, it's not a

foolproof method. After all, its efficiency greatly relies on the patient's willpower. Some people cannot let go of their

past traumas, and the memories would resurface very quickly even after successful hypnosis," Dr. Osmond said.

"What are the chances of success?"

"According to research, there's a sixty percent chance of success, and many people can live uninterrupted lives for

five years or more. However, there are certain risks to hypnosis. For example, some people's memories might be

buried together with their trauma, and they would wake up to a world that is wholly unfamiliar to them. Also, if the

procedure fails, the patient would suffer double the trauma," Dr. Osmond answered truthfully.

"What do you suggest?" Luke wanted to hear her opinion.

Dr. Osmond smiled and said, "I would suggest that we keep observing her. If her situation doesn't improve in a

month, it's not too late to explore other treatment methods."

Luke did not want to wait without knowing the results. He asked again, "Who is the most famous hypnotist in the


If Bianca suffered, he would suffer too.

In the worst-case scenario, Bianca would have to forget her past.

"As far as I know, the best hypnotist is Professor Tia. She has her unique set of methods, and she rarely fails.

However, she has her own research lab, and not many people get to hire her. Also, Mrs. Crawford shouldn't travel

long distances for the time being," Dr. Osmond said.

"Mm." Luke stood up. "I'll contact her."

All Luke needed was the name. If there were no other options than hypnosis, Luke would hire her no matter what it


After leaving Dr. Osmond's office, Luke went to Johann's office.

Johann was browsing through some medical records when he heard the sound of footsteps. He lifted his head and

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nodded at his visitor. "I've heard all about Sis."

"I want to hire a hypnotist so that she can forget what happened to her in the past months," Luke said as he sat

down on the couch.

Johann frowned. He knew some psychology, but he was not a professional psychologist. "What did Dr. Osmond


"She suggests observing Bianca for another month," Luke replied. He did not want to wait for that long. Every

passing day, something new would trigger Bianca's manic episodes.

Currently, her mental state was extremely frail.

Luke wanted to protect her with all he could, but ironically, she did not want him to approach her.

"I suggest that you follow Dr. Osmond’s advice. You should know that deep hypnosis is very risky,” Johann


"I plan to get in touch with Dr. Tia. Do you have any contacts?" Luke had to plan what he would do in a month.

"Tia?" Johann frowned. "Are you sure you want to look for her? She's very arrogant, and not everyone can hire


Johann knew who Tia was, but his impression of that woman was purely negative.

"She's our best hope," Luke said. He was prepared to pay whatever price she named.

"Indeed." Johann had to admit that Tia was indeed the best in her field, even though he did not like her. He thought

for a while and continued, "I know her, and I've collaborated with her mentor. I can pull some strings if it's
