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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 1893
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Luca nodded and rushed to leave.

She sat in the car and cautiously drove out of the villa.

At that moment, it was already past midnight. The thought of Luke might be facing all sorts of situations in the

hospital made her drive faster as there were not many cars on the road as well.

She rushed to the hospital and rushed to park the car and headed to the main building of the hospital.

Because she had previously enquired that Luke was currently at the emergency department, she then rushed her

way over there.

Percy saw her rushing there and was unable to conceal the anxious look on her face that made him think about it.

'Maybe Luke got lucky out of this accident.'

The instant Luca saw Percy, she rushed to him. "Mr. Mallory, where's Mr. Crawford?"

"He just underwent all the investigations. Now the doctors are in there discussing the management," Percy said.

"Then did the doctors say anything?" Luca asked cautiously. Her heart was racing, afraid she might be hearing bad


Percy shook his head. "The doctor didn't say anything and simply had a serious look on their faces. But rest

assured, all doctors are like that. Besides, I got Johann over to tend to him. It will be fine."

Luca was relieved when she got to know that Johann was involved. She felt relieved knowing he was helping with


"Mr. Mallory, isn't Mr. Crawford working overtime? How did he get himself involved in a road traffic accident...?" she

blurted. She wondered whether it was her overthinking as the moment she met up with Percy, she smelled a strong

stench of liquor.

However, after sniffing it properly, it smelled like antiseptic.

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"Well, there will be times when a man will meet with the unfortunate. You got it, do you?" Percy said.

Luca shook her head. "Can you make it clearer? Are you saying that Luke met with an accident after work?"

"No. Something is bugging him, and he could not think through it. Hence, he dragged me along with Jim to have

alcohol. After drinking, when he was about to leave, he was then knocked down by a few drunk youngsters," Percy

had no choice but to say the truth. Anyway, it was not a bad thing to let her know of Luke's true emotions.

"He's knocked down?" Luca widened her eyes, astonished. 'He was drunk and drove, yet being knocked down?'

Percy knew what she was suspecting and waved his hand helplessly. "Yes. He's knocked down when he's walking on

the sidewalk. Those drunken youngsters thought that driving their motorcycles on the sidewalk would not be an

issue. They didn't expect their speed to be so fast and Luke didn't manage to avoid them. The youngsters couldn't

brake in time so..."

"I got it." Luca kept quiet. 'Will it be that serious after being knocked down by a motorcycle?

'Things might not be serious if the collision wasn't too severe but it's hard to say for sure; things will be


"Have a seat first. The doctors will be out soon," said Percy and got up. "I'll go buy a bottle of water. Do you want?"

"No thanks." Luca thought of asking more in detail, so she could get to know about Luke's condition soon. However,

it seemed that Percy had said everything that he knew.

It would be better if she just sat on the long bench and wait.

After some time, Johann opened the curtain and came out. "Dr. Craw, why are you alone here? Where's Percy?"

Luca immediately got up and looked at him. "He went to buy a bottle of water. Dr. Park, how's Mr. Crawford?"

Johann nodded and was holding onto the report. "Well, you do know medical as well. Then I'll not beat around the

bush. I wouldn't say he's not in a critical state as of now, but I can't say it's not completely serious. He will still need

treatment. So, we can't say with certainty that he's entirely alright. Right now, the thing that I'm most worried about

is his brain."

"What's wrong with his brain?" Luca asked.

Johann pointed at the back of his head and explained, "When he got knocked down, there wasn't any protection. He

fell and immediately lose consciousness. Hence, the CT report did show there is minimal bleeding. However, his

bleeding is not too big of an issue. We need to continue monitoring it. If the area of bleeding didn't expand, later,

the clot will be reabsorbed on its own. Of course, if he's unlucky, and the bleeding continues to expand, we have no

choice but to do an operation to stop the bleeding."

"Alright." Luca's mind went blank when she heard Luke injured his head. She did not know what to do next but just

gave Johann a reply, stunned.

Seeing her in such a state made Johann recall whether he had said too much.

However, Percy had previously ordered him to mention it toward the critical side when he saw Luca. He dared not

do so. It was a fact that Luke was injured but it was not too serious. After giving it a thought, he could only come out

with such an explanation.

Johann cleared his throat and continued, "Don't worry too much. Just think toward the positive side. Everything is

going to be fine."

"I got it. Are there any other issues?” Luca lifted her head to look at him and the worried look in her eyes was

impossible to conceal.

She was worried about Luke. Currently, she could only pray for him to be safe and for nothing to happen.

"Also, he might have a cerebral concussion. It should be fine if we take good care of his head for the next two days.

Also, for his right leg, there are signs of it being fractured. I've briefly heard about the accident. Maybe he was

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squashed by the motorbike, causing his bone to be fractured and it's not a simple fracture. As a doctor, I still

recommend putting a cast over his right leg," Johann said.

"Alright." Luca listened to what Johann had to say and frowned deeper. The things that he said could be healed but

it would have to trouble Luke. Once the cement was applied, it would take at least one month before it could be


For the time being, Luke's mobility would be restricted.

He still had tons of stuff to attend to in the company. 'If I'm leaving, who is going to look after him?'

Johann noticed her frowning and deep in thought. He then added, "We don't need to arrange for him to undergo

any operation. You brought his identity card, right? Just give it to me and I'll have someone settle it. Then, I'll help to

arrange for the cement application."

Luca took out Luke's identity card from her pocket.

Johann received the identity card and held it in his hand. “Then, I shall proceed to apply the cement cast for him.

You may have a seat here first. Once the cement cast is done, he will be transferred up to the ward. Right now, he

is still unconscious. Tonight, it's best if there is someone to keep him company.”

"I'll be the one," Luca said as she was not assured to get other nurses to take care of Luke.

"Alright." Johann looked at Luca's look that was deep in thought and smirked. 'It seemed this time, Luke's wish is

going to come true. This time, it will be after one month later if Luca wants to leave him.'

He returned to the emergency department.

Luca sat on the long bench.

At that moment, Percy was done purchasing water and came over. He gave one of the bottles of water to Luca.

"Dr. Craw, have some water."

"Thanks." Luca took it over and explained to Percy, "Earlier, Dr. Park came out and told me the result."

"How's Luke?" Even though Percy had already known Luke's condition, he still put up an act, pretending not to know

and asked.

Luca blurted everything that Johann said, feeling depressed.