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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2597
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Luke sighed helplessly. It seemed that it was necessary to temporarily transfer a maid over from Crawford Manor.

When she noticed that he did not move, Luca said softly, "The soup won't taste as good once it's cold."

"Give me your hand." Luke held out his palm to motion for her to put her hand in his own.

Luca deliberately handed him her left hand.

Luke was not annoyed. He picked up her right hand, kissed the back of it, and stretched out another hand. "Give me

your right hand too."

Luca blushed. She put her hand in his palm and explained, "I'm fine."

Luke checked the gauze carefully and found no bleeding. He lowered his head slightly and kissed the gauze with his

cold lips.

Luca's fingers curled slightly, and the blush on her face spread.

His affectionate actions pulled at her heartstrings.

The gauze rubbed against Luke's lips, and he let out a long sigh. "You still have to be careful. The maid from

Crawford Manor will come over tomorrow. You don't have to prepare breakfast for the kids. The maid will."

"Mm..." Luca wanted to tell him that there was no need to send the maid over because Aunt Neile had even

prepared pies. All she had to do was put them in the oven.

However, on second thought, she knew that Luke's decision was not in her control, so she could only agree with

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what he said.

Luca pulled out her hand gently and said, "You should eat. I'll go downstairs to eat too."

"Mm, let Aunt Neile do the other things." Luke urged and banned Luca from doing other things.

She replied with a hum. She understood the meaning behind his warm concern.

If she continued to do her own thing and attend to household chores, he would reprimand Aunt Neile.

"I'll go downstairs first," Luca said.

Luke did not want to let her go downstairs so easily, but he was also reluctant to let Luca go hungry.

After Luca left the bedroom, she went downstairs blushing.

The three children were sitting on the sofa watching cartoons. They gathered around her when they saw that she

had come downstairs.

Rainie said with concern, "Ms. Luca, did you hurt your hand?"

"No, it's fine." Luca showed them her right hand and said, "Look, there's no bleeding. The gauze is still white."

"Ms. Luca, you should grab something to eat." Rainie thought to herself that Luca must be hungry after being in the

hospital all day.

"Okay," Luca said and walked into the dining room.

Lanie followed behind her with a hint of concern on his cool face. "Ms. Luca, do you want me to feed you?"

Although these things were not what a little man like him should do, he cared about his mother, so he believed that

it was something that he should do.

Luca was a little surprised and immediately realized Lanie's concern for her. She smiled, shook her head, and said,

"No, I'll be fine. Go watch cartoons. I'll eat with a spoon."

"Ms. Luca..." Lanie was still worried. ‘How can someone who has been using their right hand their whole life get

used to using their left hand?'

A classmate of his was left-handed. His teacher tried to make him write with his right hand, but he still insisted on

using his left hand.

That was because it was easier for him to write with his left hand than his right.

Some mischieveous classmates mimicked him and tried to learn to write with their left hands, but their writing was

indecipherable. As such, he knew that using one's dominant hand was the most agile.

"It's okay, it's easy to use my left hand to maneuver the spoon," Luca said. She walked into the kitchen and took out

a clean spoon.

She knew that Lanie was worried about her, but she did not feel great about letting him feed her.

She sat at the dining table and showed Lanie that she could eat with a spoon in her left hand without any issues.

Lanie sat on the side and saw her using the spoon to drink the soup and put the vegetables and meat in her mouth.

He knew then that she was not faking it.

Her left hand was just as nimble.

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"Look, it's not difficult at all. Don't worry and go watch cartoons," Luca said. She had received the relevant training

on the Island of Despair, so her left hand was more agile compared to others.

She had no problem eating with a spoon at all.

Not only spoons, but she felt that she would have no problem using a fork and a knife to eat as well.

She would use her right hand to block the knife because the position she wanted to pinch was on the left. As such,

she could only use her left hand to pinch and her right hand to block the knife.

Lanie nodded and knew that it was impolite to sit here and watch her eat, so he left the dining room and went back

to the living room to watch cartoons with his younger siblings.


Luke was dealing with work when the police department called.

"What's the matter?" Luke glanced at the caller ID and found that it was the police chief calling.

"Mr. Crawford, is Ms. Craw with you?" the police chief asked. He knew that Luca had an unusual relationship with

Luke, so he called Luke before he reached out to Luca.

"Is there something wrong?" Luke did not intend for the police chief to bother Luca.

"Well, the prisoner who was caught today kept complaining that he has a stomach ache. My colleague checked him

and found nothing wrong with him. He said that Ms. Craw pinched him once and it's been hurting since. I just want

to ask Ms. Craw if she knows what's going on," the police chief said.