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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2657
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Gale could not help but ask with curiosity, “Boss, are you picking up someone from the airport?"

“We're going there to stop someone from leaving," replied Luke.

Gale understood at once. He knew that Luke was on a call with the police not long ago. He was probably heading to

the airport to stop Matysh. "Alright, Boss. Do we need to bring more men with us?"

"The police will be arresting him. We're heading there to be onlookers." Luke's eyes darkened. He was not planning

to get himself involved in the police's arrest.

However, if the police failed to catch Matysh, Gale and Rain could help.

"Got it, Boss. I'll have a few men arranged in front of the airport security to wait for him," replied Gale as he

immediately understood what Luke meant.

Gale and Rain would follow Luke to the airport. Their main purpose was to watch them, and those men who were

guarding the airport would also stop Matysh from escaping.

"Okay." Luke hung up the call.

He continued to go through the document.

There was a soft knock on the door, and Luke said, "Come in."

Aunt Neile gently pushed the door open and reminded Luke, "Mr. Crawford, it's time for dinner."

"Is Luca back yet?" asked Luke.

"Ms. Craw just came back. She's checking the kids' homework downstairs," Aunt Neile replied happily. Then, she

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noticed Luke was still looking at the computer screen. She asked, "Mr. Crawford, do you need me to bring your

dinner upstairs?"

"It's okay. I'll go downstairs to have dinner after I finish reading the document. Tell them to have dinner first." Luke

turned the page. He could not keep the kids waiting with an empty stomach, but he assumed that he needed ten

more minutes to finish going through the document before he could have dinner.

"Alright, Mr. Crawford." Aunt Neile turned around and headed downstairs.

When Aunt Neile came down to the first floor, Luca looked up and asked, "Is Mr. Crawford coming down for dinner?"

"Yes. Mr. Crawford said he'll be coming down later. He told me to ask the kids to have dinner first. Ms. Craw, should

I serve dinner so that you and the kids can have dinner first?" Aunt Neile asked for her opinion.

"Sure." Luca nodded. Even though she wanted to wait for Luke, she could not bear to see the kids go hungry.

Luca came home late today, but the kids insisted on waiting for her to return and have dinner with her. That was

why they were having dinner later than usual.

The kids were already starving when she was checking Tommy's homework for him.

Luca got to Lanie's homework and confirmed that there was no problem with it. She placed it on the table. Then,

she said to the three kids, “You must be hungry. Let's have dinner."

"Alright, Ms. Luca." The three of them walked into the dining room together.

After they sat down at the table, they waited for Aunt Neile and the maid to serve dinner.

Tommy was hungry. Thus, he looked more gluttonous than usual as he watched Aunt Neile serve every dish on the


Luca noticed that and reminded the children, "No matter how late your father and I, you have to eat your dinner on

time. Don't repeat what you did today, waiting for me to come back with empty stomachs."

Rainie looked at Luca, who had a stern expression on her face, and replied, "Ms. Luca, we want to have dinner with

you. Besides, we had some refreshments when we came back from school. We're not that hungry."

"Yes. We're not really that hungry." Tommy agreed with her.

It was just that the kids could not hide their thoughts and Luca could see through them very clearly. Then, she said,

"You'll have to maintain a good habit of having your dinner on time, okay? Are you going to eat fruits later after

having dinner? Won't you feel stuffed when you go to bed later?"

Tommy shifted his eyes and thought what Luca said made sense.

However, the kids put that all together really fast. They immediately thought of a solution to solve the problem.

"Ms. Luca, we won't have to eat a lot for dinner. That way, we won't feel stuffed after we have fruits later!"

Luca did not know whether to laugh or cry when she saw how quick-witted the kids were.

Aunt Neile and the maid served all the dishes on the dining table and said to them, "Ms. Luca, Young Master

Blanche, Ms. Rainie, Young Master Tommy, dinner is served. You may have your dinner now."

"Thank you, Aunt Neile," Luca and the three kids happened to reply to her at the same time.

Aunt Neile returned to the kitchen.

Rainie glanced at Luca, who was eating her dinner with one hand. She asked thoughtfully, "Ms. Luca, when will you

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be able to remove the stitches?"

"Probably within these two days," answered Luca. She could feel that her wound was almost healed, but she had to

see how it was after changing the dressing.

If her wound was almost healed after changing the dressing tonight, she would head to the hospital to remove the

stitches tomorrow.

Lanie, who had been quiet, piped in, "The medical book states that it takes at least seven days to remove the

stitches. Ms. Luca, it's not even seven days yet."

Lanie was even counting the days for Luca.

When he heard Luca say that she would be removing the stitches in these two days, he was worried Luca was being

too hasty.

Her wound would get infected easily if she removed the stitches when the wound was not healed yet.

"The knowledge in medical books is usually based on clinical experiences. Some patients have poor selfhealing

ability, and their cells have poor regeneration ability. They might need ten days to heal before they can remove the

stitches, but some people heal faster. They don't need seven days for their wounds to heal. Sometimes, they can

remove the stitches on the fourth day or the fifth day. Besides, the size and depth of the wound will affect how long

the stitches stay in. So, there's no uniform standard for this," Luca explained to Luca while having her dinner.

Tommy asked, “Ms. Luca, are you someone who can heal faster than others?”