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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 928
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Chapter 928 Public Display Of Affection

Harvey added an ice cube to Hera's drink. "Babe you’re not enjoying it the way it should be enjoyed. Whiskey is best

drunk neat. Forget it, I'll add some ice for you. I don't want you to get drunk."

He had no intention of carrying her home.

Hera took another sip of her drink. The whiskey was diluted with ice cubes and tasted much better now. She was

annoyed with Harvey and thought to herself, 'Sure enough, this is what you'd expect from people that come from

new money. Money can't buy class and taste. This is so much better with ice.'

If it were not for his thick wallet, Hera would not be bothered to entertain him. He did not have the looks nor the

body. Worst of all, he was terrible in bed.

Harvey reached out his hand to grab her waist, kissed her, and asked," Babe, I didn't expect your classmate's scoop

to be worth so much."

Hera thought that there would be a negotiation. She did not expect the other party to make such a big deal.

"She's a prime example of rich but brainless." She mocked Maxine, forgetting that she was bootlicking her just a

moment ago.

Harvey was curious and asked, "What do you have on your classmate?" "Why are you so curious about this?" Hera

remembered that when they were abroad, Harvey's gaze had been locked on Bianca. He even wanted to make a

move on her...

She pushed down her annoyance and said coquettishly, "Harvey, don't tell me that you still think about that

woman? You got lucky that Luke Crawford didn’t do anything to you last time."

Harvey felt chills running down his back when he thought of Luke's frightening gaze.

He muttered, "I’m not thinking about that woman! What’s so good about her? I was thinking about whether your

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scoop would lead to a fallout between Luke and that woman."

Hera smiled and said nothing.

Harvey was familiar with that smile. He squinted his eyes and asked, "Baby, you're not fooling that woman, are


Of course, Hera would not admit it. She dug deeper into her lie and said," I'm not trying to fool anyone. What I told

her did happen, but I don't have evidence. What she asked for is the scoop on Bianca, she didn't ask for evidence."

Harvey nodded and thought that there was logic in what she said, but he got worried again. "If that woman does

something to Bianca, Luke will come after you..."

Hera's expression changed. 'Does he think that he's not a part of this?' "Harvey, you're being silly. If Luke wants to

hold someone accountable, he'll go after the woman, not me." She remembered that Maxine Douglas was first in

the line of fire if anything were to happen and felt at ease.

If Luke did some digging, he would only find out about Maxine.

She had nothing to be afraid of. When the sky fell, Maxine would be there to take the brunt of it.

Harvey could not say anything.

If something happened, Luke would launch an investigation and find out about Hera. If that was the case, Luke

might even hurt him...

Harvey made up his mind.

Influencers like Hera were everywhere. Although he was her first, he would never ruin himself for her.

He was rich, so he could get any woman he wanted.

The two of them were plotting for themselves and drank without saying anything.

The next day.

Bianca got up with Luke's support. After resting for a whole day, she felt her body was recovering. She was gaining

strength and her head no longer felt dizzy.

Johann came over, checked on her, and cleaned the wound on her forehead.

Bianca saw the two stitches on her forehead. The black stitches were inlaid in the skin. She thought that it looked


"It's ugly." She sighed and said, "Please wrap it up, I don't want to scare the kids."

Tommy and Rainie would wail if they saw her wound.

Luke touched the side of her forehead and said, "You're not ugly."

Johann chuckled slightly at the sight of their public display of affection.

He was quick in bandaging the wound and did it neatly. "My stitching skills have not regressed. As long as you keep

to a healthy diet, there won't be a scar." "I trust you." Bianca smiled slightly, held up the mirror, and looked at her

bandaged wound.

She was not worried about having a scar, she just did not want to scare her children.

Johann packed his equipment as he spoke, "Don't worry, you’ll be fine. You can move around as normal. However,

the weather is getting warmer. It's best not to exercise vigorously for the time being to avoid sweating. It’ll affect

the healing of the wound." "Got it." Bianca put down the mirror, glanced at Luke, and asked, "By the way, how’s

Miss Riley?"

Johann replied, "Riley has her demons to deal with. She’s suffering from PTSD, but her condition is not too serious.

As long as she's being treated, it won’t develop into depression. She’ll eventually recover from the physical and

psychological trauma." "When can she have a chat with the police?" Luke asked.

He knew that as long as Riley's matter was not resolved, Bianca would never be relieved.

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Although she did not say anything, Luke knew that she was anxious and afraid.

He wanted to resolve the matter quickly so that Bianca could be happy.

"Give it another two days. I'll continue to counsel her,” Johann said with a smile.

After chatting with Riley for more than an hour yesterday, he found that Riley only hinted that she liked Xavier but

there may be more underneath it.

She grew up in a poor single-parent family. When she was in technical school, she ran away from her family.

Growing up in an environment as such, she lacked love and money. When Xavier appeared in her life and expressed

his interest in her, she immediately agreed.

She knew it was a business deal, but to make herself feel better, she would lie to herself thinking that she did love

Xavier and she was with him not because of his money.

Over time, she thought she loved Xavier.

After what happened, she could not accept the reality of it because Xavier often talked to her about how wonderful

their lives would be after their child was born.

Riley had attached great importance to this child. After she found out that their child did not survive, she was

unable to accept the reality.

The absence of the child was equivalent to the absence of Xavier.

Her happy life would disappear along with it.

Therefore, when Bianca told her that Xavier had disappeared after her operation, Riley lost it and began to behave


She thought that as long as she explained to Xavier what had happened that night, he would be understanding and

the two would be as happy as they were before.

Johann was now slowly helping her realize that she was an independent individual and did not have to be attached

to Xavier.

However, this could not be rushed. Otherwise, all of his previous efforts would be as good as gone.

"I want to see her, can I?" Bianca asked.

Luke disagreed, worried that Riley would hurt her. "Bea..."