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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 117
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Chapter: 117

After they chatted for a while longer, Ivan hung up the phone.

Ariana contemplated over this for a long time, but she still couldn’t wrap her head around it. She

glanced at the time and realized it was already noon. She quickly packed up and headed downstairs for


When Ariana passed the reception desk, she was suddenly stopped by a colleague.

“Wait, Ariana. There’s a package for you here.” The receptionist turned, picked up an exquisitely

wrapped box from the chair, and handed it to Ariana.

Ariana looked at the package skeptically. She hadn’t bought anything recently. How could there be a

package for her?

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“Who is it from?” Ariana asked the receptionist.

“I don’t know. There’s no name on it.” @

Ariana had moved to open the bow ribbon on the box, but her hands paused in hesitation. She didn’t

know if she was being paranoid, but after Brielle received the chicken head last time, Ariana couldn’t

help but feel apprehensive about what could be inside.

The receptionist saw her reaction and backed away slowly as if there might be a bomb in the box. She

peeked at Ariana nervously, waiting for her to open it.

After taking a deep breath to steady her nerves and mentally prepare herself, Ariana pulled off the

ribbon and yanked the lid off quickly.

To her surprise, there was a luxurious lilac dress folded inside. The fabric looked soft and lovely and

glittered gently in the light.

The receptionist gasped in delight and exclaimed, “What a beautiful dress!”

Her excited voice caught the attention of nearby colleagues, who came over to see what the fuss was

about. They were all surprised to see the dress.

“I know this! This is RVK’s latest line, a high-end dress design by Eamon. It’s so exclusive that many of

the stars of our company can’t even borrow clothes from this brand.”

“But this style looks different from the one in their show. Is it customized?”

“It is customized. Do you see the logo? There’s an extra flower pattern on it than there was on the

dress in the show.”

“Customized tailor is expensive to purchase even for the rich. Ariana, who gave this to you? It’s


Everyone was in awe, chattering about it. They were all well-versed in the industry. They studied and

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told everything about this dress in a matter of seconds.

Afraid of being the topic of gossip, Ariana quickly found an excuse. “I borrowed it for Sarah.”

When they heard the dress was for Sarah, their morbid curiosity transformed into admiration for Ariana.

It was a designer dress that even major stars couldn’t get. Ariana was able to borrow it when she had

only started her career as an agent at such a young age!

Keener people began to flatter Ariana and question her about her background.

Ariana could feel the heat rising to her face from all the attention. Embarrassed, she excused herself

quickly, shut and grabbed the box, and hurried back to her office. She pried the box open and

rummaged through it, pushing the folds of the gorgeous dress aside. Under it, she found a card.

The card was in a gilded, smooth envelope. It looked like an invitation, but there was nothing written on

it. Nothing, except the small steel seal with the letter “H” in the corner. @

Ariana frowned at the envelope. Right at that moment, a notification sound pinged, and she looked at

her phone on the table. It was a friend request.