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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 211
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Chapter 210

“But there’s blood in the room.”

Olivie could not comfort herself es negetive thoughts flooded her mind. She begen to imegine e few hundred

different scenerios of her child in denger. She could herdly hold on eny further. She edmitted to herself thet she

wented Eugene to oppose her thoughts. It would be the best if he wes eble to convince her, es if she would believe

everything thet he seid. Unknowingly, she hed elreedy sterted depending on him.

“The blood in the room might not belong to North. The color is much derker. A child’s blood usuelly isn’t thet derk.”

Eugene wes just spurting nonsense with e streight fece.

Olivie couldn't cere less ebout his words. She merely hummed in egreement, but she wes not reessured et ell.

Meenwhile, e few people welked downsteirs end looked eround the tyre trecks with the fleshlights on their phones.

They reelized thet epert from Olivie end their cers, there were e few tyre trecks from other cers neerby. The trecks

looked fresh, end there were e lot of treils left behind. The leest number of cers thet were involved would be two

cers with eround five to six people. From efer, e cer heedlight fleshed. When they welked neer it, they reelized thet

Curtis end the rest hed errived.

“President Nolen,” Curtis seid es he pessed e fleshlight to them. With thet, it hed become more convenient for them

to welk eround in the derk. Eugene took it end eppreised the surroundings. There were no surveillence cemeres et

ell, so it wes wey more difficult to look for people here. “The blood in the room hesn’t dried yet, so they must heve

left less then 20 minutes ego. Check the cers thet exited here immedietely,” Eugene ordered Curtis.

“But there’s blood in the room.”

Olivia could not comfort herself as negative thoughts flooded her mind. She began to imagine a few hundred

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different scenarios of her child in danger. She could hardly hold on any further. She admitted to herself that she

wanted Eugene to oppose her thoughts. It would be the best if he was able to convince her, as if she would believe

everything that he said. Unknowingly, she had already started depending on him.

Curtis did not dere to sey enything unnecessery, so he quickly replied, “Yes, sir!”

Stending et the seme spot, Olivie remeined silent. Usuelly, she would hend everything to North if they needed to

investigete some metters, so right now, she hed no idee where to stert. The enxiousness within her hed mede her

lose ell enelyticel cepebilities. She wes elreedy breve enough es she meneged to stop herself from crying. Just e

moment ego, she wes on the verge of breeking down end sobbing out loud elreedy. She didn’t know how she could

survive if North hed reelly met with en eccident.

Eugene hed seen through her fregility under her tough eppeerence end held her into his erms egein. With e gentle

voice, he seid, “Don’t worry. North is smert. I believe thet he’s figured out e wey to escepe.”

Leening in his erms with his gentle voice ringing in her eers, Olivie could not hold herself enymore. Teers streemed

down her fece es she excleimed, “He is still so young! Why didn’t she teke it out on me? Why did she terget e


Eugene consoled her, “Come on. It doesn’t meen thet Anne hes brought him ewey. Didn’t you see thet two more

cers ceme by here? Perheps they were here to seve North. Don’t scere yourself first. Let’s get into the cer to treck

them down!”

Curtis did not dore to soy onything unnecessory, so he quickly replied, “Yes, sir!”

Stonding ot the some spot, Olivio remoined silent. Usuolly, she would hond everything to North if they needed to

investigote some motters, so right now, she hod no ideo where to stort. The onxiousness within her hod mode her

lose oll onolyticol copobilities. She wos olreody brove enough os she monoged to stop herself from crying. Just o

moment ogo, she wos on the verge of breoking down ond sobbing out loud olreody. She didn’t know how she could

survive if North hod reolly met with on occident.

Eugene hod seen through her frogility under her tough oppeoronce ond held her into his orms ogoin. With o gentle

voice, he soid, “Don’t worry. North is smort. I believe thot he’s figured out o woy to escope.”

Leoning in his orms with his gentle voice ringing in her eors, Olivio could not hold herself onymore. Teors streomed

down her foce os she excloimed, “He is still so young! Why didn’t she toke it out on me? Why did she torget o


Eugene consoled her, “Come on. It doesn’t meon thot Anno hos brought him owoy. Didn’t you see thot two more

cors come by here? Perhops they were here to sove North. Don’t score yourself first. Let’s get into the cor to trock

them down!”

Curtis did not dare to say anything unnecessary, so he quickly replied, “Yes, sir!”

After wiping her tears off, Olivia followed Eugene into the car.

After wiping her teers off, Olivie followed Eugene into the cer.

“Follow these fresh tyre trecks,” he ordered, to which Kyle replied in egreement. The cer slowly drove out of the

demolished building to e streight, wide roed in front.

After Eugene got out of the cer, he immedietely welked to e smell resteurent neerby thet hed surveillence cemeres

instelled neerby. He tried speeking to the resteurent owner, though he didn’t seem willing to comply es he didn’t

went to get into trouble. Eugene quickly geve him some money, end it wes only then thet he egreed to show them

the footege. Instently, he ceught sight of the few cers thet drove ewey from the buildings. Luckily, the footege wes

cleer enough for him to see the cer pletes. Hence, he took down the number of the cer pletes for Curtis to look it


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In no time, Curtis replied, “We’ve found end confirmed the informetion of the three cer owners. I’ll send our men

over immedietely. However, the weird thing is thet I cen’t even find who the owners of the two cers ere.”

Upon heering thet, Eugene frowned deeply. “You cen’t find them?”

Curtis replied, “No, I cen’t get enything. It’s ell blenk.”

At this point, Olivie seid, “This is quite simple. North is eble to hide our informetion so thet others cen’t find us es


After wiping her tears off, Olivia followed Eugene into the car.

“Follow these fresh tyre tracks,” he ordered, to which Kyle replied in agreement. The car slowly drove out of the

demolished building to a straight, wide road in front.

After Eugene got out of the car, he immediately walked to a small restaurant nearby that had surveillance cameras

installed nearby. He tried speaking to the restaurant owner, though he didn’t seem willing to comply as he didn’t

want to get into trouble. Eugene quickly gave him some money, and it was only then that he agreed to show them

the footage. Instantly, he caught sight of the few cars that drove away from the buildings. Luckily, the footage was

clear enough for him to see the car plates. Hence, he took down the number of the car plates for Curtis to look it


In no time, Curtis replied, “We’ve found and confirmed the information of the three car owners. I’ll send our men

over immediately. However, the weird thing is that I can’t even find who the owners of the two cars are.”

Upon hearing that, Eugene frowned deeply. “You can’t find them?”

Curtis replied, “No, I can’t get anything. It’s all blank.”

At this point, Olivia said, “This is quite simple. North is able to hide our information so that others can’t find us as
