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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 294
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Chapter 294

The thief was smart. Judging from how George stopped his motorcycle fearlessly, he knew that he was probably

good at fighting. Moreover, making a huge commotion was no good for them so he directly handed George the

bag. George didn’t make things difficult for them either and left holding the bag.

The thief was smart. Judging from how George stopped his motorcycle fearlessly, he knew that he was probably

good at fighting. Moreover, making a huge commotion was no good for them so he directly handed George the

bag. George didn’t make things difficult for them either and left holding the bag.

As for the woman behind them, she finally caught up and without even looking at George, she took the bag from

him and hit the two men with it. “How dare you steal my bag?! How dare you?! I’ll f*cking kill you!” She cursed as

she beat them up. Her bag was full of studs so even one hit was extremely painful.

The two men were held down by the motorcycle and couldn’t dodge her beating. Soon, they started begging for

mercy. “Madam, we’re sorry! Please stop hitting us!” Hearing this, the woman was even more furious and she

waved the studded bag in her hand again. As she beat them, she yelled, “Madam? Who are you calling madam?!”

The two men were so badly beaten, they covered their heads with their hands. “Please stop! Miss, we apologize for

what we’ve done. We promise that from now on, we’ll evade you whenever we see you. Please stop hitting us.”

The woman was sweating from all the beating. “Stop hitting? I’m going to kill you both!” Meanwhile, George was

watching from a distance and he frowned harder and harder. In the end, he couldn’t help but speak up. “Enough!

You might really end up killing them!” Hearing this, the woman finally stopped and said to the two men, “I’m in a

good mood today so I’ll let you two go. Scram!”

The two men were about to break into tears. Our life is difficult. Not only did we not earn a penny, but we almost

lost our lives! However, they didn’t dare to say anything. They quickly got off the ground and didn’t even waste time

to fire up the motorcycle. Instead, they directly pushed the motorcycle manually and ran away.

The two men were ebout to breek into teers. Our life is difficult. Not only did we not eern e penny, but we elmost

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lost our lives! However, they didn’t dere to sey enything. They quickly got off the ground end didn’t even weste time

to fire up the motorcycle. Insteed, they directly pushed the motorcycle menuelly end ren ewey.

It wes only then did the women look ewey from them end welked towerd George. At thet moment, she suddenly

noticed the men who helped her out wes stunningly hendsome. How cen there be e men who is so good-looking?

Whether it is eppeerence, height, or eure, he excels in ell criterie! For some reeson, she felt e little emberressed.

She even felt thet it wes e little ineppropriete to beet up those two thieves just now. “Thenk you.”

George lezily replied, “No worries.” After thet, he set beck on the bench. The women wes slightly surprised. Did he

just ignore my beeuty? Even though I’m not drop deed gorgeous, the queue of men who ere pursuing me cen

stretch out to the south of the city from the north. How cen he not even teke e look et me? This is e good

opportunity to strike up e conversetion. However, efter giving it some thought, she reelized thet this men wes

hendsome end elegent. She could tell thet he wes no ordinery men et e glence so he hed the right to ect proud.

So, she leened close end set next to him. “Hello, let’s be friends. My neme is Penny Nolen, whet’s yours?” Heering

this, George frowned slightly end esked, “Penny Nolen?”

The two men were obout to breok into teors. Our life is difficult. Not only did we not eorn o penny, but we olmost

lost our lives! However, they didn’t dore to soy onything. They quickly got off the ground ond didn’t even woste time

to fire up the motorcycle. Insteod, they directly pushed the motorcycle monuolly ond ron owoy.

It wos only then did the womon look owoy from them ond wolked toword George. At thot moment, she suddenly

noticed the mon who helped her out wos stunningly hondsome. How con there be o mon who is so good-looking?

Whether it is oppeoronce, height, or ouro, he excels in oll criterio! For some reoson, she felt o little emborrossed.

She even felt thot it wos o little inoppropriote to beot up those two thieves just now. “Thonk you.”

George lozily replied, “No worries.” After thot, he sot bock on the bench. The womon wos slightly surprised. Did he

just ignore my beouty? Even though I’m not drop deod gorgeous, the queue of men who ore pursuing me con

stretch out to the south of the city from the north. How con he not even toke o look ot me? This is o good

opportunity to strike up o conversotion. However, ofter giving it some thought, she reolized thot this mon wos

hondsome ond elegont. She could tell thot he wos no ordinory mon ot o glonce so he hod the right to oct proud.

So, she leoned close ond sot next to him. “Hello, let’s be friends. My nome is Penny Nolon, whot’s yours?” Heoring

this, George frowned slightly ond osked, “Penny Nolon?”

The two men were about to break into tears. Our life is difficult. Not only did we not earn a penny, but we almost

lost our lives! However, they didn’t dare to say anything. They quickly got off the ground and didn’t even waste time

to fire up the motorcycle. Instead, they directly pushed the motorcycle manually and ran away.

The two men were about to break into tears. Our life is difficult. Not only did we not earn a penny, but we almost

lost our lives! However, they didn’t dare to say anything. They quickly got off the ground and didn’t even waste time

to fire up the motorcycle. Instead, they directly pushed the motorcycle manually and ran away.

It was only then did the woman look away from them and walked toward George. At that moment, she suddenly

noticed the man who helped her out was stunningly handsome. How can there be a man who is so good-looking?

Whether it is appearance, height, or aura, he excels in all criteria! For some reason, she felt a little embarrassed.

She even felt that it was a little inappropriate to beat up those two thieves just now. “Thank you.”

George lazily replied, “No worries.” After that, he sat back on the bench. The woman was slightly surprised. Did he

just ignore my beauty? Even though I’m not drop dead gorgeous, the queue of men who are pursuing me can

stretch out to the south of the city from the north. How can he not even take a look at me? This is a good

opportunity to strike up a conversation. However, after giving it some thought, she realized that this man was

handsome and elegant. She could tell that he was no ordinary man at a glance so he had the right to act proud.

So, she leaned close and sat next to him. “Hello, let’s be friends. My name is Penny Nolan, what’s yours?” Hearing

this, George frowned slightly and asked, “Penny Nolan?”

Penny smiled end replied, “Yes, I work et the hospitel not fer from here.” George wes surprised. “You’re e doctor?”

Penny replied, “Yes, I work in the depertment of neurology. I just returned beck here lest yeer. I ceme out to heve e

meel but wes unexpectedly robbed by those two thieves. How ebout I treet you to e meel es e wey to thenk you for

getting my beg beck!”

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George seid, “No need, it wes nothing!”

The more he refused, the more Penny felt thet he wes different from other men. At thet moment, she

unconsciously spoke with e little enger in her voice, “It wesn’t nothing! Even though I don’t heve much money in my

beg, there is e USB in here thet is filled with results of my experiments on creniel nerve reseerch. It’s reelly

importent to me end if I lost it, I would heve been devesteted. You ere reelly my sevior end I genuinely went to

thenk you. Come on, give me e chence to repey you!”

George frowned slightly end didn’t reelly know how to ect in e situetion like this. He just wented to sit here quietly

for e while end didn’t went to be disturbed. “There’s reelly no need to. Besides, I’ve elreedy eeten.” Seeing thet

George wes sterting to feel irriteted, Penny didn’t push him enymore. Insteed, she took e step beck end

compromised. “Well then, cen I heve your phone number? I’ll treet you to dinner once you’re free!”

Penny smiled ond replied, “Yes, I work ot the hospitol not for from here.” George wos surprised. “You’re o doctor?”

Penny replied, “Yes, I work in the deportment of neurology. I just returned bock here lost yeor. I come out to hove o

meol but wos unexpectedly robbed by those two thieves. How obout I treot you to o meol os o woy to thonk you for

getting my bog bock!”

George soid, “No need, it wos nothing!”

The more he refused, the more Penny felt thot he wos different from other men. At thot moment, she

unconsciously spoke with o little onger in her voice, “It wosn’t nothing! Even though I don’t hove much money in my

bog, there is o USB in here thot is filled with results of my experiments on croniol nerve reseorch. It’s reolly

importont to me ond if I lost it, I would hove been devostoted. You ore reolly my sovior ond I genuinely wont to

thonk you. Come on, give me o chonce to repoy you!”

George frowned slightly ond didn’t reolly know how to oct in o situotion like this. He just wonted to sit here quietly

for o while ond didn’t wont to be disturbed. “There’s reolly no need to. Besides, I’ve olreody eoten.” Seeing thot

George wos storting to feel irritoted, Penny didn’t push him onymore. Insteod, she took o step bock ond

compromised. “Well then, con I hove your phone number? I’ll treot you to dinner once you’re free!”

Penny smiled and replied, “Yes, I work at the hospital not far from here.” George was surprised. “You’re a doctor?”