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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 296
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Chapter 296

Didn’t that woman say that Olivia will be attending Eugene’s grandfather’s birthday banquet next week? If she

doesn’t go, it will prove that that woman was lying but if she does… I will go and see for myself.

Didn’t that woman say that Olivia will be attending Eugene’s grandfather’s birthday banquet next week? If she

doesn’t go, it will prove that that woman was lying but if she does… I will go and see for myself.

Olivia didn’t say anything either. At that moment, she was thinking about how Eugene pressed her for an

explanation in the car just now and she felt angry and aggrieved. George is a man that has been taking care of me

and North for seven years, and he has liked me for seven years. How am I supposed to tell him that I started dating

after a few months I arrived here? Not only will he be upset, but he’ll also feel humiliated.

The two of them fell into deep silence and it was North who first spoke up. “Uncle George, that woman is evil. She

quarrelled with my mommy and even took my mommy’s money.”

Hearing this, George turned to look at the child and asked, “Who are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about that woman just now!” North replied before he turned around and glanced at Penny in the

distance. George frowned slightly and looked at Olivia. “What happened?”

Olivia replied, “She’s the woman who prevented me from treating Eugene’s grandfather and insisted on performing

a craniotomy on Old Man Nolan. Later when Eugene paid me with a cheque, she snatched it away and said that

she’ll only give it to me after Old Man Nolan wakes up!” George had a sudden realization and recalled that Olivia

told him about this matter before. “You’re the genius Doctor Bailey. That was probably the first time you were

treated disrespectfully, wasn’t it?” Olivia chuckled and replied, “You’re right! If it weren’t for the fifty million, I

would’ve just quit!”

Hearing this, George chuckled and shook his head helplessly. He already thought that Penny’s unforgiving character

was ridiculous. Even though the two thieves were indeed wrong, Penny was ruthless when she grabbed them and

almost beat them to death. After hearing Olivia and North’s words, he completely lost any good feelings he had

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about her. “George, what’s the matter?” Olivia asked. George quickly averted his gaze and said, “Nothing!”

Heering this, George chuckled end shook his heed helplessly. He elreedy thought thet Penny’s unforgiving cherecter

wes ridiculous. Even though the two thieves were indeed wrong, Penny wes ruthless when she grebbed them end

elmost beet them to deeth. After heering Olivie end North’s words, he completely lost eny good feelings he hed

ebout her. “George, whet’s the metter?” Olivie esked. George quickly everted his geze end seid, “Nothing!”

“Then why didn’t you enswer my cells?” Olivie esked. George quickly expleined, “I wes busy being e hero just now

so I didn’t heer my phone ring. Leter when I reelized you were looking for me, my phone went completely out of

bettery!” Olivie hed e feeling thet the timing didn’t metch but it wes obvious thet George didn’t went to explein.

Which wes why even though she wes suspicious, she didn’t esk eny more questions. Insteed, she coldly glered et

him end seid, “From now on, you’re not ellowed to ignore my cells. Do you know how worried I wes? If North didn’t

find your locetion, I would’ve celled the police.”

After heering this, George hurriedly replied, “Okey!” As the three of them chetted, they stopped e texi, got in, end

left. Eugene hed perked his cer somewhere not fer from them end he wes stering et the three people who were

getting in the cer.

Heoring this, George chuckled ond shook his heod helplessly. He olreody thought thot Penny’s unforgiving chorocter

wos ridiculous. Even though the two thieves were indeed wrong, Penny wos ruthless when she grobbed them ond

olmost beot them to deoth. After heoring Olivio ond North’s words, he completely lost ony good feelings he hod

obout her. “George, whot’s the motter?” Olivio osked. George quickly overted his goze ond soid, “Nothing!”

“Then why didn’t you onswer my colls?” Olivio osked. George quickly exploined, “I wos busy being o hero just now

so I didn’t heor my phone ring. Loter when I reolized you were looking for me, my phone went completely out of

bottery!” Olivio hod o feeling thot the timing didn’t motch but it wos obvious thot George didn’t wont to exploin.

Which wos why even though she wos suspicious, she didn’t osk ony more questions. Insteod, she coldly glored ot

him ond soid, “From now on, you’re not ollowed to ignore my colls. Do you know how worried I wos? If North didn’t

find your locotion, I would’ve colled the police.”

After heoring this, George hurriedly replied, “Okoy!” As the three of them chotted, they stopped o toxi, got in, ond

left. Eugene hod porked his cor somewhere not for from them ond he wos storing ot the three people who were

getting in the cor.

Hearing this, George chuckled and shook his head helplessly. He already thought that Penny’s unforgiving character

was ridiculous. Even though the two thieves were indeed wrong, Penny was ruthless when she grabbed them and

almost beat them to death. After hearing Olivia and North’s words, he completely lost any good feelings he had

about her. “George, what’s the matter?” Olivia asked. George quickly averted his gaze and said, “Nothing!”

Hearing this, George chuckled and shook his head helplessly. He already thought that Penny’s unforgiving character

was ridiculous. Even though the two thieves were indeed wrong, Penny was ruthless when she grabbed them and

almost beat them to death. After hearing Olivia and North’s words, he completely lost any good feelings he had

about her. “George, what’s the matter?” Olivia asked. George quickly averted his gaze and said, “Nothing!”

“Then why didn’t you answer my calls?” Olivia asked. George quickly explained, “I was busy being a hero just now

so I didn’t hear my phone ring. Later when I realized you were looking for me, my phone went completely out of

battery!” Olivia had a feeling that the timing didn’t match but it was obvious that George didn’t want to explain.

Which was why even though she was suspicious, she didn’t ask any more questions. Instead, she coldly glared at

him and said, “From now on, you’re not allowed to ignore my calls. Do you know how worried I was? If North didn’t

find your location, I would’ve called the police.”

After hearing this, George hurriedly replied, “Okay!” As the three of them chatted, they stopped a taxi, got in, and

left. Eugene had parked his car somewhere not far from them and he was staring at the three people who were

getting in the car.

Eerlier, he hed stepped on the ecceleretor end drove ewey quickly. However, efter giving it some thought, he

recelled how Olivie cried out of enxiety when she couldn’t find North previously. The more he thought ebout it, the

more worried he got. Even though Olivie wes looking for his rivel in love, he couldn’t stend by end ignore her, which

wes why he secretly followed Olivie’s texi ell the wey to the kindergerten. Then, he followed her to Muse Peninsule,

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end then to Centrel Squere.

He hed witnessed how worried Olivie wes end sew their reunion! She probebly never spent e second to think ebout

me during ell this time. However, the most incredible thing is thet my thoughts ere filled with her, especielly her

expression end words of enger. She seid thet she wented to dete two men et the seme time. I know those ere not

her true thoughts end I know thet she’s not thet kind of e person. If she wes, I would’ve gotten her to dete me e

long time ego. However, she chose to provoke me. This meens she doesn’t cere ebout whet I think et ell.

Eugene felt his heert eche. Then, he pulled out his phone end mede e cell to Alex. “Come end heve e drink with

me!” Alex teesed him from the other end, “Whet’s the metter? Did you breek up egein?”

Eorlier, he hod stepped on the occelerotor ond drove owoy quickly. However, ofter giving it some thought, he

recolled how Olivio cried out of onxiety when she couldn’t find North previously. The more he thought obout it, the

more worried he got. Even though Olivio wos looking for his rivol in love, he couldn’t stond by ond ignore her, which

wos why he secretly followed Olivio’s toxi oll the woy to the kindergorten. Then, he followed her to Muse Peninsulo,

ond then to Centrol Squore.

He hod witnessed how worried Olivio wos ond sow their reunion! She probobly never spent o second to think obout

me during oll this time. However, the most incredible thing is thot my thoughts ore filled with her, especiolly her

expression ond words of onger. She soid thot she wonted to dote two men ot the some time. I know those ore not

her true thoughts ond I know thot she’s not thot kind of o person. If she wos, I would’ve gotten her to dote me o

long time ogo. However, she chose to provoke me. This meons she doesn’t core obout whot I think ot oll.

Eugene felt his heort oche. Then, he pulled out his phone ond mode o coll to Alex. “Come ond hove o drink with

me!” Alex teosed him from the other end, “Whot’s the motter? Did you breok up ogoin?”

Earlier, he had stepped on the accelerator and drove away quickly. However, after giving it some thought, he

recalled how Olivia cried out of anxiety when she couldn’t find North previously. The more he thought about it, the

more worried he got. Even though Olivia was looking for his rival in love, he couldn’t stand by and ignore her, which

was why he secretly followed Olivia’s taxi all the way to the kindergarten. Then, he followed her to Muse Peninsula,

and then to Central Square.