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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chapter 206
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Chapter 206

“Let go of me!” Natalie cried out, the pain becoming unbearable as she fought to free herself from his grip. But

Brian lifted her off her feet with a single swoop and pinned her harshly against the elevator’s handrail.

The handrail perfectly leveled with Brian's waist. Natalie was half-seated on it, trapped between him and the

cold metal.

“Can’t you be reasonable for once, Brian?” Natalie's heart pounded, her voice a mix of fear and defiance.

If she had answered the phone, Brian wouldn't have cornered her like this!

He discovered too late that Davis had taken it upon himself to announce their supposed love to the whole town

with a grand gesture of hot air balloons. And the first thing he did after finding out was call her, desperate to

explain, terrified she’d get the wrong idea, while she was casually strolling around Gayin’s company, seemingly


Natalie grappled against his hold, the heat emanating from his body was overwhelming. Brian's arm tightened

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around her waist, his grip leaving no room for resistance, while his other hand seized her slender leg.

Fear truly set in for Natalie. She had seen Brian's anger before, and it was nothing she wanted to experience


“Brian, please don’t do this!” she pleaded, fright shimmering in her eyes.

“I'll do as | please without your guidance!” he hissed back at Natalie, teeth clenched in fury.

“Don’t...” Her words were barely a whisper, her shand anger turning into tears that flowed as she begged

him for mercy.

What had she done to deserve this punishment? It seemed nothing she did was right. Whether she obeyed or

not, his wrath was inescapable.

Brian didn’t realize Natalie was crying until he tasted the saltiness of her tears,

He paused, looking at her, her once neatly arranged hair then a tousled mess, her neck marked red from his

earlier anger, softly crying and pleading for forgiveness. “It’s my fault...”

Natalie showed him her fear for the first time, trembling so much that it shook her entire frame.

Taking a deep breath, Brian suddenly felt like a complete jerk.

It was the Howard family’s mess, yet he had taken it all out on her.

After a moment, his arms relaxed, and he pulled her into his arms, offering a silent apology.

Still shaken, Natalie couldn't stop the tremors that ran through her.

Brian was, beyond a doubt, a total bastard.



Chapter 206

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His heart tightened as he felt the dampness from her tears soaking into his chest.

After stime, Natalie regained her composure, dried her tears, and gently pushed him away. She then

pressed the button to open the elevator door and stepped out without a word.

Rosie was waiting in the garage, where Natalie had a change of clothes in the car.

Brian watched her retreating before finally moving to follow her.

Natalie felt a coat draped over her shoulders but didn’t resist, continuing toward the spot Rosie had told her she

had parked.

Before she could get far, Brian suddenly scooped her up from behind and carried her to his car, which was

parked nearby, depositing Natalie in the backseat.

“Listen to me,” he said as he let her go, each word sharp and clear. “I am not going to marry Gracia, no matter


Natalie had neither the energy to fight nor the desire to argue any further, feeling utterly drained in body and
