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Wooing My Ex-Wife by Mr. Adeel

Chapter 215
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Chapter 215 Congratulations

As much as Elven felt sympathy for her, he still had to drag her back to reality. “Please return to your

senses, Ms. Harris. Mr. Wright is gone. His ashes are buried in Fairlake’s cemetery. You visited him

countless times over the past six months. Don’t you remember?”

Gwendolyn froze while self-doubt settled on her countenance.

“Please stop torturing yourself, Ms. Harris. Mr. Wright’s never coming back, so just let it go. Your eyes

were just playing tricks on you!” While speaking, he resisted the urge to sob.

He’s right. Why would someone who’s been dead for half a year show up here? I must’ve gone mad…

Tears welled in Gwendolyn’s eyes as she clutched her heart. This hurts so much… I feel like I’m


Affected by her sorrow, Elven teared up too. “You’re drunk, Ms. Harris. Let’s go. William and the others

have booked hotel rooms for us. Let’s return early to rest.”

Gwendolyn slumped weakly like a deflated balloon after getting her hopes up for nothing.

After what happened, she was no longer in the mood to stay at the gathering. Thus, she took up

Elven’s suggestion and returned to the hotel.

Just as they headed downstairs, Nico stepped out of another elevator and casually ambled into the VIP

room furthest down the corridor.

Upon arriving at her hotel room, Gwendolyn entered the bathroom and turned the water flow setting to


The water was scalding, but she felt cold because her heart had gone numb.

She hoped the shower would help her pull herself together as her tears joined the hot water.

In her mind, she kept telling herself that Maverick had died for her and would never return.

Standing outside Gwendolyn’s room, William and Ezra were still wondering about the expression she

had when she returned. “Wasn’t Ms. Harris’ mood still stable when she attended the gathering? Why

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did she look like that when she came back? What happened?”

Elven sighed. “She got drunk and saw someone with a similar figure to Mr. Wright, which reminded her

of her loss.”

The others sighed in unison upon hearing that.

The next day, when Gwendolyn woke up, she had regained her senses.

After setting her terrible mood from yesterday aside, she returned to the Harris residence.

The ancestor of the Harris family had bought the entire Mount Tranquil, located on Salinsburgh’s

outskirts. Thus, the humongous Harris residence was surrounded by nature and had an incredible view

of the area all year round.

Gwendolyn’s uncles, Gideon and Hector, lived in buildings located halfway up the mountain. Even so,

she ignored them and drove straight to Marcus’ residence at the top.

Leif, the Harris family’s butler, was already waiting for her at the villa entrance.

Upon witnessing her arrival, he swiftly approached her vehicle and opened the door for her. “You’re

finally back, Ms. Gwendolyn. Mr. Marcus missed you. He’s waiting for you in his study.”

“Okay. Thanks for your hard work, Leif,” replied Gwendolyn.

Her words flattered him. “It’s nothing, Ms. Gwendolyn.” Then he turned and noticed the bodyguards

weren’t carrying anything. “Why didn’t you bring any luggage with you, Ms. Gwendolyn?”

She responded, “I’m only here to visit my father. I’m not staying.” Too many awful people are living

here. I doubt I’ll be able to sleep at night.

Just as she arrived at the door, she heard someone descending the stairs in high heels.

It was Lorelai, wearing a limited-edition, skin-tight, yellow dress and delicate makeup. Every step she

took was graceful.

She seemed more like Gwendolyn’s sister than her stepmother, as she was thirty years old and took

great care of her skin.

Gwendolyn peered at Lorelai coldly when the latter made eye contact with her. Seconds later, she

looked away and headed upstairs.

Displeased, Lorelai furrowed her eyebrows and blocked Gwendolyn’s path. “You’re not even going to

greet me? It seems like you’ve forgotten your manners in the years you weren’t around, Ms. Harris. I

should’ve expected nothing less from someone who spent years in an orphanage.”

Instead of being provoked, Gwendolyn grinned. “You really think you’re the lady of the house after

staying here for a long time, huh? Do you really think you’re worthy of my respect?”

Glaring at Gwendolyn viciously, Lorelai gritted her teeth. “Why not? I’m technically your mother!”

Gwendolyn tutted arrogantly. “Don’t you feel disgusted calling yourself my mother, even though you’re

only three years older than me?”

Then, she whispered next to Lorelai’s ear. “You should cherish your current wealthy life. After all, I’ll be

inheriting all the Harris family’s assets while you’ll be getting kicked out.”

“You!” exclaimed Lorelai furiously. Even though it has been years, she’s still as arrogant as before! I

want to tear her mouth apart!

Suddenly, a thought entered her mind, calming her down.

She smiled smugly. “I should congratulate you. You see, Old Mr. Jenson paid us a visit last night, and

your father has agreed to his marriage proposal. You’re getting married again.”

“What?” Gwendolyn’s expression shifted. “My father engaged me to someone? How can he do this

without asking me about it?”

Lorelai lifted her chin haughtily. “You should ask him that yourself.”

With a scowl, Gwendolyn bolted to the study instead of arguing with Lorelai.

Lorelai was delighted to see that.

I heard the eldest grandson of the Jenson family is a cruel man with a temper. Old Mr. Jenson tried

forcing women to his bed, but they all left the room unconscious, carried out by others. Some of them

even have injuries on their bodies. I bet he has a habit of torturing women. Additionally, his face is said

to have been ruined on the battlefield, turning him hideous. Covering her mouth, she snickered. It’ll be

satisfying to see that little b*tch marry a man like that! xo.com fast update

In a jubilant mood, she strolled into the kitchen to see if her food was ready.

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Gwendolyn’s rage built up during her short journey to the study.

Before she could utter any questions, she saw the white-bearded, weathered-face Marcus in a


When he saw her, tears of joy welled in his eyes. “Come over here, Honey. Let me take a look at you.

Did you get thinner?”

A complex range of emotions surged within Gwendolyn as she moved to squat next to his wheelchair.

“What’s wrong with your legs, Dad? I remember you doing fine before I left.”

Marcus smiled. “I’m an old man now, Gwendolyn. It’s normal for me to have issues with my body. I

missed you every day. Now that you’re back, can you stay in the Harris residence and keep me


Gwendolyn’s heart wrenched at his words while she massaged his legs. “Okay, I’ll stay here, but not

often. You know Lorelai and I don’t get along with each other.”

“She’s your stepmother.”

“She is not! If you bring it up again, I’ll get angry!”

“Okay, okay, I won’t do it again.” Gazing at her lovingly, he touched her face with his wrinkled hand.

He proceeded to ask her about how she had been doing.

Both of them conversed harmoniously.

Suddenly, Gwendolyn recalled the matter Lorelai mentioned. “Earlier, that woman told me you engaged

me to someone. Is that true?”

Well, since she already knows about it… Marcus answered, “Yes, it’s true. Last night, Old Mr. Jenson

came asking about it, and I agreed to it. His eldest grandson, Cedrick Jenson, is a pretty good man. I

like him. He…”

Not a single praise Marcus had for Cedrick entered her ears.

In fact, she fell into a deep thought. Cedrick! Why is it him again? Did I piss someone off? Why does

his name keep showing up around me? I hate it!